Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 659 A Premeditated Murder Case?

Chapter 659 A Premeditated Murder?

The door of the study room was not closed, Tong Sisi walked in with a fruit platter, saw Qin Mu making a phone call to the social window, she stood at the door and did not go in.Until Qin Mu turned his head and saw her, his eyes were gentle and he beckoned her to come in.

Tong Sisi didn't make a lot of noise, sat on the mahogany chair and waited for the call to end. She took a bite of an apple from the fruit plate, sat next to her, and stretched her arms to the back of the chair behind Tong Sisi.

"Did I bother you?"

"No. Take a look at this first." Qin Mu handed her a contract document he had brought over and motioned for her to open it.

"Entrusting an agent?" I opened it with a little confusion, and the content inside was specially made for Jiang Tao's case.Because of insufficient evidence, Jiang Tao was sent back. During this period, all affairs were represented by Song Wei. Song Wei must have signed a contract with Brother Mu.

Why is there another one now.

Qin Mu put his arms around her shoulders, didn't hide anything from her, looked at her and said, "Do you still remember that I told you that I investigated Jin Xiangyan?"

Tong Sisi nodded.

"I suspect him."

"You made an appointment to meet with me several times, but he refused with various reasons. Few businessmen who want to get deeper in City A will refuse the opportunity to make friends with me, and he is the only one who counts on his fingers." Qin Mu's eyes deepened: "I'm afraid...he is someone sent by Qin Huang's competitors to get close to you, or he himself. I have never seen the real person, and although the photos I found are different from Lan Jin himself , but the possibility of fraud is not ruled out."

After seeing the photos, Tong Sisi compared the photos of Lan Jin and Jin Xiangyan, and then thought about Jin Xiangyan's appearance, and always felt that there was something awkward about Jin Xiangyan in the photos, which couldn't be said.

Jin Xiangyan had saved himself, but he had also helped him in other ways, and he often said that they were cleared up.

People should be kind, but if they are so kind that they have no teeth, they are weak and incompetent.

Compared to Jin Xiangyan, Tong Sisi of course chose Brother Mu who believed in her.

Asked what he wanted to do by himself, Brother Mu said, "Don't bother. Didn't he say that you can ask him to handle Jiang Tao's case at any time? Just take this contract and ask him to sign it."

"And then?" Is this the end?
Qin Muyang smiled, stroked the hair on the back of her head, then pulled it over and kissed her forehead, "I'll tell you when you come back with the signed contract."

I went to Shanyan Law Firm the next day.

"Officer Tong, do you have an appointment with our lawyer Jin?"

"He asked me to wait for him here." After Tong Sisi replied, the legal assistant led her into Jin Xiangyan's office, and then the assistant poured her a cup of coffee.

Tong Sisi put her hands on her lap, and when the assistant closed the door and went out, she looked around the office. There was a monitor on the corner behind the executive desk, and the camera just pointed at the executive desk to the side of the sofa.

The thought of going around the house to find some evidence was in vain.

Tong Sisi waited for a long time, but it was the paralegal assistant who was waiting.

"I'm sorry, Police Officer Tong. Attorney Jin called just now and said that something happened to him and he couldn't make it back. If you have something important, I can hand it to him for you." The assistant glanced at the document in her hand.

Tong Sisi stood up holding the thing, "Then I'll give it to him another day."

I told her on the phone that I could come to see her in half an hour, but I waited for four or 10 minutes until I couldn't make it back, and I didn't call her directly.

She didn't understand at first, but when she came out of Shanyan Law Firm, the Rolls-Royce parked on the opposite side of the road honked its horn. When Tong Sisi looked over, she saw that the rear window of the car was half down, and Brother Mu was sitting inside.

At this moment, she seemed to suddenly want to understand something.

"Brother Mu, why did you come here?" After Tong Sisi got in, Xiao Cheng in front drove away.

Qin Mu's eyes darkened, and he said, "I made double preparations, but it seems that we were all put together. You can call him in the evening and try. This time you come alone, and you must ask him to sign."

"Okay." Recalling some previous details, Tong Sisi suddenly found that there were indeed many suspicious things about Jin Xiangyan, such as knowing a lot, and frequent coincidences.

There are too many coincidences again and again, and it is not a coincidence.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Jin Xiangyan took the initiative to contact her, but Brother Mu was not with her at that time.

Tong Sisi walked away from Fan Fan, took the phone and walked to a place where no one was around.

"Brother Jin, you are back. I went to find you in the morning."

Jin Xiangyan said in a very apologetic tone, "I'm sorry, Sisi, the car was blocked on the road after getting off the plane. I missed the appointment in the morning, so I'll treat you to dinner tonight and apologize?"

Someone rang herself from behind, Tong Sisi turned her head and gestured to wait, and then said to the phone: "You don't need to eat, can I see you when I get off work, I want to talk to you about a commissioned case."

Jin Xiangyan readily agreed this time, and said that if he missed the appointment again, he would have no match for the rest of his life.Finally made an appointment with time and place, hung up the phone and walked back to the conference room.

Everyone reviewed the case of Sun Chaoyang's wife and children, and found that they had been focusing too much on Jiang Tao, and they might have missed more valuable evidence.

Fan Fan later decided to send two people in shifts to keep an eye on Jiang Tao and report his movements every day, and then assigned all the police forces to other places.Before Sun Zhaoyang gained power, he offended many people, and there were also some people who wanted to retaliate at this time.

"You don't need to pay too much attention to those famous companies in the direction of investigation. When Sun Chaoyang is in power, he can't reach them, and he can't offend them. No matter how fierce the means in the mall are, it's impossible to get involved in such a bad thing as murder. So when checking, check whether Sun Chaoyang had any serious disputes with the company's subordinates, or with relatives and friends in the past."

Xiao Liu raised his hand, "That's still Jiang Tao. Sun's company used to belong to Jiang's family. After Jiang Tao's parents died, Sun Chaoyang took advantage of his siblings to snatch the company over. Jiang Shan died. Jiang Tao is the only one with the biggest motivation."

Brother Yang tapped his pen on his head, "Who said that when Jiang Shan died, there would be no one else. What if there is an infatuated man who avenges Jiang Shan and the Jiang family. There are quite a few perverts like this."

When he spoke, the entire conference room fell silent, and everyone's eyes fell on Brother Yang.

Brother Yang was sweating, he laughed and said, "It's just a joke."

"No, I think Brother Yang's analysis is right." Tong Sisi tapped the pen on the table with a serious expression, "Have we found any more evidence of murder from Jiang Tao? Jiang Shan who died. As far as I know, Jiang Shan almost married into the Qin family, but died in a car accident on the day of receiving the certificate."

"If we assume that Sun Chaoyang is at odds with Jiang Shan and has always wanted to take back his family's company, then marrying into the Qin family, and with the help of the Qin family, it will be easy to get the company back. Sun Zhaoyang was afraid, and secretly It's not out of the question to arrange a fatal car accident."

"Jiang Shan was young, beautiful and temperamental. She had many suitors in school, including infatuated ones. What if there were suitors who had been lurking for six years and carefully planned this premeditated murder case? Then we now It’s just entering a blind spot and being led by the nose.”

After Tong Sisi finished her analysis logically, when she looked up, everyone looked at her strangely.

Fan Fan sat on top of her, looking at her dumbfounded, "President Qin is your fiancé now, is it really okay for you to just bring your fiancé in?"

Tong Sisi sat up and said decisively: "Back then, the relationship between my brother Mu and Jiang Shan is well known. If he knew that Sun Chaoyang killed Jiang Shan, he would only kill Sun Chaoyang and not implicate other people. , let alone a woman or a child. Besides, my brother Mu doesn't like sticky hands, if he really wants Sun Chaoyang to die, he will die in prison on a serious charge."

In short, it was very easy for her brother Mu to kill Sun Chaoyang, even easier than crushing an ant.

She, Brother Mu, finds it troublesome to come to kill people, push people downstairs and so on.

Hearing this, everyone found something to cover their faces, and Fan Fan helplessly covered his forehead.

Brother Mu really won't beat this girl to death.

This is the police station, but Qin Mu's violence is publicized everywhere, is it really okay?

But it is undeniable that Tong Sisi's analysis is not wrong. The living person has traced everything that should be traced, but there is no progress at all. It is absurd to check Jiang Shan's past and friendship.

When it was time to get off work, Fan Fan came out of his office looking at his watch in a hurry. When he passed by, Tong Sisi pulled him back, but saw that he looked very anxious.

So he asked him curiously, "What are you doing in such a hurry, don't you have to work overtime?"

Fan Fan didn't want to say it at first, because thinking about it gave him a headache, so he said with a sad face: "My parents are here, and they called me when they arrived at the station..."

Tong Sisi's eyes widened, "This is a sudden parachute! Your relationship with Chu Wei... the second elder must know about it, right?"

Their friends knew about the relationship between Fan Fan and Chu Wei, but no one mentioned it face to face. Tong Sisi's question made Fan Fan blush, and he was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.

Can it be said that he was once a boy from a good family, but in the end he was no match for the evil forces?

Forget it, talking about it is just a brief explanation of how he and Chu Wei are tossing together.

Tong Sisi drove to the appointment location, but did not notice that the red fox's car had been following far away.

The red fox received an order from Qin Mu halfway, telling him not to keep up.I am afraid that Jin Xiangyan will not show up after the red fox is exposed, and the primary goal tonight is to get the signed contract.

This time Jin Xiangyan arrived first, and he pulled a chair for her in a gentlemanly manner.

Tong Sisi thanked her, took out the contract and pushed it in front of Jin Xiangyan, and got straight to the point.

"Brother Jin, I want you to be Jiang Tao's defense lawyer."

Jin Xiangyan looked at her, "Isn't Jiang Tao already released?" Looking at the contract, there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "Didn't Qin Mu find a lawyer for you?"

"The lawyer that Brother Mu hired went abroad after completing his defense, and now he has other cases in hand and can't come back, so I can only come to you. Jiang Tao has not been cleared of his charges and still needs a criminal defender Lawyer, he will be subpoenaed soon and may need a professional lawyer."

"So you thought of me?"

"I can't think of anyone else but you."

The smile on Jin Xiangyan's lips deepened, he turned to the last page of the contract, and stretched out his hand, "Have you brought your pen?"

Tong Sisi quickly took out a pen from her bag and handed it to him. He turned it around in his hand, but the dark color inside could not be seen through his downcast eyes.

When he signed it, he signed it with his left hand. The cursive script is very powerful, smooth and natural. It can be seen that this handwriting has been practiced for many years.

When she took the contract back, she looked at it carefully, and then asked without any trace: "Brother Jin, your handwriting is really beautiful, and you still write with your left hand. How many years have you been practicing?"

Jin Xiangyan smiled: "For eight years, I have been left-handed since I was a child, just like those of you who hold chopsticks and pens in your left hand. My right hand is weak."

After sitting for a while, Tong Sisi said she was going to leave. Jin Xiangyan told her to wait a while, then went to the front desk to check out, and handed the card to the cashier. The waiter just happened to bring a packaged cake and was about to deliver it.

Jin Xiangyan stopped him and asked for the cake box, holding it in his left hand.

The cashier turns to the pos machine to "enter your password."

Jin Xiangyan entered the password with his right hand, the cashier gave him the printed slip and handed him a pen, Jin Xiangyan put the cake box on the cashier counter, freed his left hand to sign, then picked up the cake box and left go back.

The cashier glanced at his back, walked to the empty locker room with his mobile phone, and made a call.

"Assistant Xiao, I saw with my own eyes that he signed with his left hand. Okay, I'll take a photo and send it to you."

Xiao Cheng showed Qin Mu the photo on his phone, Qin Mu looked at it for a while, took out an English novel with a sense of time, turned to the cover, there was a signature in the lower corner of the first page, and the English bookmark had a Chinese character , and it was the name Lan Jin who signed it.

The signature of the bill in the photo is in a different style from the signature on the page, and they don't fit together at all.

Xiao Cheng tried to ask, "Otherwise, I'll find someone to match with."

Qin Mu closed the paper and said in a low voice, "I don't need it for now, I'll take a look at it when Sisi gets back the signed contract."

When Jin Xiangyan sent her to the car, he handed the cake box in his hand into the car window, "I didn't eat any food when I came out with me, so you can take this cake back, you can fill your stomach if you are hungry."

Seeing his sincere and warm smile, Tong Sisi accepted it complicatedly and thanked him.

She glanced at the box on the co-pilot, recalling Jin Xiangyan's gentle smile just now, she was shaken by that gentle smile several times.But when he calmed down, he had to admit that Jin Xiangyan's appearance was very inductive.

On the one hand, he hoped that he and Brother Mu were thinking too much, and on the other hand, he prayed that Jin Xiangyan would never really approach him with a purpose.

Back in the prosperous age, Tong Sisi took the signed contract to the secretary, sat on the table in vain, and the three gathered together to look at the three signatures on the table. The two signed by Jin Xiangyan really matched the signature on the page. If you go together, you can tell at a glance that it is not from the hands of two people.

Tong Sisi said that he saw Jin Xiangyan sign it with his own eyes.

 Good night everyone, touch big~
(End of this chapter)

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