Be a superhero from a pirate

Chapter 33 The world is shocked, the superhero with a reward of [-] million

Chapter 33 The world is shocked, a superhero with a reward of one billion
Shiliu of the Rain thought that he would be able to escape from the sky with his magical swordsmanship.

Unexpectedly, Lynch actually extracted Ace's skills, integrated the flame ability into his moves, and developed a brand new skill.

Having unlocked his magical ability, he can not only manipulate domineering to drive sea water, but also use different elements to enhance the power of his skills.

He named this move the Ice and Fire Double Heaven.

The power of water and fire fused together, like a shadow.

Shiliu, who originally hid in the water and thought he could escape, was burnt to death.

Soon there was a wailing, and white smoke rose.

"Wait, how could he have no resistance?"

Sand Crocodile and the others looked a little incomprehensible. With Shiliu's ability, he shouldn't have lost so completely.

"It's the flame! It cut off the oxygen around him and made Shiliu unable to breathe, so he couldn't resist anymore!"

Haixia Jinbe saw the flaw, except that murlocs can breathe in a special way underwater, it is difficult for ordinary humans to stay in the sea for a long time.

Not to mention the isolation of the surrounding water sources, the rapid combustion of oxygen, is a dead end.

"Terrible! He actually used the fire ability in the water, who the hell is he?"

"It's a superhero!"

Lynch looked at Sand Crocodile and the others arrogantly, and said coldly, "Don't think that I made a big fuss to save you? I was just helping Luffy save his brother! As for you criminals, did I say that I would let you go?" ?”

With a knowing blow, the guy who originally wanted to fish in troubled waters fell into deep despair.

How can this be played! ?

It is better to surrender and go to the prison above, so as not to be drowned!

Shocking the miscellaneous fish, Lynch came back and spoke to Luffy, Ace and the others: "Luffy, let's leave without delay! Robin is picking us up nearby, get on the submarine spacecraft, let's leave as soon as possible."

Then he asked Jinbe and Ivankov, "What about you? If you want to leave, you can come with us. I know that these people are not ordinary people, and they shouldn't be locked up here."

Although Haixia Jinbei is Qiwukai, he has never done bad things, and he is also righteous, so he is worth making friends with.

As a member of the Revolutionary Army, the Shemale King is not a bad guy except for his unique personal style.

Several people got Lynch's invitation, so naturally they would not refuse.

Ivankov also said: "I originally wanted to live in seclusion here for a while, but it seems it's time to go out and meet old friends. Just let me take your boat!"

"The old man has no reason to stay here, but I don't know if so many people can be accommodated?"

"no problem!"

Lynch clapped his hands, and Robin, who had received the signal a long time ago, drove in with the submarine spacecraft.

Open the hatch to let the demon king and Zuna go up, and then greet Luffy.

"Luffy, I'm not too late! Everyone come up?"

Ace and Luffy have amphibious combat suits and don't need to board the boat. Jinbe can also swim by himself. Lynch even summoned the sea kings to sit on it and prepare to leave calmly.

Seeing that several people were about to leave in a big way, Bucky the Clown and Dazzy Bowness were in a hurry.

"Wait, what about us?"

"This is different from what was agreed in advance. We have helped you and we must give you a chance, right?"

They want to leave too!
After all, the opportunity is rare.

Lynch glanced at Bucky, and the sand crocodile who was embarrassed to speak, but smiled.

"Forget it, for the sake of overcoming difficulties together, I'll give you a chance. But that's all. After leaving the city, you can do it yourself. If you want to do something, don't blame me for being rude!"

Faced with such a threat, Lao Sha really wanted to be ruthless, so he didn't get on the boat.

Ivankov stretched his head on the boat and said with a smile: "Don't worry! With me watching him, these two dare not mess around!"

Self-proclaimed that he still had the handle of the sand crocodile, and the other party did not dare to make trouble in front of him.

Crocodile snorted coldly, and finally boarded the undersea spaceship with the cheek.

As for the clown Bucky, of course he has the cheek to go ahead and talk about it first.

Hurry up on the spaceship, hug your thighs, just hope to make a comeback in the future, it's not too late to get back this breath!

So those who got on the boat got on the boat, and the swimmers swam, and everyone left the city of advancement and embarked on a journey of desperation.

The news quickly spread to the Navy Headquarters, and the Warring States and others who were waiting in full battle could not help but be shocked.

"What? Luffy actually made a fuss in the city, and rescued Ace!"

"Haha, that good grandson of mine is amazing! Seeing what happened, I guess I have to retire too."

Mr. Garp couldn't help laughing from the sidelines.

"Enough, Cap! See what your family is doing?"

If the Marshal of the Warring States Period hadn't been hindered by his friendship, he would have had to be dealt with by military law.

The three generals standing in front of the execution platform had mixed reactions.

Kizuru still looked cheap, wondering what he was thinking, Aokiji was a little surprised, only Akainu was furious.

"Damn it! How dare you destroy the large submarine prison, this matter cannot be let go!"

The plan planned by the Navy was to kill Ace Yangwei, so as to cut off the descendants of Pirate King Roger, and hit the power of the Four Emperors by the way. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if the man with the white beard didn't come?

The Shichibukai who were summoned below, as well as the elite of the navy, started talking.

"Haha, the main character is gone! Can this play continue?"

Doflamingo couldn't help laughing, showing the attitude that people who eat melons should have.

"Not necessarily! According to this time, I'm afraid it's too late for Whitebeard to change his plan, and I'm afraid the battle will still come."

Hawkeye Mihawk calmly expressed his dissent. He felt that things were not that simple.

"No matter what you think, if you can't fight, I will leave!"

Snake Princess Hancock raised her head and made an exaggerated gesture to express her contempt, but she felt a little grateful in her heart.

It seems that Lynch and Luffy succeeded!

"Okay, everyone, don't relax! Even if Ace escapes, we will catch him back!"

At present, the morale of the army began to be unstable, and the Marshal of the Warring States Period immediately issued a call and made corresponding deployments at the same time.

It is imperative to pursue Luffy and others, and at the same time, the latest rewards will be used, and the escaped criminals will be wanted all over the world.

The news spread quickly, and the news here will spread all over the world in a few days, and the shock caused by that time will definitely be astonishing.

The five old stars who had heard the news were also discussing this matter at the same time.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the situation became out of control.

Who is that new Lynch?

It's even more troublesome than the Straw Hat Boy!
"Why is there so little information about him? Where did he come from?"

"I don't know! According to our information, this Lynch may have the blood of murlocs, and he can call wind and rain. He also claims to be a superhero, and he wants to save the world and fight against injustice!"

"Nonsense! With the ZF of the world here, why do you need him to fight against injustice?"

The old man with a white beard who looked like a certain Mahatma smiled disdainfully, and was very disdainful of this fake slogan.

"No matter who he is? He can't threaten the existence of ZF in the world! Immediately issue a wanted order and increase the bounty of Luffy and others, especially this Lynch... the bounty is set to one billion Berry!"

Billion Berry! ?
The subordinate who received the order was suddenly speechless in shock.

For a rookie who was wanted for the first time to have such a high amount of money, it is simply a big event.

Lynch, a pirate who claims to be a superhero, is a mysterious man from the sea.

The latest bounty, a billion Berry!

(End of this chapter)

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