Be a superhero from a pirate

Chapter 106 Dr. A Li

Chapter 106 Dr. A Li
Half an hour later, Dr. Ali's home.

Unexpectedly, Lynch came to the door and had a good chat with Dr. Ali.

"Doctor, I heard Xinyi praise you as a genius earlier, and I admire you very much! It's an honor to finally meet you today!"

"No way! Is that what Shinichi said about me?"

Dr. Ali was praised so much that he couldn't find Bei, so he rubbed his head and laughed, and even asked Lynch to drink tea.

"By the way, how did you meet?"

"Me, I'm Shinichi's fan. I came to Tokyo this time just to get to know him well, but unfortunately he actually went on a trip?"

"That's right, Shinichi greeted me before he left. He did have some urgent business to go to another place."

Although Dr. Ali's flattery is useful, he did not forget to cover Conan.

It just so happened that Conan also rushed over at this time, and hurriedly dragged him to make a rescue.

"Conan, you're here too! Just in time, this Mr. Lin said he wanted to find your new brother, and I don't even know how to tell him?"

Blinking at Conan, he hinted that he hadn't said anything.

"Big brother, are you really here? Brother Xinyi, is it true that you are not at home?"

Conan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to reply innocently.

"Yeah, it's really not a coincidence. However, chatting with the doctor for a few words is also an eye-opener."

Lynch sipped his tea calmly, but changed the subject, "He just mentioned a few great inventions to me, they are really amazing!"

"Invention! Ahaha, let me talk casually..."

Dr. A Li touched his head, also embarrassed.

Just now Lynch flattered too much and showed off a few achievements for a while, but now Lynch sold him out.

"No, no, I think these things must be very valuable if they can be used. For example, solar-powered skateboards and this kind of powered sneakers are very useful for people with physical disabilities!"

Lynch pretended to appreciate it very seriously, which made the doctor embarrassed.

Conan couldn't help being suspicious, Lynch came here to tell the doctor what he said, it's really hateful!
What is his purpose?
Lynch was also observing Conan's reaction, knowing that he had already grown vigilant, which was right.

Fighting against the black organization in the future will be far more dangerous than this, and these are far from it!
"Okay, I have delayed you for a long time today, I should leave."

He stood up, thanked the two for their hospitality, and left.

Conan let out a sigh of relief in the room, and couldn't help complaining to Dr. Ali: "It's really too dangerous! I almost thought he was also a member of the Black Organization, and he came to inquire about information?"

"Xinyi, you are so scared. Could it be that you have met those people again recently?" Dr. Ali also became serious and helped analyze the information. "Is the person from Huaguo just now really a problem?"

"It's hard to say, but he reminds me of a guy. By the way, doctor, look at this equipment, where is it produced?"

He took out the belt that Lynch had given him as Batman. There were some special props in it, which were quite useful.

After Dr. A Li took it over for inspection, he was shocked.

"These are military-grade products, and they look like the equipment of Hope Country's superhero Batman. Where did you get them?"

"It was given to me by a mysterious person. He claimed to have the same goal as mine. He wanted to investigate the organization in black and train me to deal with future situations. However, I can't be sure of his purpose?"

"Well, the other party didn't lie at all. His equipment is really powerful. You can at least save your life if you get it."

Dr. A Li nodded, indicating that this is still certain.

"Of course it can be used to save lives, and it can even kill people invisible!"

A deep voice came out immediately, surrounding the room like a stereo sound, it was hard to tell which corner it was coming from.

"you again!"

Conan's eyes narrowed for a while, and before he grabbed his belt to defend, the things in Dr. Ali's hands disappeared.

It was like being taken away by a black shadow out of thin air, and disappeared in the darkness instantly.

All the lights in the room were extinguished, and there was no light at all.

"Wow, who the hell are you?"

Dr. A Li was also frightened, he had never seen such a big play.

"I am the person he said, you can call me Batman, or the master!"

"Do you really think of yourself as Batman? A real Batman wouldn't do such a frightening thing!"

Conan suppressed the terror in his heart and retorted.

"Hehe, since you don't cherish what I gave you, you casually reveal it to others. Why can't I take it back? How can a person who doesn't know how to keep it secret become my friend? I can't trust you!"

Lynch replied coldly that he needed to give the two of them a blow.

Several thoughts flashed through Conan's mind at that moment, and he finally judged that the mysterious man in front of him was a worthy companion, so he said, "Dr. Ali can be trusted! Moreover, he can help us."

"Yes, Shinichi and I are old neighbors. I have been friends with his father Yusaku Kudo for many years, so there is no reason to harm him. Besides, you are so mysterious, it is too suspicious!"


Lynch smiled sinisterly, "Compared to the black organization you are going to pursue, I am much more decent. If you fall into the hands of those people, you will die without knowing how!"

"You keep saying the name Black Organization. What is their origin? What does it have to do with you?"

Conan heard the guy who made him smaller again, so he dared to ask a question.

"Want to know?"

Lynch's voice appeared behind him, grabbed Conan and threw him into the air.

Thanks to these two days of training, Conan's skills were much more agile. He cunningly turned over in the air, then threw the bat dart in his hand, and used a hidden rope to climb the corner of the wall and fly to the wall, narrowly avoiding disaster.

It was only after he came back to his senses, panting heavily, that he realized that his physical fitness had changed so much.

"See? This is the result of training!"

Lynch stopped attacking, lit a candle in the dark, and placed it on the table.

"Whether I'm worth trusting or not, do you understand now?"

Conan was also amazed at his own changes. After he landed slowly, he was a little confused about Lynch's intentions.

"Are you testing me?"

"I want to know whether you are trustworthy. Also, remind you not to reveal our secrets casually, because what I will say next is even more terrifying!"

"Doctor, are you sure you want to participate now?"

Asked coldly, Dr. Ali, who had been stunned for a long time, also broke out in a cold sweat.

At this moment, he smiled awkwardly and said, "Okay? Since you want to help Conan, I have no objection!"

In fact, he was involved in it from the very beginning, and it was impossible for him to stay out of it.

"very good!"

Lynch nodded, told the information about the black organization, and vaccinated the two of them.

"So, they are a transnational criminal organization? Their members are all extremely dangerous and engaged in all kinds of dirty business. Then, how do you deal with them?"

"This is also a secret, I can't tell my identity." Lynch paused, touched the mask on his face with emotion, "I can only tell you that they destroyed my home and prevented me from coming out to meet people." , so I want to track down their whereabouts and stop these people from continuing to endanger society. You used to be a famous high school student detective, you don’t think you will let them do anything wrong?”

Looking at Conan with piercing eyes, he tested his mind again, and naturally got an affirmative answer.

"Of course, we're not already cooperating. It's just that you have another purpose for coming here today?"

"Yes, I would like to borrow your house for a while."

Lynch mentioned the key issue, he was going to attack Kudo's villa.

"Borrow my house, what are you doing?"

Conan didn't understand his intentions. He told himself that it was dangerous to stay at home, but it didn't make sense for him to requisition this place.

"Because I need a base, and at the same time, I also need to monitor the enemies who may come to search here later. The black organization may come to see if you are dead in a short time. That is a good opportunity to deal with them."

Lynch avoids the important and ignores the important, and he didn't say anything about his plan to transform a bat cave. To put it bluntly, he was afraid that Conan's liver would hurt.

Conan did not deny his proposal. Although living in Maori's house can hide people's eyes and ears, there is no one to take care of him here.

Lynch stayed and could still take care of Dr. Ali's safety.

"How do you want to be here?"

Dr. Ali came to curiosity, because his actions were so strange.

"I just need an absolutely safe and hidden place!"

Lynch smiled slightly, he had a comprehensive plan in mind, and then he was going to do something drastic.

(End of this chapter)

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