Be a superhero from a pirate

Chapter 55 Save Nami and Face the Golden Lion

Chapter 55 Save Nami and Face the Golden Lion
After showing a little domineering, Lynch knocked down the two unwilling big seafood.

Not to mention anything else, today's lunch must be full.

Only then did Nami come to her senses, and she thought that this big pirate was as unreliable as Luffy, and it was very easy to deal with a few big seafood.

"Why are you here? Are Luffy and the others here?"

"No!" Lynch said the answer that disappointed her, not forgetting to admire Nami's unique look at the moment, "I didn't know you were arrested until I received a message from Papagu. Contact other people online. Well, the clothes are nice and suit you."

After being praised by Lynch, Nami realized that she was wearing a swimsuit, which could not hide her good figure at all.

Immediately a little upset, said angrily: "What are you paying attention to? We are not in danger, we should escape first."

Lynch knew that he couldn't make a joke anymore, so he hurriedly made an excuse and said, "Yes, I'll use the phone bug to contact Luffy."

Pretentiously, I took out my portable phone bug and tried to make a call. Unexpectedly, the signal here was so bad that I couldn't get through at all.

"Damn it, it can't be connected!"

Lynch sighed, closed the phone bug and said, "Forget it, I'm here anyway, I'll just take you away."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy!"

Nami looked up at the sky, she knew that the golden lion would not let her go, all of this was a bad fate!

"Speaking of which, you weren't looking for Sauron and the others, how did you get caught here?"

Although he could guess what happened, Lynch still asked symbolically.

"Don't mention it! When I went to pick up Sauron, I heard that there was a small empty island with a unique climate. I was planning to go and see it, but I met a weird person..."

Unexpectedly, the golden lion still did the same trick, pretending to be rescued to thank Nami, and gave her the ability to use his fluttering fruit.

Then he kidnapped Nami halfway, took her captive to the floating island, and forced her to join his pirate group.

Of course Nami didn't want to, so she had no choice but to pretend, and then escaped successfully with the help of the evolved Electric Duck Billy.

I didn't expect Lynch to rush over, it really didn't take much effort.

"Golden Lion, isn't it the legendary pirate of the same era as Roger, and the first guy who escaped from the city of advancement. Did he lose both legs and replace it with a pair of big swords?"

Lynch talked about the gossip he knew, but Nami couldn't help gritting her teeth: "Yes, that old man. He still pretends to be crazy in front of me, but he is actually very powerful! I heard that he also gathered a lot of pirates and said What kind of strong world is established?"

"That's right! I'm indeed recruiting, and a lot of people have come."

A lewd voice came slowly, and it was the golden lion himself who appeared on the stage.

Stepping on a pair of big swords, the old guy was flying in the air, with a cigar in his mouth, extremely arrogant.

That is, the rudder above the head is very conspicuous, and with that flamboyant yellow mink coat, he really looks like an old cannon playing hip-hop.

Lynch felt that this look was very familiar at a glance. He should be paired with a big gold chain and sunglasses. That is the true character of an old exile.

"Hi, What's up, man?"

What came up was a set of non-standard crooked words, and the golden lion stared strangely: "What's the mess? You are coming to rescue Nami!"

"Tch, I thought you were an old reggae? Ganqing is also a person who doesn't understand fashion! Well, old man, you dress so non-mainstream, are you laughing at me to inherit my ant money?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? This old man is the golden lion, the ruler of this world of strong men. I am in such a good mood today that I want to accept a little sister as my subordinate. If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you!"

The golden lion squinted his eyes and laughed strangely, even uglier than when he was serious.

Lin Qi pinched his nose and said to Nami: "I can understand now, why don't you want to hang out with him? The old man's appearance is too bad, he looks like the kind of single to old age!"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense! Is he very powerful?"

Seeing that he didn't take it seriously, Nami quickly reminded Lynch not to be careless.

At the same time, the golden lion showed a sly smile, folded his arms and used the fluttering fruit ability.


A bright light came straight to Lynch, which was horribly fast.

Lynch had already seen through his moves, and when he raised his leg, it was like a kick, full of domineering arrogance.

A blue sword shadow rushed up, collided with the opponent's sword light, and sparks burst out.

"It's nothing more than that, is it an ordinary Lanjiao? But, your feet stink!"

The golden lion wanted to watch him dodge in embarrassment, but he was actually a king, and he was tough with himself.

Immediately laughed: "Interesting guy, I haven't met an opponent like you for a long time! Then try a more terrifying trick?"

Suddenly speeding up and using chopping waves, it turned into countless sword shadows and landed around Lin Qi's body, trying to kill him on the spot.

Lynch, however, spurred his domineering aura, and just as he was waiting for a strong counterattack, he suddenly had a strange premonition.

This trick is weird, he is not trying to defeat himself, but...

Lion Chikiriya!
The upgraded version of chopping, transformed into a more powerful sword light, fell in all directions, but split the ground where Lynch couldn't reach.

Immediately, everything around seemed to lose gravity and float up, except that Nami's position continued to sink.

Damn Shiki, is he going to use his floating ability to separate himself from Nami?
"Ant-Man equipment, Pym particles!"

When the ground he was on was about to float, Lynch suddenly activated the equipment on his belt, and immediately shrank and disappeared.

The golden lion's ability has a weakness, that is, it cannot directly control living creatures.

After he shrunk, the opponent couldn't check his whereabouts, so he lost his target.

"Huh? Where are people!"

Jin Shishi didn't expect this to happen again, and stared at him with strange eyes, and became angry for no reason.

However, Lynch has shrunk to the size of a particle, making it impossible to detect.

At this moment, it landed in front of Nami, and said to the panicked her: "Don't be afraid, I'm still here. Follow me later!"

With a whoosh, she was also shrunk with Pym particles, and both of them disappeared in front of the golden lion.

"Where are people? My navigator is gone! Bastard!"

Unable to find the target, the golden lion became very depressed, which was unreasonable.

"Boss, everyone is here! They are waiting for you to go over? How about going first..."

On the side, his second in command, the mime clown, actually reminded him that it was important to get down to business.

The golden lion was so angry that he had no choice but to leave first.

After easily deceiving the Golden Lion, Lynch took Nami to a farther place before falling down.

"Hey, what's wrong with us? Everything around is so strange!"

Nami, who has just become smaller, is still a little uncomfortable. The world has changed suddenly, which is incomprehensible.

"I just shrunk you down. This way the golden lion can't find us, so we can hide for a while."

Lynch hugged her body, but his hands and feet were out of place. At this moment, realizing the embarrassment, he simply moved closer.

"Don't move around! If you fall, I can't find you right away?"

She was still a little embarrassed at first, and wanted to push Lynch away to make him pay attention, but Nami had no choice but to grab Lynch's arm and dare not let go.

"where are we going?"

 It will start to stop next week, and I can only rely on myself.

(End of this chapter)

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