Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 688 Go Make a Deal with Qin Mu

Chapter 688 Go Make a Deal with Qin Mu
Xiao Xing cried hard, and grabbed his second uncle's arm, "I will definitely get the master back."

Second Uncle Yu patted the back of her hand and sighed, "You can't see and point someone to take care of you, so don't make trouble, go and collect your things."

After finishing speaking, Second Uncle Yu went upstairs to discuss with Yu Changen and his wife about renting a house.

Now they still have loans in the bank to repay, and Yu Changen brothers are restricted from going abroad, taking planes, high-speed trains, etc., so they can't go to far places, and they can't afford to rent a good location.

A family of five must at least find a three-bedroom house.

But they can't afford the lowest market price now.

Yu Changen straightened up, put down his hands on his lap, and sighed, "I just checked on the Internet, and it seems that there are underground rented houses, which are only a few hundred yuan a month. If not, live there first and make a living. It won’t be too late to change places when we have more money, as for the things that can’t be taken away, let the second Xiaoxing discuss with Liu’s family, we will store them here first, and then spend money to buy them later.”

Yu Changen, who has experienced the decline of his career, has gone through a lot of vicissitudes, and he no longer looks like a rich man, and now he is just an old man who is struggling for his livelihood.

Yu's mother drooped her face when she heard the words, and when she heard about the underground rented house, she thought it was not a good place.

How can there be a good place to live for only a few hundred a month?

After visiting the house, I saw the living environment. Not only is there a public toilet, but even the bathing place is a big bathhouse, where a bunch of people squeeze together to wash.It is not convenient to even use water, and there are no windows in the house, so you can't see the sun all year round!
A room of more than [-] square meters should not only be used as a bedroom, but also as a living room and kitchen.

It was not as big as Yu's toilet before!
Not only Yu Mu's face turned dark, but even Yu Changen's brother's face was not very good-looking.They hide it for fear that someone will recognize them.

Yu's mother thought east and west, and finally the landlord became impatient. "In this environment, if you want to rent, you can rent it if you don't want it. If you don't want it, you can pull it down. The living standard has been reduced to this point, so what's the point? If you don't rent, you still have to wait in line. Many people Grab the rent!"

What the landlord said is also true. There are many young people who have just come to big cities to work hard. They can’t afford to live in a property community and rent it for 500 yuan a month without even a basement.

"..." Yu Changen pulled Yu Mu back, and took a deep breath, "We rent, and we will pay now."

While looking for money from the bag, he said, "We need three rooms, and it would be best if the rooms can be next to each other."

Yu Changen took out eleven hundred and no bills.

The landlord glanced at it and said, "The rent is [-] per month, and the rent is [-]. Water and electricity are not included. If you live for less than a month, you will be charged for a month."

The four members of the Yu family were dumbfounded. They still had less than 7000 yuan.

Now even Yu Mu couldn't hold back her face anymore, she coughed twice and found an excuse to go out first.

As Uncle Yu was about to speak, the landlord saw their expressions and cut off, "Small business, no bargaining."

"……All right."

Yu Changen gave three thousand two, and the landlord gave fifty. They signed a contract and explained some precautions. They took them to see the house and gave them the keys before leaving.

"Uncle and Uncle, now that we have a place to live, shouldn't we look for my master?"

Mother Yu grabbed the luggage in her hand, "What are you looking for, we are all in trouble now, how can she lose it as a person with hands and feet?" After finishing speaking, she pulled Xiao Xing away, "Get up for me." Come on, a blind man can't do anything and add to the chaos!"

Xiaoxing pulled her suitcase back to the room assigned to her, touched the edge of the bed and sat on the floor, opened the suitcase and carried a very important box inside into her arms.

Then she remembered overhearing Zhang Huayu's conversation with her master, and knew that there was an evil spirit named Jiang Shan sealed inside, and she seemed to be Qin Mu's favorite.

The ferryman who gave this thing to Zhang Huayu seemed to have a bigger plan, Zhang Huayu knew very little about it, and later she also knew that the ferryman often came to find the master in the middle of the night.

Now that the master is missing, I can't tell myself their plan, but I can guess something.

Wanting to get rid of their current poverty and find a master, she might use "her" to make a deal with Qin Mu.

After all, this is Qin Mu's favorite woman!

Xiaoxing got out of the taxi with a schoolbag on his back and a guide stick in his hand. He asked people to identify the direction and walked to the entrance of Qinhuang Building when he suddenly heard someone calling Mr. Qin.

Xiaoxing looked in the direction of the sound, and someone not far from her opened the rear door for President Qin, and Qin Mu sat in.

Hearing the car door slam shut, Xiaoxing hurried over and shouted, "Qin Mu, I have something very important to tell you!"

Before the car drove away, Qin Mu also heard it. Through the half-lowered window glass, he recognized Xiao Xing at a glance, and his gray eyes narrowed slightly, but he asked the driver to drive.

Xiao Xing, who was chasing after him, was stopped by security guards.

Xiao Cheng glanced at the girl on the mirror, looked back and said, "That seems to be Yu Xiaoxing, the little apprentice of Second Aunt Yu, she came to look for you probably because of her master..."

Qin Mu's right leg rested on the other leg, his slender fingers landed on his knee, and the arc of his lips was full of cold irony.

"She will never even think of seeing her master in this life.

"Then where is Second Aunt Yu?"

"do not know."

Xiao Cheng "..."

Xiao Xing was chased away by the security guards. She couldn't see, she stood blankly on the side of the street with tears in her eyes, and then raised her hand to wipe it away.

When Lan Jin's car passed by, he happened to see her, and Achuan was the first to discover her.

"Mister is Yu Xiaoxing."

Lan Jin raised his eyebrows slightly, "Who is Yu Xiaoxing?"

"Second Aunt Yu's apprentice."

Lan Jin then sneered, "A person like Second Aunt Yu can't teach any good apprentices, so let's go."

As soon as the car drove past Xiaoxing, Lan Jin caught a glimpse of Qinhuang Building.

Then the car reversed and stopped in front of Yu Xiaoxing.

"Get in the car with Yu Xiaoxing."

The unfamiliar voice made Yu Xiaoxing feel vigilant, hugged the schoolbag in his arms tightly, and asked with a sideways face, "Who are you?"

Lan Jin raised his lips, "I know your master, and I am the only one who can help you."

As soon as the car stopped in front of Villa No. [-], Qin Mu pushed open the door and got out, and hurried into the house to meet Qin's mother who came down the stairs with a water glass.

"Sir, you are back."

Qin Mu frowned, his eyes filled with anxiety, "The phone said Sisi had a fever?"

Qin Ma hurriedly handed him the thermometer in her hand, "It was just measured, and it was 39 degrees four, maybe I caught a cold last night."

Qin Mu immediately thought that the girl must have caught a cold while walking outside in bare feet last night, and heard her coughing twice when she was sleeping last night. It only took one night for the disease to worsen!

Thinking about it like this also reminded that Sisi's complexion was not normal when he left in the morning.

She felt unwell very early, but she didn't tell herself!
"Qin's mother called Chu Wei and told him to come over." After he ordered, he went upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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