Be a superhero from a pirate

Chapter 17 Why Supernovas Are Playing Dead

Chapter 17 Why Supernovas Are Playing Dead
After receiving the report from Zhan Taowan, knowing that the other party had found Luffy, he urged himself to go there.

But Huang Yuan was still unwilling to let Lin Qi go, and felt that he should be taught some lessons.

"You actually called me uncle, no one has been so rude in all these years? I have to kick you PP!"

Huang Yuan, who hung up the phone, suddenly summoned countless stars, and the mighty eight-foot Qiong Gouyu attacked the fleeing Lin Qi indiscriminately.

It wasn't until there was an explosion sound in the distance that the boy who seemed to be causing trouble fell to the ground, and then turned into a dazzling light and left.

After the smoke cleared, a few unlucky guys lay at the explosion site.

Hawkins and Drake were blocked in front of Lynch and silently endured the indiscriminate attack just now.

The two were really helpless, but they asked Lynch who was pretending to be dead on the ground: "What are you doing! Are you here to help us?"

"Listen to me, just pretend to be dead now! That guy Huang Yuan will leave in a while!"

Lynch had expected that the yellow ape would not give up, so he chose to feign death to muddle through!
Anyway, I have an armed domineering body shield, so he can't hurt me.

At this moment, as long as Huang Yuan leaves, he can announce the pass.

The general's strength is still very good, and he has to make full use of the sixteen-character policy of the enemy's advance and our retreat.

"So, do we have to keep pretending to be dead? I'm afraid that if we wait a little longer, the navy will have to take action!"

Urki, who was also lying dead on the other side, said that he was so big that he helped you attract firepower.

"No hurry! Wait until the yellow ape can't sense us, then it will be fine."

Lynch sensed that Huang Yuan should go to trouble Luffy, and he was safe for the time being.

"Now, let's talk about business! Do you want to hang out with me for your life? Or do you plan to be caught by the navy and locked up in a small black room for the rest of your life?"

"Well, why do I have a bad feeling! What do you want to say?"

Hawkins had a black question mark on his face, feeling that his divination skills were useless.

"No, no, no, I'm just doing my duty as a superhero and trying to save people!" Lynch said seriously, "Anyway, you guys can't beat the yellow ape, why don't you cooperate with me to go to the navy to surrender to everyone Did you share the bounty? Besides, I’m not a devil, so I won’t really send you guys to push into the city!”


Hawkins really wanted to stand up after hearing this, and Drake also felt that his IQ was owed unprecedentedly.

As a supernova crossing the sea, they actually had to rely on dead bodies to get away with it. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for them to get out of this?

"Hey, have you guys discussed it? It's okay, the Sa family is leaving!"

Not far away, Urki saw them lying down and talking like this, and asked in a low voice, "Apu over there seems to be getting up! Is he pretending to be dead like us?"

"Damn it! You'll be discovered by Huang Yuan if you cheat so fast!"

Lynch sensed that Apu, who was beaten at the end, was trying to get up stubbornly, and then looked for an opportunity to escape.

"Lie on your stomach and don't move, I'll inform him!"

He suddenly resorted to shaving, disappeared in place and flashed to Apu's position, and held him down.

"Don't move, the yellow ape hasn't left yet! You're not safe yet!"

"Oh, what's going on with you guys? I've been paying attention for a long time just now, why are you all lying on the ground motionless!"

Apu, who was seriously injured, was also weak, and expressed incomprehension to the other dead supernovas.

"Just pretend to be dead! You can escape by pretending to be dead, can't you?"

Lynch gradually sensed that the yellow ape had left the No. 24 peninsula, so he turned around and said something.

Apu, who was at a loss for what to do about the situation, said how long will I be lying here like a dead fish?
Marine soldiers have already appeared on the side of the road, trying to come up to see if they are dead?

"Oh, there are still people here to make trouble? It's okay, they should be inaccurate with marksmanship!"

When a soldier pointed a gun at the two, he was kicked out of thin air and exploded on the spot.

"What happened? Someone got hurt!"

"It's General Polusalino, is he back?"

"Why did he attack his own people!"

The navy was in a mess and didn't know what to do. When the riots passed and looked at the parties involved, Lynch and Apu had disappeared.

Similarly, the three Hawkins lying dead on the other side also disappeared.

Just a few seconds later, at the edge of the No. 24 peninsula, Lynch escaped safely with a few guys.

"So, just listen to me!"

Looking at the few people who were still a little surprised, Lynch said playfully.

I didn't expect to escape safely by pretending to be dead, and the four supernovas were also drunk.

"That's right, you're kind of interesting, it fits my temper very well." The strange monk Urgi rubbed his head and said, "Why don't you come on board with me in the future, how about being the military advisor of the Sa family?"

"Looking at your face, it's impossible to have a military advisor by your side!"

Hawkins interrupted him, cutting in solemnly.

"We're all off the hook, after all. What's the point of talking here?"

Dadieyin Apu wanted to run away again, but saw Lynch laughing.

"Because of my great love, do you want to leave with just one word? Everyone, do you have to leave something behind!"

He opened his mouth and yawned, but waved his hand, implying that you have to pay!
You are all pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions. Is it reasonable to save your life without reciprocating it?

The faces of the three of Hawkins changed. After being seriously injured, they couldn't beat Lynch. Are they about to bleed?

"At this time, we still don't want to fight among ourselves! Lynch also has good intentions, why don't we find a way to get out of here first."

Drake intervened, thinking he could still say a few words.

"My boat is ready, if you want to go, I can send you a ride."

Hawkins let go of his prejudices and expressed his sincerity.

"No, no, you misunderstood! I saved everyone because I didn't want to be robbed by Huang Yuan. Your bounty is mine alone!"

Lynch suddenly turned his face without warning. The moment he spoke, the three of Hawkins also realized that something was wrong with them. There was a magical seawater wrapped around their wrists and turned into shackles to lock them.

It was the masterpiece of Lynch's domineering incarnation. When he saved them just now, he had already left behind.

The four of them suddenly fell heavily to the ground, and they all fell to the ground.

"Lynch, you actually tricked us?"

"Let go of Sajia, I will fight with you for another [-] rounds!"

"Damn it, believe it or not, I'll scold you! Let me go!"

"Today is not my death day, is it?"

Let them complain on the ground, but Lynch looked up at the direction of the navy.

"You can scold slowly if you are in the mood? Anyway, you still have two hours to make a decision!"

Drake heard the other three people who hurriedly stopped the quarrel and asked him what decision he made?
"Hurry up and redeem yourself with money! I don't ask too much, just the amount equivalent to your respective bounties, otherwise I will let Karp's disciple Kebi notify the Navy to accept people. At that time, I am going to put him in prison." wear it!"

Dare to feel that he has already made a plan, and is going to harvest the heads here.

Quadruple kills are perfectly achieved, it's really cool!
Drake said speechlessly, is this really good?
You rescued us from the general Huang Yuan, just to trick us again!

"Nonsense, you are all big pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions! How can you give such a good opportunity to others? Hurry up, let's go!"

Leaving the four supernovas in a daze, Lynch took the first step.

"Damn it!"

Hawkins took the lead and sighed, there is no need for divination now, let's hurry up and collect money.

(End of this chapter)

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