Chapter 691

On the third day, Tong Xiaohua was discharged from the hospital alone, and she didn't want to go back to the villa where his shadow was still there, but so far she has nowhere to go except there.

After all the servants in the villa left, there used to be two servants cleaning the corners in the big living room, but now the room was deserted, Tong Xiaohua dropped the clothes bag in her hand and floated upstairs like a ghost, she went back to the bedroom , Sure enough, I saw a check on the bedside table, with six zeros at the beginning of five.

She twitched the corners of her mouth but couldn't smile.

500 million bought her for a few months, and she has a child...

Tong Xiaohua didn't take a bath or eat, she was buried in the bed and slept in the dark, until the electric bell downstairs rang again and again, and the visitor tirelessly pressed it for a long time, finally no one opened the door and shouted her name downstairs.

With a splitting headache, Tong Xiaohua lifted the quilt and went downstairs with her slippers on. There was no electricity in the villa, so the monitor on the door was turned on.

She opened the door, not wanting that the people outside were her family members who she least wanted to deal with now.

"You don't come to open the door when you're at home!" Second Aunt Tong pushed Tong Xiaohua away and brought Tong Xi in. The two of them looked at the big house with bright eyes, and Tong Xi couldn't help but fumble here and there.

Tong Xiaohua dragged her uncomfortable body and followed behind them, frowning weakly, "Mom, how did you find me here?"

Having said that, Second Aunt Tong immediately thought of the money spent, and turned her head to stare at her, "You still say! If your younger brother hadn't hired a detective to find out your address and we came to your door, are you planning to break up with us for the rest of your life?" contact?"

Tong Xiaohua had a severe headache, and she was afraid that she would be taken care of by Second Aunt Tong if she showed it.

"I didn't say that. You sit down and I'll pour you some water." She took the opportunity to hide in the kitchen for a while.

Tong Xi stood up straight, strolled around the first floor, opened the door and looked from room to room.

Second Aunt Tong asked him what he was doing, clutched his stomach and said that he had to go to the bathroom because of the pain in his stomach.

He looked up and saw that there was an open door on the second floor, it was Tong Xiaohua who didn't close the door when he came out to open it.Tong Xi climbed upstairs and entered the master bedroom without saying hello.

Tong Xiaohua poured two glasses of white water out, just in time to see Tong Xi coming down the stairs, she frowned slightly.

Second Aunt Tong saw that she had taken two glasses of water, but there was nothing else, her eyebrows were crossed and she was about to go into a fit.

"Mom." Tong Xi suddenly said, "Since we all know my sister's address, let's go back after seeing that she is doing well."

Tong Xiaohua and Tong's second aunt both looked at him.

Did Tong Xi take the wrong medicine today?
"Son, don't you want to..." Do you want money?

Tong Xi didn't let her mother go on talking, she hugged Second Aunt Tong's arm and pulled her up from the sofa, dragged her out, and said, "We have started school for a long time, and you haven't visited our school yet, we in City A But the best school in the city, I will take you there now."

When he reached the door, Tong Xi waved and didn't need her to see him off.

Tong Xiaohua closed the door and didn't react for a while.What kind of person Tong Xi is, she knows best, but he must come here today for the money, and leaving without getting the money is not in line with his character.

Tong Xiaohua walked halfway up the stairs with her slippers on, and when her eyes touched the half-way bedroom door, a thought that made her panic come to mind.She stomped into the room, and was stunned when she landed on the bedside table. The check that was originally placed there was gone...

Her eyeballs twitched, and she hurriedly called Tong Xi, but the other end was already turned off.

She was depressed, and when she saw the check, she hadn't decided what to do with it, so she left it where it was, but she didn't expect her mother and Tong Xi to come over, and Tong Xi stole it.

Thinking of Tong Xi's talk about going to University A before leaving, Tong Xiaohua knew that the chances were very low, but other than that, she really didn't know where to find them!
... There are five offices in Wufang Pavilion, each with a different decoration.

Tong Sisi is the largest shareholder here, and both Shenguang and Mu Tianyang have invested in shares successively. As for Meng Baihe, Shenguang also invested part of the funds for her.

In a real sense, Wufang Pavilion has an inextricable relationship with them.

And this Wufang Pavilion was named after the four major families plus Tong Sisi from the very beginning, and the successor of the Bai family has always been planned by them.Now that they knew who it was, Tong Sisi and the others didn't force him too much, giving him enough time to think about it.

If you really can't go together, you don't have to force it.

Since the opening of Wufang Pavilion, Tong Sisi came to work on the first day after recovering from illness. Except Meng Baihe who went to A University to find a professor, Mu Tianyang and Shenguang sat in Juxian Pavilion drinking tea, holding the computer in boredom mobile phone to play.

Shenguang looked again to see if there were any restaurants nearby that were recruiting workers.

Mu Tianyang held the computer on his lap, rested one hand on the keyboard, resting his hand on his chin, and explained the work to the new assistant Nami in the video.Mu Tianyang is considered the most leisurely of the four young men in City A. Before meeting Yang Yang, the company threw the executives to hang out between hotels and beautiful women every day.But even so, his studio is also the hottest interior design industry in the country.

The construction company under Qin Huang and Chu Chao can support his studio!
Before the video was cut off, Nami suddenly asked Mu Tianyang, "Brother Yang, today is my birthday, and my colleagues are going to hold a birthday party for me tonight, can you come?"

Tong Sisi walked behind him, and out of the corner of her eye, she happened to see Nami's eyes looking over in the video. According to the sixth sense of women, it was definitely not just the eyes of employees simply looking at their boss.

Then I heard Mu Tianyang ask, "All the employees of the company go?"

Nami replied yes, Mu Tianyang thought for a while, and said, "I will take someone there later, and tell everyone that you will arrange the event tonight, and I will pay for it."

Jubilation suddenly sounded from the video, and everyone gathered behind the computer to thank the big boss for his generosity.

Mu Tianyang is indeed not a stingy boss, and the atmosphere in the studio he runs is not as dull as in ordinary companies. From time to time, he will give employees some benefits and let them go on vacation with pay.

Tong Sisi took a glass of water to drink, and kept his answer in his heart. When he was thinking wildly, Mu Tianyang suddenly turned his head and asked her.

"You said that tonight's staff gathering, will she be comfortable if I bring Yangyang there?"

Tong Sisi did not expect him to ask himself this way, the important thing is that he is taking care of Yang Yang's mood.

She thought for a while and replied, "When Brother Mu introduced me to you at the beginning, I was a little nervous and worried about leaving a bad impression on his good brother, but I was very happy that he was willing to bring me into his world. This It should be to recognize a person's performance."

After Mu Tianyang changed his concept, he knew what to do.

The phone on the tea machine rang, and Shen Guang was the closest. He looked at the phone and took the receiver to answer it.

Afterwards, he replied a few words, dialed a series of numbers on his mobile phone and hung up to talk to Tong Sisi and the other two.

"The first business came."

Wufangge, an industry that avoids science, is open, but it is also questionable. Otherwise, with Qin Huang's reputation, it is impossible for no one to patronize it.

Now that it's hard to get a single, everyone pays special attention to it, and they want to make a name for themselves with this single.

The principal of the Shenguang "client" A university only said that there are always accidents in the girls' dormitory recently, and they are all at night. Last night, a female college student jumped from the fourth floor of the old dormitory building. Still in a coma in the hospital."

"However, many female college students' dormitory buildings are very unstable at night anyway. Some people saw someone putting on makeup in the bathroom in the middle of the night, but all the roommates in the dormitory were in their own beds. It happened to be twelve o'clock in the middle of the night."

If it weren't for the fact that the incident spread too quickly on campus and caused panic, the school would not come to Wufang Pavilion to entrust it regardless of the influence.

At the same time, the school also called the police to let the two parties cooperate to quell the incident on the campus as soon as possible.

So far, there are only four of them in Wufang Pavilion, and they work together. Mu Tianyang and Tong Sisi, who is not in good health, stay behind, and Shen Guang goes to A University to meet Meng Baihe.

When Shen Guang saw his wife, he looked around at the gate of Baihe School. Shen Guang carefully found that the suit she wore when she went out in the morning had been changed, and her complexion was not very good.

Meng Baihe trotted over and came to Shenguang, and she wanted to throw herself into his arms happily, but the students coming and going at the door looked at her, and she felt embarrassed, and only handed her hands into Shenguang's palm.

Shen Guang's thumb lightly swept her palm, looking at her with gentle and doting eyes.

"Whose clothes are you wearing." At the end, he added "very fat."

Meng Baihe took his hand and shook it, because of his carefulness, his heart was very sweet.

"The college student who jumped off the building last night was a girl next door to our dormitory. She came this morning and went back to the dormitory after hearing about it. She cooperated with the police to deal with some matters. There was blood on her clothes, so my roommate lent her clothes to me. gone."

"En." Shen Guang's eyes lingered on the shirt of unknown material she was wearing for a while.

...Meng Baihe led him to the principal's office, and happened to bump into Fan Fan who came out of it.

Fan Fan put the folder under his armpit, smiled slightly, and then chatted briefly.

"You can come to me after you have met the principal, and I can tell you about what I have learned."

"Is it alright for you to disclose the facts of the case by pretending to be public servants?" Meng Baihe held Shen Guang's hand, but was a step behind Shen Guang, and asked with blinking eyes.

Before Fan Fan could explain his reasons, Shen Guang said first, "With Chu Wei around, he will never be fired by the director."


This topic can no longer be discussed, Fan Fan found an excuse and hurried away.

The headmaster received them and told them in detail what he knew.

The girl who jumped off the building was called Li Yue. She was a senior who graduated this year and would leave school to find an internship in a company soon, but she suddenly couldn't think about it and jumped off the building last night.

Although people are not dead, they are only more breathless than dead people.

According to Liu Chengcheng, her good friend in the dormitory, Li Yue is usually very sensible. She didn't fall in love during college, and she didn't have debt entanglements. She is also the only child in the family, and her parents don't favor anyone.

Last night, Li Yue's parents also denied that the child had conflicts with the family.

But now some students are lacking in the education of xinxing, and whenever they feel unsatisfactory, they think of threatening others to achieve their goals.Some students on the Internet jumped off the dormitory building because they didn't give their thesis, but Li Yue didn't have this problem

Her tutor said that Li Yue usually studies well, is serious and active in doing things, and is very optimistic. She doesn't understand why Li Yue jumped off the building.

These are the relationship chains collected by the police, and it is not completely ruled out that someone is lying.

And these materials are not very useful for Wufang Pavilion. These cases are the responsibility of the police. Shenguang Mengbaihe and the others only need to confirm whether this matter has anything to do with supernatural powers.

The two went to the next door to Meng Baihe's dormitory, which was the scene of the incident. The students living here have now been deported, and a cordon has been pulled outside the door.The criminal police guarding here let the two of them put on gloves and go in after receiving the notice from Fan Fan, and told them not to move the things inside.

When Shen Guang and Lily waded in, the skin felt that the inside of the house was much colder than the outside, and there was obviously the breath of the dead here.And Li Yue didn't die, so it couldn't be her soul.

It can only be said that the haunted incident is not groundless.

It is daytime now, and the scorching sun at noon has washed away the breath of the Yin spirit.

If it weren't for Shenguang's frequent dealings with Yin spirits, it would be difficult to detect it.

He asked Lily to do a favor by placing a small mirror with Yin-Yang fish painted on the back facing the door, and asked the mirror to accommodate the entire door of the dormitory.

Then he made a formation.

In the end, he went to negotiate with Fan Fan, hoping to remove those cordons and let the students who left move back.

Although the former was in a difficult situation, it was not impossible for Fan Fan to stand there, but those female students who left did not dare to come back to live.A dormitory that has been haunted by ghosts and someone jumped from a building on the balcony. Even the brave girls dare not come here.

If it weren't for University A's regulations, students who haven't graduated can't leave the school, and roll call will be held at night, otherwise the entire dormitory building will be empty.

The three female students sat in the principal's office, facing the request of the school and Wufang Pavilion, saying that they dare not go back to the dormitory.

"Principal, if something happened to the school, you shouldn't push us students to solve the problem. If it's really haunted, we won't be able to escape alone, and you will be lying in the hospital like Li Yue. You can explain to our parents ?"

"That's right, I will hand in my thesis today, and I will leave school today, and I won't go back to live no matter what!"

Liu Chengcheng sat next to the two roommates, staring down without saying a word.

Fan Fan stood opposite, paying attention to her from beginning to end.

When the principal had no choice but to let the three of them leave, and they also left the principal's office, Fan Fan said, "At present, the focus is on Liu Chengcheng, and she seems to have something to hide from her."

Meng Baihe walked to the other side of Shenguang and hooked Shenguang's arm, "Liu Chengcheng has the best relationship with Li Yue. It is very possible that she knows something that others don't. But if she doesn't say it, there is nothing we can do about it." .Our Wufang Pavilion will come over to investigate the situation tonight, and we will let you know if there is any progress."

Fan Fan smiled and said thanks.

Meng Baihe suddenly stopped, and the two of them also stopped and looked back at her.

"The four of us in Wufang Pavilion, Sisi, Mu Tianyang, and Mr. God, ordinary little ghosts will walk around when they see it, and you come to designate it." Meng Baihe's face changed, and she said in horror, "Then it's just me ?"

She has the physique of attracting ghosts!
(End of this chapter)

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