Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 685 Unhappy Retribution

Chapter 685 Unhappy Retribution
Jia Sheng ran into Qin's mother from downstairs, and when he passed by, he waved his hand, and Qin's mother yawned and fell to the ground like that.He walked up to the second floor and searched from room to room.

In the penultimate room, I saw the little guy sleeping on the bed.

Today's Bai Bai is like a child's mind, eating enough and sleeping, he can't even notice that there is an existence that is very dangerous to him standing in front of his bed at this moment, calling for his attention.

Sleeping soundly with his mouth open in vain, his small arm as tender as a lotus root suddenly rubbed his chin twice.

Jia Sheng's eyes could not hide the light of excitement in the darkness, and there was only one thought in his mind.

The [-]th ferryman from the underworld already has the supreme right among the ferrymen!
Jia Sheng doesn't have much trust in the efficiency of the second aunt now, and he doesn't know how long it will last, he wants to take the kid away as soon as possible.As soon as he took out the magic weapon for collecting ghosts, he heard the sound of the door opening downstairs.

Back so soon?Second Aunt Yu was really unreliable.

Qin Mu entered the door, and saw Qin's mother fainted on the ground under the stairs, his expression changed, he ignored Qin's mother, and ran upstairs with big strides, and when he hurriedly opened the door of Baibai's room, the room was quiet and the balcony was empty. The wind from above lifted the curtains.

Bai Bai is no longer on the bed.

A heart fell into the icy lake, it was bone-chillingly cold.

He came back one step late...

Qin Mu was about to take out his mobile phone to call Tong Sisi and the others, but at this moment he heard an unfamiliar voice coming in from the balcony.

"The seal is decided, it is decided!"

Qin Mu hurried to the balcony. When he leaned on the railing and looked down, a young man raised his head. The night was so dark that Qin Mu didn't see what he looked like, but he saw Bai Bai in his arms.

Qin Mu's gray eyes flashed with anger in an instant, and he leaned on the guardrail alone and jumped down from the second floor with agility.Qin Mu was originally a special soldier, and they used to jump over heights higher than this, not to mention that there is a layer of soft grass under the building.

Seeing him jumping down from upstairs, Bai Yi was slightly taken aback, wondering if he had to be in such a hurry.Qin Mu had already stood firm and rushed over, before Bai Yi didn't keep up with the rhythm, he came over with a fist.

With a fierce punch, Bai Yi was knocked down to the ground, and Bai Bai was snatched from his hand at the same time.

With lingering fear, Qin Mu held Bai Bai in his arms and stared coldly at Bai Yi who was lying on the ground bleeding from the corner of his mouth with his deep gray eyes.

Bai Yi got up but didn't get up immediately, he touched the corner of his mouth with the belly of his index finger, grinned in pain and hissed inhaling.

"What..." The little guy in his arms was woken up, rubbed his eyes and opened them, but saw that the little eyes of his mother, who was not dependent on him, instantly climbed into panic, and stared at Qin Mu with wide eyes in horror. I'm about to cry.

"..." Qin Mu didn't know how to coax children, stared at Bai Bai, and said coldly, "Don't cry."

Baibai's eyes fogged up, and then a big tear fell down, and then he cried.Waving his hands, he kept pulling his body away from Qin Mu's arms, and whimpered, "I'm either... or! Or!"

Bai Bai made his heart hurt from crying, and thinking of the child's current situation, he couldn't help but soften his tone, and gently patted the little guy's back with his palm, "Bai Bai, dad is here. Don't cry, dad will take you to find him." Mother."

"Is it... or..." Bai Bai continued to cry, looking at him but gradually lost his momentum.Two hands climbed to embrace his shoulders, and pressed his wet face against his shoulders.

Relying on the little action suddenly touched the soft place in Qin Mu's heart.

At this time, Bai Yi got up from the ground, and Qin Mu's eyes fell on him.

Bai Yi felt that the punch was inexplicable, touched the corner of his mouth, and looked at him, "Brother just likes people indiscriminately."

"I didn't kill you right away because I have a good temper." Qin Mu said with a dark face, "You were also sent by Jia Sheng, what about that bastard."

Bai Yi was even more dazed, seeing his hatred for him and wanting to kill him immediately but trying to get some words out of his mouth, Bai Yi suddenly thought that he could have something to do with the person he caught.

"Brother, I think you have misunderstood. I came to find Tong Sisi..."

"Brother Mu!" Tong Sisi's voice sounded from behind, followed by Mu Tianyang who was controlling Second Aunt Yu and the others.

Tong Sisi breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Bai Bai in his arms.

"Hug me?" Bai Bai cheerfully threw herself from Qin Mu's arms into Tong Sisi's arms, and then moved her mouth closer to smear the saliva all over Tong Sisi's face.

Tong Sisi rubbed her face against the little guy's face, "Just now, my heart was beating suddenly, and I was afraid that Jia Sheng's tricks would succeed and take you away. Fortunately, Brother Mu arrived."

Seeing her, Bai Yi took two steps forward and was about to speak, Qin Mu glanced over coldly, "He's with Jia Sheng, he almost took Bai Bai away just now."

Several pairs of eyes shot over, Bai Yi felt a little stressed, swallowed and said, "You... Brother, you really misunderstood me. How about this, I can't explain clearly, let me show you someone."

Bai Yi made a very strange movement, and there was a light array with silver lines drawn in front of him, a gap split from the middle, and then Jia Sheng fell out.

"Jia Sheng." Tong Sisi stared at Jia Sheng who rolled her eyes in panic on the ground but couldn't move. She gritted her teeth and sneered, "I've had a hard time looking for you."

Bai Yi said, "He is the person you are looking for. I came to find Tong Sisi today, and I happened to see that he was about to accept the child who had an accident at the wedding that day. I came today to ask you, and I also know that this little devil treats you The importance of it, so I helped you take him down first. I hope you will do me a favor because of my sincerity."

At this point in Bai Yi's words, Second Aunt Yu broke away from Shen Guang's hand and ran to Tong Sisi, worried that she would mess around, Qin Mu held her shoulders to protect her

When Second Aunt Yu met Qin Mu's cold gaze, her breathing became disordered, and under the gaze of Tong Sisi and the others, she said, "The person you should arrest has already been arrested, can I go now?"

"Want to leave? All right." Qin Mu smiled coldly, "I have something here. If you drink it, I will let you go."

Second Aunt Yu instinctively felt that this was not a good thing, and seeing Qin Mu take out two glass tubes from his pocket, which contained a cloudy liquid, his expression changed drastically.

It is impossible for Second Aunt Yu to not recognize this thing, she just drank the diluted Soul Devouring Water for nothing.

She shook her head in horror, "No, I won't drink this, and I'll change it to something else."

"Do you think you still have a choice?"

"You are killing people. I have left evidence before you come here. As long as I don't go back, you are doomed to escape suspicion!" Aunt Yu gritted her teeth, as if she was making a bet, "If you let me go this time, I promise I won't bother you anymore. Jia Sheng can handle it as you like."

Hearing what she said, Jia Sheng glared at her angrily.

Second Aunt Yu said, "Jia Sheng is neither big nor small, but at least he is a Yin Division. If he disappears, he will be investigated. I can clean it up for you, and I guarantee that you will not be found."

Mu Tianyang Shenguang and the others all had a look of sarcasm on their faces while watching a good show. Second Aunt Yu had a lot of confidence in the first place, but now it is even more hopeless.

So Aunt Yu chose to turn around and run away.

"Three seals, chasing the wind" Tong Sisi and the others stopped, opened their eyes and watched Bai Yi appear in front of Second Aunt in the blink of an eye, and then another seals one to lock her down.

Second Aunt Yu still maintained her running posture, squinting at Bai Yi as she walked past, and took a glass tube from Qin Mu's hand.

Said, "Just give her this stuff to drink?"

Qin Muen said, and Bai Yi walked over with it. Second Aunt Yu's face turned pale as she watched him unscrew the cover, and her widened eyes were full of resistance and panic. I couldn't hum the second half of the word.

Bai Yi didn't have much ink, so he opened her mouth and poured it in. To prevent her from spitting it out, he pinched her mouth and raised it, forcing her to drink the soul devouring water.

The liquid slipped into her throat, and Second Aunt Yu's face was ashen, her eyes were blank.

Soul-devouring water is like a curse to all souls, if you touch it, you will die, but no one has ever drank it, and no one knows what it will be like after drinking it.

But it's not a good thing, and there will definitely be an impact.

Second Aunt Yu was terrified, and now she felt a change in her body.

Bai Yi came back and calmly faced Tong Sisi Qin Mu and the others and said, "I feed the things, I will be responsible for what happens, I just need you to help me now, it's urgent!"

Tong Sisi turned her head and exchanged glances with Mu Tianyang, Shenguang Mengbaihe and the others, and saw the same confusion in their eyes.

"You are the heir of the Bai family? What are you?"

Sitting in the villa, Mother Qin has already been sent back to her room to rest and won't wake up until tomorrow morning. Tong Sisi and the others put aside Yu's second aunt, Jia Sheng, who was pinned down. What they are most curious about at the moment is Bai Yi.

This kid knew their identities and had attended Tong Sisi's wedding, but he kept avoiding them and never came to join them?
Tong Sisi first asked, "Why did you come to see me so late?"

Bai Yi's expression turned serious, "I hope you can help me find Tong Xiaohua now, I'm worried that her husband will trick her into going to the hospital for an abortion."


Bai Yi didn't show up, but as soon as he showed up, he gave everyone a confused question.

To put it simply, he became a meddler of other people's husband and wife?
No matter what is going on between him and Tong Xiaohua, Tong Sisi can't help this time.

Qin Mu got up to make a phone call, while Bai Yi stayed here waiting for the result.

Mu Tianyang suddenly looked at Jia Shengyu's second aunt who was on the ground not far away like a dog. At this moment, the second aunt Yu was already confused, "What are they going to do?"

Tong Sisi picked up the last glass tube of Soul Eater Water on the bed, got up and walked towards Jia Sheng, with an evil smile on her lips, "Ashes to dust, what bad things are not suitable for keeping in the Yin and Yang realms?" .”

"Understood." Mu Tianyang helped her to turn Jia Sheng over, squeezed his mouth open, and Tong Sisi poured all the soul-devouring water into it indifferently.

Meng Baihe closed her eyes and buried herself in Shenguang's arms, she was too timid to look.

The body-fixing art on Jia Sheng's body hadn't been removed, and he didn't even make a scream. After drinking the soul-devouring water, it was disintegrated within two seconds, without any distinction between head and foot, and the whole person disappeared in an instant.

There is no reincarnation in his disappearance, no thoughts and no consciousness, and he completely disappears in the Yin and Yang realms!
Mu Tianyang kicked his second aunt, "What about her?"

Tong Sisi squatted down to check the second aunt's breath, her expression became weird in the next moment, and she looked up at Mu Tianyang.

"...I can't feel the existence of her soul."


No one has encountered such a situation. People lost their souls after drinking the soul-devouring water in hell, but they were still alive, and woke up after Bai Yi solved the body trick for her.

But you are insane and delirious, crawling behind the sofa, biting a shoe in your mouth out of nowhere, and the primitive roar of a beast is coming out of your throat.


Everyone surrounded her, but Second Aunt Yu didn't seem to notice it, her eyes were slack, and she just repeated the movement of biting her hands.

Now everyone finally understands what it means to have no soul.Now Second Aunt Yu probably only has this body, maybe not even as good as a beast, at least a beast has basic feelings, but Second Aunt Yu doesn't even have any thoughts.

It can move and breathe at most than a stone.

Now that Second Aunt Yu has come to such a fate, Tong Sisi feels that punishment like death is more suitable for Second Aunt Yu who was once so superior.

"She's a little scary like this." Meng Baihe hid behind him with her light hands, not daring to get close to her second aunt.

Shen Guang said, "It's okay, don't say she has no attack power now, maybe she doesn't even know what the attack is."

Meng Baihe looked at a well-dressed man, holding a shoe and chewing on it. This scene was particularly impactful.Lily is timid and soft, but she doesn't sympathize with her second aunt.

In this world, there are still four words of retribution and unhappiness.

At this time, Qin Mu walked back with his mobile phone, and Bai Yi No.1 stood up with a look of eagerness.

Seeing his expressive eagerness, Tong Sisi asked for him, "Did you find the little painting?"

Qin Muen let out a sigh, but then took a deep breath and let it out with a rare serious expression.Those who knew him best had a clue of the situation.

Tong Sisi was also stunned.

Then, as expected, he stared at Bai Yi and said, "The person was found, and he was admitted to the VIP ward of Yihe Hospital at nine o'clock in the evening. Before that, he had undergone induced abortion and curettage."


Tong Sisi and the others saw that Bai Yi was not feeling well, like crying and laughing, they were completely panicked, and it seemed that they still couldn't accept it.

In the end, Bai Yi clenched his fists, turned around and left without saying hello to them.

Qin Mu said, "It's not easy to get into the VIP ward, I'll let someone take you in."

Bai Yi stopped walking, without turning her head, she nodded with a sideways face, "Thank you."

"Bai Yi comes to Wufang Pavilion to look for us when I have time, and I want to discuss something with you." Tong Sisi said, Bai Yi heard it but he didn't stop.

The driver arranged by Qin Mu was outside, and Bai Yi got in the car and left.

Meng Baihe glanced at the time, at [-]:[-], she got up, "Everyone is hungry after tossing all night, I will find something to eat in the kitchen."

This is at his own home, Tong Si wanted to do his best to be a landlord, but his body was not up to snuff, and he caught a cold after tossing outside with bare feet for more than an hour. At this moment, his body felt a little hot, dizzy and drowsy.

Meng Lily who entered the kitchen suddenly screamed in fear,
(End of this chapter)

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