Be a superhero from a pirate

Chapter 42 The Unusual Guest

Chapter 42 The Unusual Guest
Fishman Island is close at hand, but here is another scene.

Some never-before-seen sea beasts haunted the surroundings, nonchalantly looking at the travelers who came over.

Of course, with Shiping on the side, they knew that Brother Haixia was not easy to mess with, so they didn't dare to trouble Lynch.

Lynch looked around curiously until an uninvited guest appeared in front of him.

A few strange-looking murlocs are guarding here to check all outsiders who want to enter the murloc island.

Seeing Lynch coming with Jinping, he showed a strange expression.

"Jinbe, why did you come back with an outsider? Is he human!"

Faced with the questioning, Jinping's expression was not good, and he said instead: "Hammond, I haven't seen you in these years, are you still doing some new Murloc Pirates?"

It seems that these guys are the radicals among the murlocs, who have been brooding over Tiger's death and rejecting the humans on land.

They even recruited troops and recruited a large number of crew members, wanting to fight for the sovereignty of Murloc Island.

That is to say, Princess White Star and Neptune are easy to talk to, otherwise they would have been punished long ago.

Hearing him ask about the boss, the murloc named Hammond smiled: "The new murloc pirates have a bright future, but anyone who wants to go to murloc island must choose to join us! Otherwise..."

"This guy looks so funny! Is he threatening me?"

Unexpectedly, Lynch interrupted him, and instead studied Hammond's appearance, "The neck is so long, it feels as if he has no body, and he still wears earrings. Is your mother afraid that you will not grow up? Take a closer look, no Is it just an eel!"

This is too straightforward.

Jinping was speechless for a while, thinking that the old man is actually a whale shark in terms of bloodlines, doesn't it seem a bit strange to you!
"Damn human, don't be presumptuous here!"

Hammond is not an easy talker, and he stared at Lynch and said, "You either choose to join us, or you are ready to leave. This way will not work!"

"Oh, to put it bluntly, it's the income of the membership fee!" Lynch picked his nose and said to Jinping, "If I beat him up, you don't mind!"

"better not!"

Jinbe felt quite a headache. Although he didn't like these younger boys emotionally, the situation would worsen further if they made trouble.

"Okay, then I won't do it!"

Lynch smiled wickedly, which provoked ridicule from Hammond's companions.

"In the end, I'm only bragging! Just leave if you don't have the guts? Otherwise, we'll be rude!"

"Well, can I say one more thing?"

Lynch pointed behind him, where a huge sea lion approached.

"He looks hungry!"

Without warning, the sea lions attacked Hammond, and the scene was in chaos.

"Damn, what are you guys doing?"

"Isn't it too long since I cleaned it up, my skin is itchy!"

Hammond was caught off guard and scolded the disobedient sea lions, but unfortunately, he aroused the anger of more sea lions.

A swarm of swarms came up to attack him, and this time even his companions didn't dare to step forward, so they could only watch Hammond being taught a lesson.

"Is this something you did well?"

Jinbe looked back at Lynch. Although he didn't know how he commanded these sea beasts, it must be his handwriting.

"You don't have the good intentions to let him go, do you? This kind of person... No, this kind of murloc should be taught a lesson!"

Lynch didn't want to talk nonsense, and took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the entrance first, and slipped into the fish-man island in a grandiose manner.

What an unusual person!

Jinbe couldn't help sighing in the back, and was about to disperse the sea beasts, but found that after Hammond fainted and was thrown out, the sea beasts scattered without a trace.

Leaving Jinbei behind, he broke into the Fishman Island alone and enjoyed the unique scenery on the island.

Lynch really wanted to see what the beautiful mermaid girls looked like, and whether they were as cute as in the legend.

As for his attire, although it looked weird, it was different from ordinary humans. Although someone pointed at him, they didn't regard him as a foreign human.

However, there are still a few beautiful mermaid ladies who came to say hello.

"Brother, are you from another place? Why haven't I seen it before!"

"Wow, he has such a burly figure, and he looks much cuter than those pirates."

"Hey, let's talk about it, don't touch it, okay?"

The enthusiastic little mermaid lady didn't see anyone at all, and even dragged him to be a guest, after all, it was for business!
In fact, Lynch only wanted to meet the members of the royal family of Murloc Island, as well as another legendary Neptune Princess Baixing, so that they could meet each other face to face.

I wonder what Bai Xing will look like at this time?Still as timid as a crybaby?

Suddenly, there was commotion in the street.

Someone shouted with a weapon: "Damn Van der Dyken IX, come to harass the princess again! It's endless!"

"Anyway, get rid of that guy. Don't let him bully the princess!"

It is a pity that a dog licking is chasing Princess Bai Xing unwisely, but it is a pity that the way of wishful thinking is too nonsense, and it turned into a shock instead.

What annoys Lynch the most is this guy, who doesn't have any self-knowledge.

Since I met him, I still have to beat him up!

Following the direction of the crowd, heading towards the place where the incident happened, the way out was quickly blocked, and I could only feel everyone's indignation, which was the same.

But that makes it impossible to catch the culprit!

Lynch changed course and took a detour.

He remembered that Princess Baixing had to hide in the hard-shell tower because she was avoiding Daken IX. Even the meals were escorted by guards, and she usually didn't even have a talking partner. It was so pitiful.

I came to the vicinity of the Undersea Dragon Palace based on my memory, carefully avoided the guards, swam to the hard shell tower with the gate closed, and groped away.

There are two huge doors in front of you, which are really shocking, and there are traces of destruction everywhere.

Presumably it was Daken IX who did a good job, no wonder the people were so indignant.

At this time, the sound of a girl sobbing was faintly heard, and the poor Princess Bai Xing was crying alone.

Lynch was filled with righteous indignation when he felt a little bit, and he didn't know how to be sympathetic. That idiot Daken IX deserved to be single for the rest of his life.

In order to prevent the other party from being frightened, he passed his thoughts through the door, trying to appease Shirahoshi.

"Dear girl, why are you crying? That would be unbeautiful!"

"Who? Who's talking to me!"

Hearing a strange voice, Princess Baixing looked up, but there was no outsider.

Although she suspected that there was someone outside, she was afraid that Daken would come to make trouble, so she didn't dare to go out and look around.

Had to ask questions.

"I'm a superhero passing by here, an adventurer like the murloc brother Fegr Tiger. I heard that a poor mermaid princess is trapped here, so let's take a look."

Lynch tried his best to soothe her mood, avoiding Platinum's emotional outburst again.

"Uncle Tiger? Do you know him!"

When Princess Baixing heard the familiar name, she became more cordial, especially when she sensed Lynch's familiar aura, she was even more relieved.

"That's right! Tiger is a friend I admire very much. It can be said that I have been friends with him for a long time." Lynch changed the topic, concerned about Bai Xing's situation at the moment, "By the way, I heard that there is a guy who always comes to harass you. After all Who is it, so hateful!"

"That man's name is Vander Daken IX, he is the heir of the Vander Daken family. He came to pester me very early and insisted that I marry him. But I have no interest in him, and after many rejections, he got worse , and even do more egregious things!"

Even if Princess Baixing didn't explain, Lynch knew how unreliable this idiot was.

He pretended to be surprised and said: "It's outrageous to be so indifferent! Then, he made all the marks on the gate and the weapons?"

"Not only! He throws some scary things in from time to time, and he came to harass me just now!"

While Bai Xing was explaining, Daken IX's ugly and weird cry came from not far away, as well as his flashing big axe.

I'll go, you attack your sweetheart with an axe, what a sick mind!

 Today is the third update, please ask for a recommendation ticket and collection!

(End of this chapter)

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