Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 694 It Has Nothing To Do With You From Now On

Chapter 694 It Has Nothing To Do With You From Now On
Tong Sisi cried and slammed his face on his chest, "Why did you keep it from me! Why didn't you tell me!"

He sighed, "Things have already happened, so what if I tell you. In the end, the two of them are obviously not that kind of contractual relationship. We can all feel their hidden feelings for each other, only the two of them can't see it." Clearly, how can others help?"

Qin Mu hugged her waist tightly, pressed her head into his arms with warm palms, and whispered helplessly, "I knew it would be like this. When I knew about it, Yang Yang begged me not to tell you about it. She is afraid that you will blame yourself, that you will take all the mistakes on yourself."

"I didn't tell you, but I finally know that we all owe Yang Yang in this matter, and I can only make up for her in other places. If I hide her so that Mu Tianyang can't find it, it will be very simple matter."

But he didn't do it.

In a relationship, no one can see his own mind clearly and understand what he wants.

Only those who have love and know how difficult it is to be together will know more clearly that the most difficult thing in this world is not the misunderstandings in the middle, but the fact that they have each other in their hearts, but they have to use the most extreme and irreparable direction to hurt each other.

Then go to the ends of the earth and the ends of the earth.

The problem between Mu Tianyang and Yang Yang, in the eyes of discerning people, is just that they have never sat down to communicate properly.Maybe it's because their identities are very different, Yang Yang always thinks of himself too lowly, Mu Tianyang used to have countless debts, and was not good at dealing with women's issues, even though he cared very much that Yang Yang would not express it, he still let go of it. Don't let go of the airs of his young master Mu.

He and Mu Tianyang have known each other for nearly 20 years, and his character and temper seem to have given way to Yang Yang first.As for today's matter, Qin Mu thought from a rational point of view that it was Mu Tianyang who failed to deal with those women who admired him.

Otherwise, judging from Mu Tianyang's current performance of wanting to ease the relationship between the two, it would be the soonest thing to settle their suspicions.

It is easy for a woman to think more when she becomes a mother, but all her thoughts are based on the good of the child.

Qin Mu broke it apart and analyzed it clearly with her, Lier was such a rationale, but as a best friend, as a woman who was easy to protect her shortcomings, Tong Sisi naturally stood by her best friend, feeling sorry for Yang Yang.

Now that she doesn't know Yang Yang's whereabouts, she doesn't want to spend more energy to blame Mu Tianyang, besides, she can see that Mu Tianyang is more anxious about this matter than any of them.

People seem to be divided, and he will not let go of any place Yang Yang may go.

After a night, everyone's spirits were not very good.

Just 5 minutes after Mu Tianyang came back, he took the key and walked away in silence.From last night to this morning, Chu Wei followed him, fearing that something might happen to him if he was not in a good state of mind, so he really didn't have the strength to follow him right now.

Chu Wei clicked his tongue, and said bluntly, "This man just owes it, and he will do it when he is around, and do it hard."

When Mu Tianyang walked outside the door, he could still hear him say, "It's a pleasure to be a wife for a while, chase your wife to the crematorium."

At noon, Bai Bai rubbed his eyes in her arms and said he was sleepy, Tong Sisi carried him upstairs and coaxed him to sleep.When they came down again, everyone had left. Qin Mu held the phone in one hand and didn't know what he was thinking. When he saw her, he patted the place beside him.

After she sat down, Qin Mu put his arms around her waist, discussed with her but said in a persuasive tone, "Sisi, Yang Yang has been missing for fifteen hours now, and none of us know what happened during that time. Even if you are Yang Yang's best friend, but you are not her family, sometimes you can't take responsibility."

"..." Tong Sisi was silent, and straightened up from his arms.

Qin Mu, "Now that Aunt Yang is dead, Yang Yang is Uncle Yang's only family member in this world. He can't bear Yang Yang's slight mistake. I know you are afraid that Uncle Yang will be worried if you tell him about it, but you don't tell him. , In the end, it was even more difficult for the injured Yang Yang to appear in front of him, because he blamed himself for not being able to protect his daughter. It is better to let him follow the whole process, and Yang Yang can feel the care of his family as soon as he comes back.”

Men always think farther and more thoughtfully than women in some things.

Tong Sisi weighed it up, walked away from Brother Mu, and went to make this call.

Telling Yang Yang the current situation will inevitably reveal his relationship with Yang Yang.

Brother Mu was right, it was about Yang Yang's safety, no matter how close they were as friends, they couldn't bear the responsibility, if something happened to Yang Yang, no one could explain to Yang's father who didn't know.

Father Yang's face was dark when he came, and his agitation was enough to show his anxiety.After notifying Father Yang, Qin Mu also called Mu Tianyang to ask him to come back, and asked him to face Father Yang's attitude.

After all, Mu Tianyang still bullied his daughter. It is reasonable for a father to do any extreme behavior at this time. Qin Mu also became a father. His child was bullied and insulted by men outside. He has the heart to die.

Mu Tianyang came back after Father Yang entered the door. One foot was still outside, and he greeted him with a slap. He slapped Mu Tianyang heavily on the face, and the fingerprints appeared almost instantly.

Mu Tianyang slowly turned his face back, lowered his head and said, "...I'm sorry, Uncle."

Looking at him in the past was like seeing his son-in-law satisfied no matter what he looked at, but now Father Yang is angry when he looks at him, and his heart feels swollen and painful when he thinks that his daughter is missing and may have a miscarriage.

As a father, not to mention the unmarried first pregnancy, and because of the state of the man in front of him, Father Yang even had the idea of ​​killing someone.He stared at Mu Tianyang viciously, and then began to look for something that could beat Mu Tianyang without hurting his hands.

Then look at the golf clubs placed under the wall at the entrance.

Father Yang copied it, startled Qin's mother who was next to him, and couldn't help reminding, "Mr. Yang, this can't be used, it can kill people."

Father Yang was so angry that he couldn't listen to anyone's advice, so he slammed Mu Tianyang five or six times hard, the muffled sound of hitting Mu Tianyang made the hearts of others tremble.

But Qin Mu and Tong Sisi didn't embrace her, and Mu Tianyang gritted his teeth and endured it.

Father Yang hit the ball a few more times and threw the bat, and stared at him angrily, "I shouldn't have trusted you, kid, and handed over my precious daughter to you! It doesn't matter if Yang Yang is fine, if something happens to her, I'll go to jail Shoot and stab you to death."

Mu Tianyang honestly lowered his eyebrows in front of Father Yang, his face was tired and pale, he said, "I will definitely get Yang Yang back, no matter what happens, I will make up for her in the future and treat her well."

"You still want to have a future." Father Yang didn't listen to his kind words, "I will take care of my daughter. If you really want to make up for her, just disappear from her side and don't bother her in the future. Even if the child doesn't die, Yangyang thinks Give birth to me and raise her, if you don’t want me, take her to the hospital and have her done, it has nothing to do with you.”

What Father Yang said at the moment was not harsh at all, but Qin Mu felt helplessly soft-hearted when he saw his brother's reddened eyes.

Mu Tianyang looked at Yang's father pleadingly, and said stubbornly, "I will definitely take good care of her, and this time there will never be a next time. When Yang Yang comes back, we will re-sign the contract. There will only be one clause written on it. Transfer all the property and studio under my name to her name, and if I treat her badly in the future and make her want to divorce me, let me leave the house."

Father Yang sneered, "Divorce? You think beautifully. Even if you get married, you can't pass my test. It's useless to say anything now, so don't waste your time. Yang Yang, I will look for it with Sisi and the others, and you don't have to meddle in your own business." gone."

"Uncle..." Mu Tianyang became flustered, and in fear of losing his lover, he grabbed Father Yang's arm and apologized in a choked voice, "Uncle, I know I was wrong...you let me find Yang Yang, give me another chance... ..."

Father Yang refused to listen with a cold face, shook off Mu Tianyang's hand, walked past him to the Simu couple, showing a tired face, and sighed long and hard, "Sisi, tell uncle the truth, Yang What are the chances that the sheep will be fine, tell the truth...Uncle can handle it."

Tong Sisi came over to support Father Yang, and looked up at Brother Mu, "Uncle, don't be afraid. Although Yang Yang is bleeding, but she can walk away by herself, it means that the situation is not too bad. There are many hospitals and clinics in City A. Right now we just don't know where she's dragged herself to."

"Then I'll wait for the news with you here."

…Half an hour ago, I received a message from Black Eagle and found Yang Yang at a gynecology clinic.When everyone arrived, Yang Yang was leaning against the head of the bed with a bloodless face, full of people, with drooping eyelids.The female doctor in a white coat just finished measuring her blood pressure, and put a lozenge of American ginseng into her mouth. Because of excessive blood loss, her blood pressure was low, and she had some complications.

Dizziness and weakness, lack of energy and blood.

"Yang Yang!" Hearing several choruses, Yang Yang's body shook slightly, and before he could look, someone rushed in and hugged her tightly in his arms.

Yang Yang bowed back slightly, his nose was full of familiar smells, even without seeing his face, he could guess who was the man trembling with excitement and hugging him at the moment.

"..." At this moment, he didn't have the strength to push him away, so Yang Yang let him hug her, thinking that it was fine.

It's okay if it's not like this, when Mu Tianyang said Yang Yang's expression turned sad.

"Yang Yang, my silly daughter..." Tong Sisi and Qin Mu walked over, caressing the tearful Father Yang from left to right. Yang Yang closed his eyes and called out "Dad" in a trembling voice, and then the tears flowed down. His cheeks slid down.

Mu Tianyang was dragged away by Yang's father before he could get Yang Yang's gaze, and he couldn't help but drive him out of the crib. Mu Tianyang lay on the door and window, knocked on the door and begged, "Uncle, let me in, Yangyang... ..."

Father Yang blocked Yang Yang's face and also blocked Yang Yang's sight, so that she didn't have to worry about Mu Tianyang.

Father Yang looked at her distressedly and seriously, "From now on, don't think about that kid. It's fine if the child is lost. I asked the doctor if you didn't hurt yourself. If you marry a good man in the future, you can have another life. If you don't want to have a baby, don't want to marry Dad can also support you for the rest of your life. But you will never allow your daughter, who has been cared for so much, to be ruined by others."

"..." Tong Sisi and Qin Mu looked at each other, followed by Mu Tianyang's bitter pleading, the two had a thought at the same time.

Mu Tianyang's journey of chasing his wife may not be smooth, and he will not be able to pass Father Yang's test.

Father Yang suddenly turned his head and said to Simu and his wife, "Girl Sisi, let me talk to my daughter alone first."

Even if Tong Sisi wanted to get close to Yang Yang, he could only give the father and daughter a space at the moment.

Qin Mu pulled her out, Mu Tianyang outside seized the opportunity to go in, Qin Mu purposely helped him out of the way, but before Mu Tianyang squeezed in, Father Yang had already cruelly ignored whether he would pinch her Get it, close the door face to face.

"...Uncle..." Mu Tianyang let go of his hand in a slump, I'm afraid he is uncertain how regretful he is now.

If I knew it was not easy to chase after my wife, I shouldn't have done it so hard in the first place.

Tong Sisi came to see her that night, and Mu Tianyang frantically searched and searched for work with his spirit on the verge of collapse in order to find Yang Yang, without closing his eyes.

At this moment, he said he hated him, but he also sympathized with her.

Later, Father Yang was transferred to Qin's Hospital. On the way, Mu Tianbo didn't dare to lean forward, and when he fell behind, his eyes were fixed on Yang Yang's body for a moment.After the ward was arranged, Father Yang asked everyone to go in, excluding Mu Tianyang alone.

If they really want to fight, Yang's father can't beat Mu Tianyang, but at this time Mu Tianyang is honest, and he is already a hundred negative with Yang's father, if there is another conflict, I am afraid that he will never see Yang Yang in his life.

Inside the hospital bed, Tong Sisi was sitting by the bed, holding Yang Yang's hands tightly, poking her on the forehead angrily and distressedly, "Don't call any of us if something happens, why are you running, what did that Nami do to you? I, am I afraid that we can't beat her together?"

Yang Yang just smiled on his haggard face.

Tong Sisi had a sore nose and her eyes turned red. She hugged her into her arms and said with a sob, "You are such a fool! You are such a fool! I will help you out of this anger!"

She's almost three months pregnant, and she'll just say no if the child is gone. She can't stand it even if she's an aunt, and Yang Yang can't tell how much it hurts!
Father Yang checked the time, and it was 07:30 in the evening, "Sisi, you should go back too, it's getting late, and there is still a child at home."

Tong Sisi said that she would stay, it would be convenient for the girl to take care of the girl.

Yang Yang had already noticed the fatigue on her face, and considering her current physical condition, "Go back with Qin Mu, you haven't rested all day and night, I just had a miscarriage and haven't reached the point where I can't move. Also let my dad go back, and the nurse aunt is here alone." Afraid that she would disagree, she half-jokingly said, "You go back and get enough sleep and come to serve me tomorrow."

Tong Sisi could feel that her smile at the moment was just to cover up her blood-stained heart.

On the way back, Tong Sisi leaned on the car seat and fell asleep as soon as she got in the car. The blue shadow in front of her eyes made Qin Mu feel distressed. He didn't even have the heart to wake her up when he returned to the prosperous age, so he carried her all the way back to the bedroom. in deep sleep.

She hasn't had a good rest since last night, and her body has already exceeded the load, because she is too worried about Yang Yang.

After settling her down, Qin Mu closed the bedroom door and stood in the corridor to make a phone call.

Mu Tianyang stared at the hospital bed from the small glass window, the woman who was taking soup under the care of the nurse, he held the mobile phone in his left hand and stuck it to his ear, his gaze was complicated and painful, Qin Mu finished speaking for a while , he replied, "I will stay here tonight, looking for a chance to go in and see her."

(End of this chapter)

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