Be a superhero from a pirate

Chapter 22 Target, Daughter Island

Chapter 22 Target, Daughter Island
Leaving the Chambord Islands, return to the submarine spaceship to meet Luffy.

Lynch has good news!

He told Luffy about arranging Supernova to find out the news, and brought the prepared phone bug.

Before leaving, I specially prepared one for Nami. Once there is news, I can contact you at any time.

Of course, with the life card in his hand, Luffy can also confirm that everyone is still alive.

"Now, how do we save Luffy's brother Ace?"

Robin had calmed down and asked the key question.

After all, Jinjin City is a heavily guarded submarine prison, and it is not so easy to get in!

"If you want to break into the city of advancement, you can't do it without someone to guide you!" Lynch knew that it was time to take advantage of the traverser again, "I plan to lead the way to Daughter's Island and find Boa Hancock, one of the Seven Martial Seas' empresses." Try your luck!"

Lynch felt that this move was still to be taken. The problem was to speed up the process of persuading the Empress.

According to the original plot, it takes three days and three nights to fly on the way to Daughter's Island. In addition, it takes some time to attack the Empress to increase her favorability, which inevitably delays the schedule to advance to the city.

But with Lynch around, with the fast teleportation skill of the trident, he can go directly to Daughter Island, reducing the possibility of intermediate water plots.

"Go to Qiwuhai? They are not from the world government, will they help us?"

Luffy frowned and asked, not quite understanding.

"You don't know. Although the empress Hancock is Qiwuhai, she doesn't care much about outside affairs, and I know that she has a grudge with the Tianlongren. If she knows that you beat me to the sky, the Tianlongren will definitely shoot!"

Lynch has thought about this relationship for a long time, not only that Luffy may win the favor of the Empress, but the important thing is that the enemy of the enemy is a friend!

Everyone hates the Celestial Dragons, and that's enough of a reason!

"Really? She also can't understand Tianlong people!"

Luffy scratched his head and didn't know why, so he went to ask Robin for his opinion.

Of course Robin didn't know about Hancock's previous secrets, and she could only guess that Lynch had learned from CP0.

Moreover, Daughter Island is under the jurisdiction of the Empress. It is said that the island is full of women, and no man has ever been able to approach it.

If you can seek shelter, you can also avoid the general's pursuit.

"So, when are we going to leave?"

"Go now, you sit down!"

Lynch sat in the pilot's seat, activated the spacecraft's navigation system, and the electronic map of the first half of the great route was displayed on the screen.

"System, mark the location of Daughter's Island, ready to send!"

Secretly issued an order to arm the trident to the top of the spaceship and release a powerful teleportation skill.

The sea surface stirred up, and a huge vortex formed ahead, presenting an astonishing landscape.

Luffy and Robin watched from the screen with their mouths wide open. Before asking what it was, they felt the ship shake.

Inexplicably, he was sucked into the vortex, crossed the vast sea area, and arrived at the expected destination.

Traveling thousands of miles away is like passing by in a blink of an eye.

During the journey of just a few seconds, the three people in the spacecraft were bumpy.

Even Lynch himself was a little nervous. It was his first time playing teleportation, and he wasn't very proficient!
Fortunately, he is in good health now, and quickly adapted to the bumps, trying to restore the balance of the spaceship.

"Warning! Daughter's Island is approaching ahead, please prepare to dock quickly and pay attention to safety!"

"Oops, we're going ashore! Sit tight!"

He put away the trident, tried his best to control the spaceship, slid a few hundred meters close to the ground, and landed safely.

Looking back at the two companions, Luffy was stuck on the roof of the boat and almost fainted. Robin hugged himself with his conjured arms, and sat in his seat speechless!
"Mr. Lin, your skills are not very good?"

With a forced smile, he replied.

"Please! This is a mysterious island in the windless belt. If you drive it for the first time, it will probably be the same."

What else could Lynch say, he could only pretend he didn't care.

Open the hatch, carry Luffy out, and check the surrounding environment.

If there is no accident, they have already arrived at Daughter's Island, and they will meet the local aborigines at any time to interrogate them, so they have to prepare early.

"This is the Daughter's Island you mentioned? Let's go find that Empress!"

Luffy regained his composure and couldn't wait to get things done, but then he covered his stomach again: "Also, I'm hungry!"

"Don't worry, we have to allocate manpower."

Lynch collected the Trident and the spaceship, and confirmed the location to the system.

【The master has arrived at Daughter Island·Amazon Lily.Currently in the jungle area, please pay attention to safety!There will be giant ferocious beasts here, and there will be guards of the country coming to patrol at any time...]

Sure enough, when it comes to Amazon Lily, that's right!
Lynch glanced around, and soon saw a big guy ready to move not far away.

Several huge wild boars were staring at the three uninvited guests, planning to turn them into delicacies in their stomachs.

"Great! Let's prepare some rations first?"

Lynch and Luffy's surprisingly unanimous thoughts made the two strike together again, killing several big guys in seconds.

Drag it back to prepare a barbecue for dinner, and let's talk about filling our stomachs.

Robin looked at it and didn't know what to say, you really do as the Romans do!

"Mr. Lin, what did you mean by assigning manpower just now?"

"By the way! This place is full of women, and almost no men have ever been here. I think you can pretend to be in trouble and try to blend in with the local tribesmen to serve as our internal support.

Then, Luffy and I tried to find another way to find the Empress, and we split up! "

Lynch made up his plan, and at the same time, he sensed the sound of human footsteps.

It is estimated that they are female warriors of the Nine Snakes, and they are all very sturdy.

"People are here! Watch your performance."

Picking up the booty, he dragged Lu Fei away, leaving Robin with a black hair, so he had to tear his sleeves and collar and call for help.

"Help! Is there anyone here?"

Two women of different races came from a distance, with strange snakes wrapped around their bodies, and dressed in bikini-like refreshing clothes, looking at Robin strangely.

"Well, why are outsiders here? Is it the victims of the storm just now?"

The leading blonde girl, with a hot body, was Margaret.

Robin watched the two people's outfits curiously, and started his own performance.

"Are you residents of the island? Great, our ship accidentally broke into the windless zone, and then I was sent here. What is this place?"

"Unfortunate girl, this is the territory of the Nine Snakes, the Daughter Island under the jurisdiction of Master Snake..."

Robin, who has outstanding emotional intelligence, quickly caught up with this line.

Lynch, who fled to the depths of the jungle, turned back to discuss the next plan with Luffy after confirming that Robin was successfully rescued.

"Well, Robin left with them, right? Let's eat first!"

Luffy, who can't wait to eat barbecue, has already started to heat up.

What a foodie, it’s best to fill your stomach.

While helping, Lynch said to him: "After eating later, I will take you to see the beauty of the Empress. She should be back soon. Although the other party is Qi Wuhai, he is not the same as the Navy... Well, tonight I will go to the place of the Nine Snakes to find out the truth, and find an opportunity to ask the Empress to help!"

After a full meal, Lynch did not forget to pay attention to the situation outside the island.

His current super sensing ability can be expanded to a range of more than ten miles, and he can receive it if there is a disturbance outside.

Of course, not being able to maintain such a high level of vigilance at any time is also very exhausting.

A big wild boar weighing several hundred catties was split up by two people on the spot and ate a round belly.

It's a pity that there is no seasoning. If you get some salt, cumin and chili, it will be even better.

On the contrary, Luffy ate with gusto, not picky at all.

Seeing him lying on the ground hiccupping with a big belly, he was nothing.

"Hey, won't you be able to support yourself after eating so much?"

In fact, Lynch has always been curious. Does eating so much make more chemical fertilizers?
Lu Fei patted his belly and said, "It's okay, it will be digested after a few more steps! Hey, there seems to be mushrooms here?"

He looked at the strange mushrooms that appeared beside him, as if he wanted to have some after-dinner snacks.

"Stop that mushroom! It's poisonous..."

(End of this chapter)

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