Be a superhero from a pirate

Chapter 64 I Support You

Chapter 64 I Support You
Leading Lynch onto the boat, Zefa couldn't help but look at this stunned boy.

"Old man, thank you for your life-saving grace! But, why did you get mixed up with Kuzan?"

Ai En, who was on the same boat, recognized him as Sea King Lynch and immediately told Zefa.

"It's nothing. I heard that he left the navy and wanted to form a team. Don't look at me being wanted. I'm a superhero. What I want to do is to save lives and heal the wounded."

Lynch talked eloquently, all of which were unreliable empty words. How could Zefa, who had experienced many battles, believe it?

"However, this doesn't change the fact that you are a pirate!" He adjusted his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and said calmly, "You still went to the city to advance and rescued many pirates, and you also let go of the revolutionary army .”

After the old man said the words, Ai En and Binz who were beside him were on alert, ready to fight Lynch at any time.

"Hehe, it seems that the person who wants to destroy the new world is no better than me, right?"

Instead, Lynch laughed calmly, not caring about the tense situation in front of him.

"What are you going to do?"

Ai En stared at him, remembering what happened the last time we met, the girl was still a little upset.

"Forget it! After all, he saved the old man. Although I never show mercy to pirates, this time you go?"

Zefa didn't want to cause trouble, he was busy with his own blasting plan, and it was inconvenient for another incident to happen.


Ain and Binz questioned in puzzlement, but were suppressed by Zefa's decisive attitude.

"You really let me go?"

Lynch scratched his ears, and said a little uncomfortable: "Well, you are really strange! You are obviously a navy, but you want to do such a crazy thing! Have you considered the consequences of destroying those END and POINT islands? ? The new world may be destroyed, and many civilians will be implicated in it..."

"How can you do great things without sacrificing yourself? Think about those pirates who caused disasters in the new world. The damage they bring is even more terrifying!"

The old man has his own reasons, he has gone crazy.

"Haha, the world laughed at me for being too crazy, and I laughed at the world's inability to see through! Brother likes your temperament of insisting on running to the black, and suddenly wants to see what will happen if you succeed?"

Instead, Lynch showed strong interest, which made Ain and the others puzzled.

"Why, just leave as soon as you are told! Do you want the teacher to get angry?"

Binz showed his samurai sword and wanted to make some gestures with Lynch, but Lynch deftly hid aside.

He stood on the guardrail and came to invite the golden rooster to be independent, saying that I won't leave, what can you do?

"If I, Lynch, want to do something, no one can stop it. Hey, I won't leave. What do you guys do?"


Zefa raised his mechanical arm and came up to educate Lynch, but it's a pity that Lynch's body skills are not covered.

The two played against each other repeatedly on the boat and played for a full hour.

In the end, the disciples all dozed off watching it. It seemed that if the fight continued like this, the two of them could play for a lifetime!
"Teacher, why don't you take a break? Let's do it instead!"

"No, the old man can fight again! The old man..."

Zefa lowered his glasses. After all, he is over 70 years old. He doesn't rely on his fruit ability, and he doesn't want Ain to help him become younger. It's just how long he can last on drugs.

He took out the medicine spray and was about to have a couple of puffs, but Lynch found the opportunity.

"Make a deal? Let me give you a testimony to see if the plan to blow up END and POINT islands is feasible!

The condition is, if you meet the navy or other people to hinder you, I will be responsible for helping you! "

"Why help us? What's the purpose?"

Zefa was a little tired, staring at Lynch and asking.

"Because I like to make trouble! Strictly speaking, I don't like the current navy, nor do I like those pirates. Why are the Four Emperors and Seven Warriors a bunch of bullies? So, as long as it can cause trouble for people on both sides, there is nothing wrong with it!"

Lynch's statement is simply nonsensical, but Zefa's mind has changed.

A shit stick is here, maybe it can really add trouble to the navy and cause some trouble.

An enemy's enemy is a friend, Zefa still has this mind.

"Then be honest with me!"

The old man pretended to roar, and ignored Lynch.

Ain and Binz were left speechless.

Why bring this oil bottle?
"Hey, blue-haired girl over there, don't look at me like that. How to say, we are also partners, please give me more advice in the future."

"Who is your partner? Don't bother me if you have nothing to do!"

Ain replied unhappily.

"Hoho, it's not good for you to reject me like this. Maybe I can save your teacher!"

Lynch said something to himself, then shrunk his figure and disappeared.

"Hey, he's gone again!"

"This guy is really strange! Why does he always disappear for no reason?"

The people who lost the trace of Lynch had to give up after searching for nothing.

Goal, the next END, POINT island, continue sailing.

Lynch, who was hiding in the dark, also started the next plan.

With Zefa's current stubborn mentality, he will not give up if he can't blow up the three END and POINT islands.

All Lynch has to do is to fake the fact that END and POINT islands were blown up, so that Zefa will feel the sense of loss after he thinks he succeeded.

If what he has always wanted to implement does not bring the expected results in the end, he will inevitably regret it and even change his mind.

Time to develop the magical abilities of the trident and put on a perfect show.

Sneaking into the bottom of the sea secretly, meeting with Aokiji and Nami who followed, explained the current situation.

He wants to go to the next END and POINT island first, and do some tricks in advance.

The matter of tracking and monitoring Zefa will be left to the two, and he will take the first step.

Aokiji's eyes flickered a few times, he wanted to say that he hoped that this cooperation would not disappoint him.

"I understand, why don't you take a good look at your teacher? He is very determined to go his own way now!"

Leaving the submarine spacecraft, using the fast teleportation ability, came to the second END and POINT islands.

The navy has already started to act, and many people have been deployed to stop Zefa, and there are many lieutenant generals.

But these are useless, the battlefield later will not be here.

He lurked in the dark, circled the entire island a few times, and took a deep note of the entire island's situation.

Summon the Trident and start ordering the system.

"In exchange for ancient magic skills, I want to get a spell that can create illusions, is there any?"

[[-] points are required to acquire magic skills to copy illusions.Do you want to exchange it? 】

Select OK, and you will be prompted to unlock the magical copy illusion.

He pointed the trident at the island again, relying on the appearance recorded in his mind, but formed a group of images from the tip of the halberd.

It is the situation on the second island, including the naval soldiers deployed in it, which is all vivid.

As long as this phantom is projected on the sea, Zefa's fleet can be introduced into it, and it can develop according to its own expectations.

When the time comes, it's not up to you to decide which side wins, it's all fake anyway.

The copied fake END and POINT islands finally took shape, and Lynch waited for Zefa and his party to throw themselves into the trap.

An hour later, Zefa's team appeared a few miles out to sea.

The battle is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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