Be a superhero from a pirate

Chapter 51 Dragon Palace Celebration

Chapter 51 Dragon Palace Celebration (recommended for collection)

Hearing Shirahoshi's self-report by accident, Neptune rubbed his eyes several times.

This sexy, unparalleled, decisive, and beautiful mermaid who just saved everyone is actually her daughter?
Why even the head has become much smaller!
Jinbe couldn't help but look at Lynch, knowing that it must be his masterpiece.

"That's right, she is Princess Shirahoshi! In order to help the princess become a superhero that benefits the public, I changed her appearance, don't worry!"

Lynch indicated that Shirahoshi could change back to her original shape, and by the way, used Pym particles to change her back to her original size.

Seeing the familiar figure return to the front, the crowd was boiling again.

The princess who has always been timid and fearful has become a hero this time, which makes people want to kneel for no reason.

This turning point is too amazing to imagine.

After repeated confirmation, they accepted this fact, and it became even more sensational.

"Our princess is amazing! As expected of Princess Shirahoshi!"

"The princess has grown up too! It's a shame that she fought against Hody Jones for everyone!"

"Suddenly I feel that the princess is more beautiful! No wonder Daken was so obsessed with her before?"

"That's not right! The princess can also summon sea kings, which is very capable!"

All of a sudden, the tone changed, and they all became fans of Zhenxiang.

This made Jinpei, who was still a little worried, heaved a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Lynch's meddling would aggravate the hatred between the murlocs and humans, but he did not expect to subtly resolve it with the help of the princess.

Then, it will be easier for people to accept the princess's idea of ​​peaceful coexistence in the future.

"Where are those members of the new Murloc Pirates? Apart from those who fainted, there should be quite a few of them?"

The three Shaxing brothers were about to deal with the aftermath, so they couldn't help asking.

"They are all locked up here. Those who are disobedient will be locked up for a lifetime."

Lynch showed the glass bottle. In addition to the [-] unlucky members of the Pirates, there was also the Noah's Ark that had just been taken in.

Shown in front of everyone, it seems a bit magical.

"How did you do this? Could it be some kind of fruit ability!"

"Princess Baixing also became smaller before, so it can't be the same way?"

The three princes felt curious, but doing so was considered a solution to a problem. After all, Hody Jones recruited so many pirates, how to deal with it was a big problem.

King Neptune looked at the bottle in Lynch's hand, thoughtful.

"Well, this saves the space in the cell. If they get smaller, will their food intake also decrease, and do they still need to feed regularly?"

"Your Majesty, I think they should starve them a few meals first, and get a good education."

Lynch sincerely made suggestions, and at the same time said how to deal with these prisoners, so that they can feel at ease.

"Mr. Lin is indeed a great hero! Let us cheer for his feat?"

Under the leadership of Neptune, the people of Murloc Island shouted and called Lynch a hero.

This honor is really touching!

Lynch nodded silently, with a well-deserved look, not forgetting to look at Jinping aside.

"Brother Jinbei, can you feel at ease now?"

What else can Jinbe say, naturally he admires Lynch's boldness and carefulness.

"It seems that I am old! There are many things that cannot keep up with your ideas?"

He scratched his head and suddenly thought of something.

Now that the matter is over, shouldn't it be time to celebrate?

King Neptune, however, was already excited about throwing a party.

He called the prince and ministers to prepare a sumptuous banquet to wash Lynch away, and asked him if he had any wishes, and he could help him achieve them.

"Young man, you travel around the sea to take risks, do you know what is the most attractive thing about Dragon Palace? Do you need some rewards from me?"

Haha, of course Lynch knows that the most attractive thing about Dragon Palace is the legendary treasure, but...

I am not that kind of vulgar person, if I don't open my mouth, I will be vulgar.

"To be honest, money is something outside of me. I don't care much! If the king is interested, I would like to ask you for some information?"


Neptune looked at his serious look, thoughtful.

Everyone went back home, the banquet was lively, and the misunderstandings over the years were resolved.

The residents of Fishman Island finally know that Princess Otohime's death was not caused by human beings, but Hody Jones' evil deeds to stir up conflicts.

Therefore, I regret all these years, and I am very annoyed at the misunderstanding between the king and Princess Baixing.

As the great hero Princess Shirahoshi who saved the Fishman Island, she received unprecedented support.

This is undoubtedly the best ending for King Neptune and the three princes who love her so much.

Now that he had tasted delicious food and drank fine wine, Lynch could finally chat with Neptune alone.

Legends about ancient weapons and the 100 years that disappeared.

"Originally, I shouldn't have told you these things, but after all, you have done a lot of things that I can't repay! I am very happy about Bai Xing's growth, but I am also more worried."

"I know, are you worried that she will become the legendary Poseidon and cause more trouble?"

Lynch smiled slightly, and had already thought of an excuse, "You can say I did what happened today. As for the heroine who saved the Fishman Island, wasn't it Mera?"


Only then did Neptune learn that Lynch had given Shirahoshi another nickname, which could be used as a cover-up.

"There's really no way to repay this kindness. However, the world's ZF may not give up so easily, right?"

Knowing Lynch's intentions, Neptune was worried that he would get into trouble. After all, this was the Murloc's own business, and it would be embarrassing to involve outsiders.

"If there are too many lice, it doesn't itch, and if there are too many debts, I don't worry. I am already a thorn in their side, and I am not afraid of taking one more thing."

Lynch smiled indifferently, and said to Neptune, "If you are sorry, I heard that Dragon Palace still has a lot of treasures, so give me some by the way, and treat it as travel expenses."

"Haha, Mr. Lin is really unexpected!"

After this turmoil, Neptune also put his money out of the way, not to mention rewarding him some, so what if he gave it all?

Just as he was about to order someone to open the treasury and let Lynch choose, suddenly a guard came to report that a strange person had come to the island and wanted to meet the king.

"Who is here at this time?"

Neptune looked suspicious, and it was difficult to guess who it was.

"Should I go and have a look?"

Lynch was also curious. Based on the timeline, the Battle of the Top had not broken out, and Whitebeard had not fallen. Murloc Island should still be within Whitebeard's control.

It won't be at this time, the aunt from the Four Emperors will come, right?
Lynch walked out of the palace and walked quickly to Murloc Street, but saw a few guys in strange clothes.

Uniform white suit, with a weird mask on his face, he doesn't look like a serious person at first glance.

Lynch glanced silently and sensed a familiar aura.

Could it be they?
The uninvited guest also saw Lynch's location, fixed his eyes on him, and then walked quickly.

Then, the figure disappeared strangely.

"Lynch, you're actually here!"

(End of this chapter)

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