Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 680 The ferryman will be severely punished for any mistake he makes in the human world

Chapter 680 The ferryman will be severely punished for any mistake he makes in the human world

Tong Sisi's current mind is not suitable for thinking about problems. After thinking about the beginning, she forgets the end, and the more she thinks about it, the more tired she becomes, so she simply handed over the nine-color flower bracelet on her wrist to Qin Mu, and lay down to sleep again after eating past.

Qin Mu stayed with him for a while, put the bracelet in his pocket and went to Bai Bai's bedroom.

Bai Bai didn't know when he woke up, he was obediently lying on the bed, pressing his feet into his mouth.He didn't stop when he saw Qin Mu coming in, and he leaned over with big innocent and cute eyes.

This kind of whiteness has never been seen before. The black belly and wisdom fade away, and he is a lively and active child.But there are also three-year-old children who still eat with their feet.

Sometimes Qin Mu thinks it's good.

Let Bai Bai go through the baby period that he has never experienced again, and let him and Sisi love him well during this period.

He walked over with light steps, and became vigilant in vain, turned over and crawled into the bed, still yelling in a panic, "What, what..."

The four short legs crawled very fast, and then they opened the quilt and wrapped themselves in it. The quilt covered their head, only revealing a pair of black grape eyes.

With a smile in his eyes, Qin Mu stood at a safe distance acceptable to the little guy, bent down, put his hands on his knees, looked at him with gentle eyes, and said seductively, "Bai Bai, I'm Dad. It's yours." Dad Qin Mu, your name is Qin Sichen."

Bai Bai blinked, staring at him vigilantly, and didn't think of anything because of his words.

To him, Qin Mu was still a strange existence.

Qin Mu sighed in his heart, and bent his lips, "Don't be afraid if you have nothing to do, Dad will take your time with you."

Facing Bai Bai, who is only one year old with IQ, Qin Mu used unprecedented patience to talk to Bai Bai here. Although he was the only one talking, Bai Bai didn't even move a nest, but in his opinion There has been great progress.

At least they crawled around in fright when they saw him, yelling.

For an hour, Qin Mu was in the study, with the nine-color flower bracelet on the table in front of him.

Sisi said it was a magic weapon, Jiu gave it to her at the beginning, so that she could help her in a critical moment, and it only needed a drop of her blood to wake it up.

He was reluctant to pierce his daughter-in-law's finger, because he didn't know if he could do it.

Thinking of this, he took a needle and stabbed it towards the belly of his index finger, squeezed out a drop of blood and smeared it on the bracelet, then took out a piece of paper and pressed it on his hand, his eyes fell but there was no movement.

When Qin Mu was about to frown, the nine-colored light burst out instantly. He had seen this string of bracelets shining brightly before, but it was not as bright as it is now. It filled the whole study with bright colors.

His sight was not affected, and he watched Executor Nine hurriedly walk out of the room.

As the light gate disappeared, Jiu's eyes moved from the bracelet on the table to his finger pressing the white paper "..."

Just now when he was dealing with official duties in the first hall, he suddenly received a heavy blow to his soul. If he hadn't reacted quickly to protect his soul, he might really be broken up.

Afterwards, he felt the aura of King Qin Guang's Mianxia, ​​and Jiu rushed over with his still unstable soul, only to find out that Mianxia summoned him in this way.

Jiu couldn't help but laugh, this was lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot.

Sisi is just a person, but his crown is different, he is a god, how can his blood be offended by his own little underworld?
Qin Muzhi crumpled into a ball and threw it into the trash can, "I thought it wouldn't work."

"..." Jiu Youku couldn't tell, and asked respectfully, "I don't know why President Qin summoned me."

"I want to trouble you with a small matter." Afterwards, Qin Mu talked about the small matter, embarrassing Jiu.

Is that a small thing?

This is the leader breaking discipline!
But Mianxia is one of the highest rulers of the underworld, and what he talks about is the rules.

Jiu sighed, "It's not that I don't want to help you. In fact, that place is not something I can go to alone. If I go to get it, I'm afraid you are the only one who will not be affected by it."

... Tong Xiaohua stared at the calendar on the phone for a long time, counted the days, her face suddenly became a little nervous, and then she took the bag to a nearby pharmacy, and took a pregnancy test with a blushing face Stick to checkout.

Seeing that she was nervous, the little nurse smiled slightly, and two red clouds instantly climbed onto Tong Xiaohua's cheeks.

Putting away the change and leaving the pharmacy in a hurry, she met someone at the door that made her face change drastically.

Tong Xiaohua pursed her lips and was very angry, "Bai Yi, is it interesting for you to follow me every day! I told you, what happened that day was an accident! I'm already married, there is no possibility for us!"

Bai Yi didn't answer her question. He glanced at the pharmacy where she came out, and his eyes fell on her, "Are you feeling unwell? Don't take medicine indiscriminately. I'll take you to the hospital."

"..." Tong Xiaohua pursed her lips, unable to hide her anger, "Whether I am in good health or not has nothing to do with you, please stay away from me in the future, I feel bad when I see you!"

Tong Xiaohua bumped away from his shoulder and walked away from him.

Bai Yi stood there for a while, then walked into the pharmacy where Xiao Hua had just come out, and stood in front of the little nurse.

"Ask, what kind of medicine did the girl who just left buy?"

The little nurse smiled and said, "Just now I saw you and your girlfriend arguing outside, you have to let her out more, pregnant women are less emotional, and boyfriends should be more considerate."

"..." Bai Yi walked out of the pharmacy, the words that the little nurse said just now lingered in his ears, and then he couldn't help but think about that night.

Xiao Hua is pregnant, she is pregnant.

Ten minutes later, Tong Xiaohua stood in front of the bathroom mirror holding a two-strip pregnancy test stick, her eyes turned red with excitement.She is really pregnant!

The happiest thing for a woman is to marry the man she loves and have a few babies for him.

Xiaohua put her hands on her belly which was still flat and felt nothing, thinking of how hard Xiang Yan was asking for herself last night, wondering if it would affect the baby, Tong Xiaohua, a new mother, was very nervous.

I can't wait to tell Xiang Yan the good news, and I want to go to the hospital with him for a B-ultrasound!
Tong Xiaohua couldn't help but call Jin Xiangyan, but his assistant answered the call even though he got through.Tell Tong Xiaohua that Mr. Jin is on a business trip and will not be able to return home until evening.

"Then please tell him, I have something very important to tell Xiang Yan, you must remind him to come back at night. Thank you..."

Before I could say a complete thank you, the phone hung up.

Tong Xiaohua held the mobile phone in a daze for a long time before coming out of the bathroom.Sitting on the bed and swiping the phone, but found that the trending search has changed.

The key word is Yu Second Aunt, and the apprentice Xiaoxing has risen to the top two.

Previously, the hot searches about Tong Sisi on the Internet remained high for a whole week, and the word Tong Sisi dominated the top lists on multiple platforms, but no matter how netizens criticized her, it was impossible for the person involved not to show up.

The former address and police station of Jiayuan Community are still watched by netizens, but Tong Sisi has not shown up for several days.

But at noon that day, the news on the Internet suddenly turned. Two major events happened in City A. Aunt Yu's apprentice, Xiao Xing, was injured and hospitalized. He recorded a VCR, saying that he was attacked by ghosts at home.

At first, the turmoil turned to Tong Sisi's side. Everyone thought that she had a deep enmity with Second Aunt Yu, so they took her apprentice under the knife.

Xiaoxing's head was covered with gauze, and she was sitting on the bed of the ward with the medical equipment belt behind her. She looked at the camera with dull eyes and said, "I didn't want to tell this, because the master was also seriously injured. , unconscious at the moment, the doctor couldn’t find out the cause of the disease and directly ordered us to prepare for the next life. I was brought up by my master, and she treated me with great kindness. I couldn’t do anything and just watched her go like this So I found a brother from the same school as Master, and he said that Master was actually lowered by someone. The man has superb spells, and the kid he raised is also very powerful. Even the uncle is helpless. I don’t want to see Master helplessly I was killed. I hope everyone can help me force Miss Tong out. I am here to thank everyone."

In just a few minutes, hundreds of thousands of reposts were made.

Xiaoxing raised her head, tilted her head and said to the person standing beside the hospital bed, "Did my uncle and master really want me to say that? Didn't she say that she has a way to deal with Tong Sisi?"

Chu Wei winked at the professional dubber.

The dubbing man pressed his fingers on a small sound wave converter on his neck, "Your master told me this. She said that the help of netizens is indispensable to give Tong Sisi a fatal blow. Next, I will transfer you to another hospital, or wait for a while." It’s not good to be recognized by the hospital where you live, so please give me your mobile phone first, if a reporter calls, I’ll answer it for you, you just need to rest well.”

"Okay uncle, thank you." Xiaoxing obediently handed out the phone.

A few minutes later, Chu Wei and the others took Xiaoxing to Qin's Hospital and set aside a VIP ward for her. The doctors and nurses guarding her were all dressed up as Qin Bing. If anyone wanted to take Xiaoxing away from here ?
Absolutely impossible!
Just when the VCR spread on the Internet and the noise reached its peak, Second Aunt Yu was discussing with Jia Sheng at home how to snatch Bai Bai from Tong Sisi and the others, when the doorbell rang.

Second Aunt Yu glanced at Jia Sheng, and then manipulated the electric wheelchair to open the door with her fingers.Because she was sitting at a height that could not reach the cat's eye, Second Aunt Yu didn't even look at it, she just opened the door and faced a group of reporters outside.

Seeing Second Aunt Yu knocking on the door by herself, the camera clicked on her continuously.

Second Aunt Yu turned around with her head covered, confused about the situation, "You guys are..."

The microphone in the reporter's hand was lifted up, and they scrambled to ask, "Second Aunt Yu, your apprentice said that you were lying in bed with no medicine, and that you were caused by a little ghost raised by Ms. Tong. Why are you still doing well now? Sit here."

"Is it your apprentice talking nonsense, or you didn't expect the press conference to come to the door, so you came to open the door by yourself!"

Second Aunt Yu was thrown over by one question after another, a little caught off guard, but she also noticed that the targeted question just now was a major media invested by Zhaohua.

"Sorry, I don't accept interviews. I will go to my apprentice to confirm the questions you asked..." Before Second Aunt Yu could finish speaking, the wheelchair was turned around, and a group of people pushed her into the room forcibly.

Second Aunt Yu's face turned livid, "You guys are breaking into a private house!"

"Second Aunt Yu, this is the door you opened for us, not to mention we just want to interview you."

"Why do you want your apprentice to record a VCR like that when you are sitting here? Do you want to use this to hit Ms. Tong? As mages, do you also have competition? How far has your relationship with Ms. Tong progressed? Well, please tell us."

"That day you announced to the press conference that Ms. Tong raised ghosts and harmed people, but we got the news that Mrs. Qin was not in good health many years ago. The next critical illness notice. How do you explain this!"

Second Aunt Yu pursed her lips tightly, and did not answer a single question when she was pressed.

It's not that I don't answer, but that I can't answer.

She didn't know what kind of VCR Xiaoxing had uploaded. If she said something here that didn't match with that, the situation would be even worse.

Second Aunt Yu looked disheartened, looking through the reporters surrounding her and falling behind, Jia Sheng, who was leaning on the railing of the stairs with his chest in his arms, looked enthusiastically.

Second Aunt Yu gritted her teeth and resisted, occasionally returning a few words to the reporter but was blocked by the next question.

"Everyone, please believe me! With decades of credibility, I guarantee that everything I said before is true. My apprentice has lost contact with me. I don't know where she is now. Xiao Xing must have been used by someone. Wait for the investigation I will give you an explanation when I understand it!"

Standing outside the window, Mu Tianyang, who had been paying attention to what was going on inside, suddenly sneered twice.

"There are so many of us who have done things this far, how can we let it be whitewashed?"

Shen Guang, who was beside him who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his finger and pointed inward, which was exactly where the stairs were.

Mu Tianyang looked in his direction, but saw nothing.

Shen Guang said solemnly, "The code name of the Underworld Ferryman is 3611, why is he here?"

"Who?" Mu Tianyang didn't see anything.

Shen Guang didn't hide it from him, Shen Guang didn't have yin and yang eyes like Tong Sisi, but they could see each other as they crossed.

Mu Tianyang thought for a while and asked, "What's his name?"

"Jia Sheng."

"There must be a demon when he appears at Second Aunt's place. Wait a moment." Mu Tianyang took out his mobile phone, dialed Qin Mu, and told him the situation here, and finally said, "Do you know this guy named Jia Sheng?" The ferryman?"

Hearing this name, Qin Mu stood up, switched the phone to his left hand, glanced at Tong Sisi and walked to the balcony.

His expression turned gloomy in an instant, and a flame burst from the bottom of his gray eyes, "I recognize it, how could I not recognize it." Qin Mu tightened his right hand, "The reason why Sisi Baibai is what he is now is thanks to him! I dream every night I want to scratch him alive, but Yin Yang can't catch him."

"That's easy to handle. Now he's here with brother. Brother will have an appetizer with you first." Mu Tianyang put away his mobile phone, hit his shoulder with a divine light, and asked him, "Your underworld..."

Shen Guang looked at him coldly, "I am human."

"Okay, you ferrymen will be severely punished for any mistakes you make in the human world."

"Intervene in the human world and appear in people's field of vision."

 Today's update is complete, tomorrow I will pack up with my second aunt and Jia Sheng, and it's time for the two of them to come down to get a boxed lunch. PS: Tomorrow morning, I will go to the hospital to accompany my mother. My mother will spend the rest of the day after her operation on Monday in the hospital.But rest assured, the update will not be interrupted, and the new book will be published on April [-]st.It's just a little distressed and I can't let go of my cat owner. I raised it from a young age, and now I entrust it to a friend to take care of it. I got used to it in advance, but I didn't eat or drink for two days and lay in the corner without moving.Or I went to feed him with the palm of my hand before he gnawed.My friend said that he doesn't gnaw all day long, but when I'm about to leave, he barks, which makes me feel distressed, woo woo...

(End of this chapter)

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