Chapter 5
It is no one who dares to call the transformed Gabra a big dog!

Gabra has always been talkative, pretending to be better than the original is his specialty, and he is a little annoyed to be ignored today.

"Iron Nugget Wolf Fang!"

Suddenly resorted to the Navy Six Style, his body instantly strengthened, and the two wolf claws attacked outrageously.

The speed is so fast that there is no room for it.

Bruno and the others who were watching the play were shocked, why did they do it all of a sudden?
I'm afraid something will happen now!
Unexpectedly, Lynch didn't pay attention to Gabra's attack at all. He just unlocked the super power, and he was about to try his skills with the finger grab in the six-style practice before.

Taking a half step back, his hands suddenly protruded, and he slammed on Gabra's wolf claws.

Suddenly, as if there was an earthquake, the faces of the people around them almost couldn't stand still, and their expressions changed drastically.

Looking at Gabra himself, even though he used the ability of the iron block, he failed to hurt Lynch in the slightest. Instead, he was shaken back a few steps, as if his body had been hit by a tsunami. If he hadn't used the iron block himself, It has to explode on the spot!
He could only stretch out his two wolf claws, feeling the unspeakable impact, and froze in place.

This is beyond the existence of normal human beings, and even masters of the Navy's Six Types.

If calculated by Dao Power, the most powerful Lu Qi can have 4000 Dao in human form, so this kid's blow can reach at least about 3000 Dao Da, which can crush Gabra by the head.

In other words, is this kid born with supernatural power, or is he secretly hiding his true strength?

Gabra's attack was blocked, and he spent a long time failing to repel Lynch, so he had to laugh and give himself a step down.

"That's right, the younger generation is formidable! You can be on par with the old man, your brute force is enough."

"Brute force? I'm afraid it's the old man, you have no strength, you can't beat him!"

Kaku ate something and healed up after a night of rest. Now he is sitting at the door watching this scene and commenting on it.

Tucao aroused Gabra's dissatisfaction, turned around and said angrily: "Boy, don't worry! Is the injury healed? If you have the ability, give me some advice!"

"Suggestion? You were discussing just now, what are you going to do?"

Kaku scratched his face, expressing ignorance.

"Of course, go to the street to perform and earn some extra money."

Seeing that Gabra was convinced, Lynch clapped his hands and said, "Starting tomorrow, everyone will use their strengths, and let's have a lively performance together!"

The show has been arranged, the old Gabra is in charge of turning into a big dog to perform juggling, and Kaku turns into a giraffe to amuse the children, and none of them is missing.

Although the idea was a bit naive, the CP9 group was not very willing, but they were very active in preparing for the stage the next morning.

Lynch led them to the busiest street in the city, greeted the person in charge here, and set up a stall to practice.

I also prepared a copper gong, knocking on it to attract passers-by.

"Take a look, take a look! Take a look, you won't lose money, take a look, you won't lose anything! The most fun acrobatic show in history is about to start!"

Under his lively introduction, Lion Nuggets and Owl Otonashi appeared on the stage, and the two talked about unfamiliar jokes, starting a career of performing arts without selling themselves.

The strange shape and the crappy performance attracted many audiences, which seemed a bit interesting.

After a while, under Lin Qi's instigation, someone really applauded.

"That's funny, let's do another one!"

"Hey, are you really unable to kill yourself? It's such a powerful feeling!"

"Interesting, this is the first time I've seen this kind of performance, keep going!"

Unexpectedly, the performance was quite popular. They were a little uncomfortable being used to being secret agents before.

"Is this a success?"

"Shall we do it again?"

The lion snuggled up and put on a good pose, even taking off his shirt, which was also a desperate effort.

"Hey, it's time to change! Let the old man come on stage to show you, what does it mean to be popular?"

Gabra couldn't wait any longer, and had already turned into a big bad wolf to perform on stage.

"What's the hurry? The ring of fire isn't ready for you yet! Immediately!"

Lynch played tricks and even prepared a special surprise for Gabra.

A huge fire ring was placed on the performance venue, and Bruno came out with a blank expression, indicating that the cute big dog was ready to appear.

"What! You actually want me to drill you into a ring of fire, do you really think I'm a big dog?"

Gabra lost his temper too.

After listening to the introduction, the audience all looked over eagerly, waiting for his performance.

This is an arrow on the string, and it has to be sent.

The old wolf became ruthless, and he didn't want to lose face if he went all out now.

Swaggeringly came to the arena, and with Bruno's cooperation, looked at the fire circle and yelled twice in disdain.

Just when everyone thought he didn't dare to jump, a coquettish man jumped into the fire circle and passed unscathed.

The scene became quiet in an instant, and everyone stared at the ring of fire motionlessly, a bit unremembered.

"Okay, applause!"

Lynch took the lead in clapping, followed by thunderous applause and rave reviews.

Gabra was even more powerful, and he performed harder and harder. After a while, he jumped countless times, and he was able to shuttle freely. He really has the potential to become a big dog.

After such a morning, there were quite a lot of rewards. Lynch held the cash box and begged one by one, and he got hundreds of thousands of Berries.

If this goes on, it will take only a few days to make up enough living expenses.

After closing the stall and going back to eat, Lynch went to the market to buy a lot of things, and brought them home for everyone to celebrate together.

Bruno was caught in the bag and carried the bag for Lynch in the back, but he had no regrets.

After just one day of contact, everyone in CP9 developed a certain trust in Lynch, and they already regarded him as a brother.

"Lynch, thank you very much for today. Great idea!"

At the dinner table, Gabra ate the meat without forgetting to praise, "What should we do next? Or continue to perform?"

"Well, Kaku can also play, there must be some new programs."

Lynch ate the ham by himself, and he did not forget to say to Kaku, "Well, I have already found a doctor and made an appointment with a few landlords. I can choose a house this afternoon and change to a spacious place to live."

Several people were already worried about these things, but they didn't expect him to arrange them.

One by one was inexplicably touched, and the lion cuddled up and almost committed suicide to thank him.

"The old man has nothing to repay, so I plan to pass on a few tricks to you, how about it?" Gabra was proud of it for a while, and quickly changed his words, "Well, it's a repayment in exchange, you don't need to call me master."

"I won't yell at you!"

Lynch grabbed the ribs on the table, and did not forget to fill his stomach. Now his strength is far beyond ordinary people, and his appetite has also increased sharply.

A table of food was quickly reimbursed, and everyone was still unsatisfied, arguing to continue performing arts in the afternoon to earn more money.

"Okay, go ahead! I have to deal with some personal matters."

Going out to lead Kalifa to meet with the doctor and landlord who came, arrange for Lu Qi to be hospitalized, and at the same time finalize the renting of the house.

With the experience of being Bingshan's secretary, handling these matters is a piece of cake, and Kalifa can handle them alone. That night, Lu Qi was sent to a nearby hospital for treatment.

As for renting a house, Lynch wasn't worried either, instead he concentrated on his cultivation.

Being a superhero is a long way to go, and there are still many things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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