Be a superhero from a pirate

Chapter 69 Landing on Burning Island, subduing the dragon

Chapter 69 Landing on Burning Island, subduing the dragon
Driving the boat to the shore, the two officially landed.

Lynch collected the spaceship and carefully looked at the burning island in front of him.

If there is no accident, it is the private land of M. Caesar Courant, and many experiments have been secretly done on the island.

Moreover, that annoying Momonosuke is also here, if he meets Shunshou, he has to kill the people.

However, other things are not important, it would be great to see if Ace is caught, and to check out Brother Ming's industrial park if he has nothing to do.

Ahead, the door is locked.

And without entering the island, you can feel the cold breath coming.

This place is really cold enough.

"What, you just wear a pair of shorts, isn't it cold? Do you want me to change your clothes for you?"

Looking at Ai En, who was dressed neatly, the girl already felt that the weather was freezing.

But she still insisted: "I'm fine! Don't you want to go in? What are you going to do!"

"A gate like this, usually I mean pass, pass!"

Lynch walked quickly to the door. When Ain thought he would destroy the door, he suddenly flew in mid-air with a moon step, and jumped in through the door.

Hey, are you ignoring me?
Ai En had black lines all over his head, but he didn't bother to explain.

She herself is a great swordsman, breaking through a gate is not difficult.

He showed two big swords and was about to break through the thorns and enter the island, but he heard discordant voices.

There was a lot of movement inside, and there seemed to be the sound of monsters.


Lynch's screams followed, and he actually said, "Why is there a dragon here?"

Ain was a little mad.

This is too crazy!
Quickly jumped to the door and looked down, and sure enough, he saw a huge red dragon attacking Lynch.

This guy was old and sturdy, he opened his mouth to breathe fire, and did whatever he wanted, Lynch was no match for him.

Ai En couldn't help covering his face, it's a shame you were so awesome before, isn't it too bad?

I had no choice but to jump down, flashing my double swords and PK with the red dragon. After a fierce fight, I hit the red dragon several times, leaving a lot of scars.

It made the big guy furious, and he turned his head to attack Ai En desperately, but made her fall into a passive position.

When there was a lot of danger, it was discovered that Lynch was leisurely paddling in a corner, obviously watching the excitement.

"Hey, why don't you care? Is it a teammate? Help!"

"Hey, you are so good. Can you do it alone?"

Lynch reminded her with a smirk, "Don't forget your skills! Wouldn't it be enough to turn it into a child?"

Ain was really mad, did you think he didn't want to?
The key is how to get in touch with the red dragon without getting hurt!
She wanted to give the red dragon a fatal blow several times, but was cunningly avoided by the other party, and then forced Ain into a corner.

The dragon's claw rushed forward suddenly, and it was inevitable.

Ai En closed his eyes, raised his swords weakly, and was waiting for the final blow, when he suddenly felt a unique oppression.

The red dragon's claws actually stopped in mid-air, less than an inch away from the top of her head, and stopped abruptly.

Then, he stared at Lynch in horror with wide eyes, not knowing why.

It's domineering!
Overlord is domineering!
Lynch only released it a little bit, which made it inexplicably flustered and unable to exert strength.

At this moment, under Lynch's gaze, he was defeated and obediently took away his claws.

Immediately, he lay on the ground with his head in his arms, making a frightened appearance, full of cuteness.

"Right! Wouldn't it be nice to be so cute? You have to come out to scare people, do you think I really can't beat you?"

Lin Qi leisurely walked in front of the red dragon, touched his forehead as if nothing had happened, and smiled evilly under Ai En's surprised eyes.

The Pym Particles were used quietly, and the huge red dragon became the size of a lizard in an instant, and was immediately stunned.

I have already begged for mercy, okay, why do you still play with me?

Lynch held it in his palm, and asked silently: "Now, you scared my friend. Why don't you lead us the way and make amends? Otherwise, I will shoot you to death!"

What else can a red dragon that has turned into a little reptile do?He is also very desperate!

He opened his mouth wide, but couldn't even spit out fire, so he had to try his best to point the way forward, telling them that not far away was the restricted area on Burning Island.

"Well, I know this is Caesar's house. He's still running some experiments, isn't he?"

New mission triggered!
[Save the children who were used for experiments on the island, defeat the culprit Caesar, and trigger the side mission of Momonosuke by the way! 】

Forget about Momonosuke, I just want to shoot him dead.

That little colored skin is not worth saving at all.

[Then, you can also choose to play Momonosuke and let him commit suicide to thank the world! 】

The system changed the task sympathetically, indicating that you have a chaotic neutral style anyway, and you can't decide what you want to do.

After setting a goal, Lynch had more direction and beckoned to Ain to leave.

However, Ain, who had witnessed the astonishing scene just now, couldn't understand it.

"What the hell did you do? Where's the dragon!"

This reminded her of Lynch's previous trick of disappearing for no reason. Could it be that he has the ability to make people bigger and smaller?
"This is a secret, I won't tell you!"

Lynch held back his anger and refused to tell her, but suddenly his eyes flickered, as if he had noticed something?
There is a wretched monster with no upper body running towards this side.

No need to ask, it must be Momonosuke's adoptive father, that stupid samurai Kinemon.

After a little investigation, it was really this comrade who was running wildly all the way.

"Who is there?"

Ain seemed to have noticed it too, and couldn't help but pay attention to the past.

"No, you must be delusional!"

Lynch was not in the mood to deal with this old man, so he released a little bit of domineering, and directly sent Kin'emon's body flying.

Far away, disappeared.

Ai En rubbed his eyes vigorously, but saw nothing.

see the hell!
"Okay, don't talk nonsense. Let's go inside first, shall we?"

What Lynch is more concerned about now is whether Ace has been arrested, and whether Luo has come?

Who is an enemy and who is a friend can be clearly distinguished.

Suddenly resorted to shaving, and left here quickly.

Seeing this, Ai En had no choice but to follow behind to see what he was going to do?
not far away.

It is the lake in the center of the island, and you can reach the place where those big-headed monster babies are held after passing by.

However, there should be people with tea beards guarding it, right?
Soon, Lynch felt a figure appear.

However, it is the existence of half human and half beast.

A group of strange creatures with big ocean horses in their lower bodies!

Ai En followed closely and was startled when he saw the strange creature appear.

The leader was a sturdy uncle, carrying a weapon and shouting: "Who is it, don't go forward. This road is dead!"

"Then you are wrong! There is no place in this world that I cannot pass!"

Lynch was not polite, he came up with a domineering look, and flew directly over the lake.

For a moment, thousands of waves were stirred up!

(End of this chapter)

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