Be a superhero from a pirate

Chapter 100 Backup plan, Conan is born

Chapter 100 Backup plan, Conan is born

Kudo Shinichi was gradually persuaded by Lynch and began to accept his point of view, but he still had doubts.

However, the body began to shrink, unknowingly shortened by more than ten centimeters, and gradually turned into the appearance of a child.

Lynch knew that the medicine was starting to take effect, so he took a few steps forward and held him down, saying, "Oh no, the medicine is still taking effect! It seems that you are starting to rejuvenate."

"What rejuvenation? Will I become a child!"

The sudden blow, the impact on Shinichi can be imagined.

Are there still drugs in the world that can take people back to being a child before their teens?
Of course, this is the effect of APTX4869, and Lynch knows it well.

But if you want to hide from the shrewd Gin and Black Organization, it's better to continue to let Shinichi become a elementary school student of death, so it won't be a problem to continue for a thousand episodes.

At this moment, he was very good at acting, so he had no choice but to express his helplessness.

"The poison you took just now is a drug developed by that organization. It is said to be an unfinished poison with irreversible side effects.

I thought it would be fine to help you pick it out, but it still happened! "

He shook his head and sighed, expressing deep pity for Xinyi, holding back a smirk, and almost couldn't continue acting.

However, Shinichi fell into a panic, thinking that the result is still a pill?

Fortunately, it stopped changing after it shrunk to seven or eight years old. Lynch pretended to observe, but said, "It's strange! It's just turned into a child? It seems that the function of this medicine is very special!"

"Now is not the time to worry about this, what should I do?"

Xinyi's mind was spinning quickly, no one would believe that he had shrunk down for no reason, how would he meet Xiaolan in the future, and how would he explain to his parents?
He is a famous high school detective, doesn't he want to lose face?

"Don't worry, let's leave here first."

Lynch had been prepared for a long time. After he pondered, he said, "Seeing that your current state has stopped changing, the effect of the medicine may have passed. I will find you a piece of clothing, pretend to be a lost elementary school student, and let the police send you away.

However, for the safety of your family, it is not recommended that you go home directly, it is best to find a safe place! "

Go out in a hurry to get back the prepared children's clothes, and after changing into Xinyi, let him find a way to find Tiaozi for help.

"Are you leaving like this?"

Shinichi calmed down and felt that Lynch's motives were suspicious, and he was wearing a Batman costume and a mask, so he couldn't tell who it was.

"Don't worry, I will protect you in secret. Besides, my identity is also a secret, so I can't just reveal it!"

Lynch made a silent motion towards him, turned around and jumped up the tree to leave.

Of course, Lynch put away Batman's costume before he went far, and changed into an ordinary person to find the police officers patrolling nearby.

Tell them that they heard the sound of children crying in the jungle, because they dare not go in rashly because it is dark, let them go and have a look.

Of course, this is just an excuse for the police to rescue Shinichi. The eye-catching opponent should ask the police to send him to Dr. Ali's house, right?

After doing all this, he was also secretly pondering whether there was a problem.

I left Shinichi's coat with his blood on it. Even if it is reported afterwards, it will only be regarded by the black organization as the role of APTX4869, killing without leaving traces.

And Kudo Shinichi changed into a child's costume, as long as he didn't say anything, he would at most be regarded as an accidental disappearance, and there was Dr. A Li covering him, so there was no flaw.

Of course, he has to pay attention to the whole process, the follow-up development of the new one.

The birth of Edogawa Conan, not to be missed!
After confirming that the shrunken Shinichi was escorted back by the police, Lynch followed him all the way to Dr. Ali's house, which is also next door to the Kudo family's mansion.

At this time, it's time for Shinichi to tell Dr. Ali the truth, and complain about it by the way, right?
After the escorting police officers left, he put on the Batman suit again and sneaked into the mansion.

Because he completed two rescue missions, Lynch gained the authority to upgrade his skills. He upgraded his fighting specialization to the full level, and also raised his equipment specialization and reasoning specialization by five points each.

At this moment, the Batarang is displayed, and the hidden iron hook is used to climb into the roof and hide on the ceiling.

Under the cover of the night, the whole person hid in the cloak, and there was no one waiting here unless he searched carefully.

The unlucky Shinichi has finished complaining to Dr. Ali, and is thinking about what to do?
If the fact that he became a child was known by outsiders, it would definitely cause a sensation.

Because of Lynch's warning in advance, Xinyi's vigilance has increased a lot, at least there is no need for Dr. A Li to remind him.

However, it is not reconciled to live incognito!
"Why, are you afraid?"

Lynch's figure descended leisurely from the ceiling and hung behind his back, startling Xinyi.


Before Xinyi could shout out, Lynch covered his mouth, signaling to keep quiet.

"Now, listen to me first! Since you have become a child, why not go ahead and use this identity to disguise yourself. Wait until you find a chance to catch those who harmed you, and then find a way to find the antidote!
Besides, there are people around you who care about you, right?

It's here now! "

He pointed to the outside, and it happened that Xiaolan came uninvited, and was concerned about whether Xinyi, who had never heard from him, had returned home.

Dr. Ali gave Lynch a chance to communicate with Shinichi because he went to say hello to her.

At this moment, Shinichi understood the urgency of the matter, and nodded vigorously to show that he understood.

Lynch let go of his hand just now, let him think of a way to deal with it, and continued to watch the show in the dark.

Not long after, Xiaolan broke in and was taken aback when she saw a little brother here.

"Hey, you are... so cute!"

Hugging the front-loading washing machine in a hug, the unreasonable affection was overwhelming, and she picked it up.

Xinyi is also speechless, he has never been so close after being together for so long, this happiness came too suddenly!
Struggling to get down, under Xiaolan's persecution, he made up his own pseudonym.

"I'm Edogawa—Conan!"

Don't watch the next play.

Conan looks so much like a washing machine when she was a child, Xiaolan didn't notice it, and even chatted about fate.

Dr. A Li had no choice but to explain that this was a distant relative of his family who came to join him and had no place to settle down. By the way, he asked Xiaolan to take care of him, so that Conan could get a chance to be near the water first.

The two had a heated fight, and they were about to move in and live together.

Although in order to hide his identity, going to Maori's detective agency might not be an option, but Conan excuses that he still needs to organize things and asks Xiaolan to come back again.

After pushing Dr. Ali away, he looked up at the dark ceiling, looking for Lynch.

have they gone?
That bat freak!

"Are you looking for me?"

Hiding at the entrance on the second floor, he beckoned to Conan, signaling him to come up and speak.

"It's a good choice to take refuge in the girl's house!" Lynch said with deep meaning, "If my guess is correct, those guys will come here to search to confirm your death. It's best not to stay here for a short time. at home."

Regarding Lynch's suggestion, Conan felt a little depressed, as if he knew everything.

"You know those two guys in black very well. Who are they? Are they so scary?"

"Hehe, I'm not afraid to tell you! I have dealt with them before, and it is definitely a terrible organization. So you have to be prepared for a long-term battle, and it is absolutely right to be careful!"

"But how can I trust you?"

After Conan woke up, his IQ slowly came online again, and he was more suspicious of Lynch's motives.

After all, a big man is always playing cross-dressing, and he doesn't look like a good guy if he is mysterious. It's hard not to make people suspicious.

Lynch was silent for a moment, and said with emotion: "Actually, I was also forced! If you knew what those guys did, you wouldn't think it was a problem. Everything is for safety, too. In order to deal with those villains, I must make myself stronger!"

Giving a good reason, Lynch knew that Conan had to digest slowly, and was not in a hurry.

"You go first? I will find you if I have a chance! If you encounter danger, you can also come to me for help!"

He handed a signal transmitter to Conan for future contact.

When the handover was completed, an idea came to mind.

I have become a master, do you want to train Conan to be a dear disciple, Robin?
As a famous detective covered in black technology, your skills still need to be improved!
(End of this chapter)

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