Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 699 Heading to City B

Chapter 699 Heading to City B

Zhao's mother's words are very heavy, and they are too heavy for people to bear.

It is impossible for anyone who has not lost their morals to take advantage of the fire at this time.

Tong Sisi took a deep breath, and said, "Auntie, we are also a conscientious business, and we will definitely not ask for prices at this time. But judging by the current manpower, we really can't tell anyone." She said, "Why don't we let Xiao Zhao go back In class, I will ask the staff of Wufang Pavilion to go to class with her during the day, and at night we will arrange it in the dormitory and give Xiao Zhao some amulets. We are responsible for communicating with the school so that you can live with your daughter in the student dormitory .There can be a follow-up."


Zhao's father touched Zhao's mother and cut off her words, "Miss Tong, we agree."

After seeing off the three members of the Zhao family, Tong Sisi checked the time, and Bai Yi was not in class at this time.

When Bai Yi received the call, he hung around his neck a police assistant work card that he had applied for from Fan Fan, and asked someone to take notes in the girls' dormitory.He tilted his neck and clamped the phone, and quickly wrote down something in a notebook with the pen in his right hand.

"Are you busy now."

"It's okay." Bai Yi put the cap on the pen and put it in the notebook, holding the phone with his right hand.

Tong Sisi said, "Now I have a task, can you take it? Listen to me. Zhao Yawen, who lives in the same dormitory as the three deceased, was approached by her parents just now and asked for salary to hire us to protect Zhao Yawen. I didn't want to take it. This serial killing It is very likely that the crime was not purely caused by Yin spirits, and the police needed to intervene, but then I thought about it, and the souls of Li Yue and others disappeared inexplicably, and this may be the work of Yin spirits."

"Zhao Yawen, as a person who has a direct relationship with them, is very likely to be a hidden target."

Bai Yi listened and thought about it, he basically understood what Tong Sisi said.

"You want me to stay by her side. Is there anything you can adapt to change?" Bai Yi paused, his ears turned red before he could say anything, "...I can follow her during the day, but at night..."

There was a faint smile in Tong Sisi's voice.

"Don't worry, you don't need to sacrifice at night. I have already discussed with his parents, but at night, you may be wronged to live in the boys' dormitory of the school."

"no problem."

Afterwards, Tong Si wanted to talk to him about the remuneration this time. She meant that Bai Yi was the only one who contributed this time, and she wanted to give him all the money.

Bai Yi refused, and said, "We are a team, and with the support of Mr. Qin, I am also a minority shareholder of Wufang Pavilion, and I cannot do things with personal interests. I have already taken Wufang Pavilion as my family, sister Sisi, you There is no need to take care of me like this, and I won't think about it in my heart."

Bai Yi spoke out what Tong Sisi was worried about, without exposing the embarrassment in his heart, on the contrary, he felt that this young man was very down-to-earth and treated others with sincerity.

After all, Bai Yi just joined in. To everyone, everyone doesn't know his temper very well. It is inevitable that some things are not done enough to make people think about it.

For example, this time, if Bai Yi is a person who is not pure in mind and especially cares about profit, he will think that because he does not have a strong backing, let him do all the hard work and share the money earned.

Temporary complaints may become a hidden danger in the future.

Now that Bai Yi took the initiative to say that, Tong Sisi felt that he had pushed people out from the beginning.

After this communication, Bai Yi will only get closer to Tong Sisi and the others!

Thinking of Bai Yi, Tong Sisi couldn't help but think of Tong Xiaohua.

From Bai Yi's place, she learned that Tong Xiaohua was cheated into getting married and had a miscarriage, and that the man she was infatuated with was even Mu Ge's deadly rival in the shopping mall.Later, Tong Si thought about it. The few times Tong Xiaohua took the initiative to approach him, it was just a cliché, but he had never set up defenses against her. He revealed some things to her, and also brought a lot of trouble to Qin Mu in the mall. Trouble.

Fortunately, Qin Huang had a solid background, and with the help of several friends of Chu Nanmu, it was Lan Jin who finally broke down.

But even if Tong Xiaohua betrayed her, the time Tong Sisi knew about it was when Xiaohua was abandoned, so she didn't hate her much in her heart, but Xiaohua was the one who was sacrificed in this battle.

She was just a poor person in love, and was approached purposefully by Lan Jin from the very beginning.

Brother Mu even analyzed Lan Jin's view of feelings with one sentence: Lan Jin's love is Jiang Shan, which is almost a morbid state.

Except for Jiang Shan, Lan Jin had no plans to marry anyone.

Even if Jiang Shan died, Lan Jin never let go.

She also asked Qin Mu that day, he also loved Jiang Shan back then, why did he choose herself after five years when he had no one around him.

At that time, Qin Mu rubbed the flesh on her hand, and paused, "It was true that I liked Jiang Shan back then, and it was considered wholehearted. Although I was with you later and thought about the feelings of that period of time, I slowly realized that I was so I am attached to Jiang Shan, not only because she saved me and jokingly asked me to marry me with her body, but also because there were almost no women who could catch my eyes at that time, so Jiang Shan almost became the only one by my side when I was abroad. Girl, I put all my affections on her."

Even if Brother Mu didn't go any further, Tong Sisi understood.

At that time, Qin Mu was in the prime of his life, and there were not many people with such a strong background as him, so the only people who stood with him were people like Nan Qi, so at that time, he could easily break into his world, and only one appeared with a cheat It's just Jiang Shan.

Having been with Brother Mu for so long, Tong Sisi fully understands that he is a person who attaches great importance to promises and is very single-minded in dealing with feelings, unlike Mu Tianyang who treats feelings like a game of life.

As long as it is a girlfriend that Qin Mu admits, she will not step on two boats during the relationship.

Houtong Sisi asked him, "If I didn't show up, would you still be single?"

"Maybe, maybe not, but there is no if. After Jiang Shan's death, I was really sad for a while, and then I couldn't get out of the shadows in the eyes of others, and only I knew that my feelings for Jiang Shan were a little relieved." These five years are very long, and I deliberately didn't look at her portrait, so time slowly erased her from the depths of my memory, and I didn't often think of her when I didn't meet you. "

"Fate is like destiny. I don't object to starting a relationship without you, but I haven't started it because of one thing or another until you, a little girl, show up."

So this corresponds to the sentence: until the end, you will never know who will accompany you into marriage and grow old together.

If Jiang Shan hadn't died, with Qin Mu's temperament, as long as Jiang Shan didn't do anything, Qin Mu would definitely marry her in the end. No matter how the Qin family was destroyed, Qin Mu would never let her down.

These Tong Sisi are clear in their hearts, and they don't have any awkward mentality, because that is the relationship that Brother Mu had before he met her, and it is also something that is impossible in this life.

... During off work hours, Tong Sisi went to the parking lot.

Red Fox immediately got out of the car and opened the rear door.

When Tong Sisi came over, she noticed that he had locked the screen of his mobile phone. A trained man like Red Fox is not that keen on playing with mobile phones. She only thought of one reason why he could not leave his mobile phone.

"Red Fox, are you in love?"

She leaned to the side, and the red fox quickly stabilized the steering wheel and scratched her head, "Sister-in-law, how did you see that?"

Tong Sisi smiled, and asked instead, "What kind of girl is she?"

"It can't be compared with my sister-in-law. She is a small policeman, but she works very hard because she likes it."

"It's good. Girls should have something to pursue."

On the way home, Tong Sisi also found out that Red Fox's girlfriend was called Guan Xiaoran, and that Red Fox had brought her to her door when she was on a mission.

Back home, the red fox also drove away. Before Tong Sisi stepped into the gate of the villa with her bag on her back, someone suddenly jumped out behind her. Tong Sisi dodged to the side and swung the bag in her hand.

"Oh!" Zhang Huayu covered the corners of his sore eyes, and stared at her fiercely, "Why are you crazy!"

That's why some villains filed a complaint first.

Tong Sisi hung the bag back on her shoulder and looked at her, "Why are you here?"

Zhang Huayu put down her hand, the corners of her eyes were a little red, she squinted that eye, and said in a bad tone, "Do you still need to report to me when I come to my son's house? As for him, let him come out, I have something to look for him. "

One by one, she didn't even want to call him by name, Tong Sisi didn't know why she hated Brother Mu so much and ran over.

Tong Sisi didn't answer her, but glanced at her indifferently, and turned around.

"Stop!" Zhang Huayu came up and grabbed her arm.

Tong Sisi frowned, flung it away and took two steps back, her eyes turned cold, and her voice also became cold, "Better behave, I'm impatient with you now!"

"You are presumptuous..." Zhang Huayu pointed her finger, and she slapped it down. Tong Sisi forced her to take a step forward, "I think of my son when I see you now, and I really want to kill you."

"You...you dare..."

"I don't dare. You are divorced from my father-in-law now, and you are not my husband's biological mother, and you have no feelings for you. Regarding the things you did to us, how confident are you that we can forgive you if you have a good temper? " Tong Sisi forced her outside the gate, stopped, her cold eyes were full of sarcasm, "Let me tell you, I have a bad temper and poor self-control, it's useless to call the police if I can't help but beat you up."

Tong Sisi looks like that, I have someone in the bureau.

Zhang Huayu trembled angrily, her face flushed red.

"If I had no face for you to come here..." The words behind her suddenly stopped, and she saw Brother Mu get out of the car from outside the door and walked over.

Zhang Huayu turned her head when she heard the footsteps, and the moment she saw Qin Mu, she got excited and spoke through gritted teeth.

"Look at the daughter-in-law you married, is there still a respectful upbringing!"

Qin Mu didn't stop in his footsteps, and his eyes didn't give charity. He passed her and came to Tong Sisi's side, and whispered a few words in a low voice. His warm attitude has never been to her mother!
Until Zhang Huayu couldn't bear it and yelled.

Qin Mu looked over with reluctance, but his eyes were full of coldness, "Does the Zhang family know that you are here?"

"..." Zhang Huayu's complexion changed, she forcibly held back, and clenched her fists, "Don't talk about the Zhang family, and don't use threats! I also want to ask you, what did you do to the Zhang family!"

Tong Sisi looked at her, Brother Mu, tightened her hands on her shoulders, and heard him say, "I won't help the Zhang family anymore, so they don't have the patience to give money to you, a married aunt."


Looking at Zhang Huayu's appearance, he was poked.

I don't know what brother Mu did to force Zhang Huayu into this.

Qin Mu's eyes were cold, "I said earlier, without the Qin family, you are nothing."

Yu Luo also said, "The law and order here is not good in the prosperous age. Everyone will be allowed in. I will send people to guard day and night later. After all, the people living here are noble. If I am hurt by dangerous elements, Qin Huang will have to kill me." into a lawsuit."

"..." Said in front of Zhang Huayu, who else could the dangerous person say?
Zhang Huayu never thought that the boy who once treated him with respect, now treats him with such an attitude, this kind of gap is difficult for people to accept.

Seeing their husband and wife enter the door, Zhang Huayu was locked out of the door, and after a while, security guards came to invite her out.

Qin Mu stood in the dressing room and took off her clothes. Her broad and muscular chest had an irresistible magic to her.

Tong Sisi came over and hugged him gently from behind, her cheek was pressed against his back, her face flushed red with the temperature.

The hands in front of him were gently held by him, and a warm and tolerant voice lingered in his cochlea, "Did she scare you?"

Rubbing his head against his back, he shook his head, and then said, "I was harmed like that by her in vain. I can't treat her with a good attitude. When I see her, I can't help but want to mess with her. But she is the father-in-law's ex-wife after all. Outside, she is still your and Tianai's mother, no matter how much I hate her, I can't really get along with her."

After saying that, Qin Mu held her hand and pulled her to him, rubbing her temple hair, "Do you really want to be with her?"

Then he said: "The next time I see you, I still have this thought, so don't suppress it."

"Are you serious?" Tong Sisi looked at him, then smiled, "Forget it, I'm still suppressing it. Even if you don't care, there is still Tianai, if my sister-in-law beats her mother, she How embarrassing it will be to see me in the future, how can our sister-in-law get along without any barriers?"

Qin Mu's eyes became more gentle, he hugged her gently, and said in his ear, "It's just that I'm not as thoughtful as my wife, but I have a good vision, and I chose such a good wife."

"..." It's rhythmic without his boasting.

After changing clothes, Qin Mu held her with his left hand, and sat in the crook of his left arm in vain, and the family of three came down from the stairs.

Qin Ma set the dishes on the table.

Tong Sisi put Bai Bai on the baby chair next to her, and asked Mother Qin to sit down and eat quickly.

She had just put the deboned fish into a small white bowl when the cell phone rang in the bag lying on the sofa.

Qin's mother quickly got up, took her bag, and found out her mobile phone.

The call was made by An An, who was on duty at Wufang Pavilion, but this call disrupted everyone's next plans.

The next day, Brother Mu sent her, Bai Bai and her mother to the airport, and the red fox followed them with their luggage.

On this journey to City B, Brother Mu arranged for the red fox to take care of them, even so, he was still very worried when they parted.

 City B is the territory of the Chu family~
(End of this chapter)

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