Chapter 76
The situation on the island is also very bad.

Previously responsible for rescuing the trapped children in the biscuit room, Ain found that they were out of control.

These guys have been controlled by Caesar with poison for a long time, and they can't do without the so-called candy.

Now, in order to find candy, he runs like crazy, and ordinary people can't stop him at all.

Ein tried to use his powers to shrink them, but was stubbornly resisted.

"Girl, you can't handle these children alone? Let me do it!"

Ace and Jozi arrived in time to stop the giant babies from running wild and try to appease them.

"No, we want candy! Let us go..."

The crazy left-behind children are really red-eyed, and Ace is also dumbfounded because he can't kill.

"Are you pirates? I recognize you!"

Ain seemed to remember the guy in front of him, but he was a member of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Unexpectedly, they didn't agree with each other, so they started fighting with Ace.

"Hey, why are you so irritable all of a sudden?"

Ace dodged immediately, but found that the girl in front of him was not simple.

Those pair of big swords are really superbly played.

Reluctantly resorted to the Great Flame Ring, with his powerful fire ability, Ain was forced to lose his two swords and was knocked to the ground by him.

"Okay, stop messing around!"

Just as he was about to control the other party, he saw Ain showing a confident smile.

"You were touched by me!"


The body shrank into a child of seven or eight years old, and his stature was also much shorter.

"Ace, what's wrong with you?"

Qiao Zi watched anxiously, and rushed over to check the situation.

"Wait, her ability can make people younger, so don't touch her."

A familiar voice appeared from behind, but it was Da Siqi who arrived and recognized Ai En.

Too bad it's too late.

Qiao Zi also turned into a teenager, but her size was still not small.

He and Ace looked at each other, really drunk.

Why is there such a strange ability in the world!
"Ace, we seem to have returned to the way we were ten years ago?"

"No, I have lost all my abilities."

The two and a half older children were also dumbfounded. What's going on?
"Oops! Where are the children?"

Da Siqi came here to save people, but as a result, she had two more children, and she was completely worried.

The current situation is out of control.

The runaway left-behind children started rushing towards the institute, going to Caesar for candy.

Damn it!
Caesar, who was beaten to half his life, seemed to see hope.

Did he just wait for these children to throw themselves into the trap?
"Come on, kids? Come to Daddy, I've got your favorite candy, just let me go..."

"Let your sister go!"

Unfortunately, he was interrupted by someone. Lynch arrived in time and kicked him in the face.

Leaving your life is to deal with Kaido and the others, not to make you embarrassed.

No need for candies or anything!

"Ah, ah, why did you knock Caesar unconscious?"

"He is a very good man, he saved us and gave everyone candy!"

"Bad guy, let Caesar go."

"No, you don't understand!"

Lynch stops these children, conveys telepathy to them, and tells them what are those candies?
After some communication, the children learned that this is actually an addictive thing, which is really unscientific!

"Why? Why did you lie to us?"

"No, we really want it!"

"Give it to us!"

However, one's own needs have completely overwhelmed reason, and it doesn't matter so much.

"so boring!"

Lynch picked up Caesar, let him explain everything.

"Hehe, ask me if I have an antidote? I won't tell... Well, there really isn't, you are all failures."

Involuntarily expressing his true inner thoughts, Caesar's consciousness has been controlled by Lynch.

What, you treat us as guinea pigs?

The children were shocked to learn the inside story, and they were also quite shocked.

"That's right! Caesar has always lied to you, and even created the tragedy of the year."

Smoker came out, smoking a cigar.

With his acquiescence, Dashiqi told how these children disappeared that day, how Caesar made up lies, and joined Virgo to deceive their parents.

So the culprit is the calf Caesar.

This way, everyone knows what happened.

The children became extremely frustrated. Could it be that he was always going to be this kind of weirdo?
"Don't be sad, maybe I can bring you back to normal, and then..."

A new reminder will be issued immediately.

The system reminded Lynch that it was time to save these poor children.

He also knows that helping each other is a pleasure.

The question is how to make children normal?

There are many methods at present. He can use Pym particles to turn them into normal size, or let Luo or Chopper heal them, but the most important thing is how to remove the toxins in the children's bodies.

Taking Caesar's candies for a long time will naturally have a bad reaction, and that kind of addiction is hard to quit.

"Don't worry. This smoker uncle is a real navy, and he will take you to get a good treatment. Then, uncle will help you quit those candies, but in the end you have to rely on yourself."

Encourage the children not to be sad, and by the way let Caesar start researching the cracking reagents and help find a way.

"Wait, Snow Maiden is gone!"

Luo, who followed behind, issued a warning, Monet disappeared a bit strangely, and the island did not seem to be completely safe.

"What? Is that Monet going to make trouble?"

Lynch frowned, how to arrange to leave.

After a little induction, an unexpected visitor came to the island.

It was Brother Ming's men again, who came to inquire about the news.

That guy is still fast.

"Boss, there are two weirdos on the island. They want us to hand over Caesar, what are they doing?"

Smoker's men staggered back to answer, visibly frightened.

"Damn it, who is here at this time?"

Smoker was smoking a cigar, already bruised, Ace and Jozi turned into children, helpless, and Luo had to undergo surgery for Momonosuke, and now only Lynch is in charge.

"It's just a small monster, it's not worth mentioning. Ai En, quickly change the two brothers back to their original form, please continue with the plan just now, and I will come as soon as I go."

Relying on moon steps, Lynch stepped forward to meet the challenge with a pace that his relatives would not recognize.

This time, no one can stop himself!

Outside the island, a man and a woman appeared here.

It was a cadre of the Don Quixote family, who came to inquire about information.

Brother Ming seems to be aware of the situation here.

As his important base, there is absolutely nothing to lose here.

Baby-5 and the ugly Buffalo were about to clean up the troublemakers here, but they ran into Lynch who was rushing towards them.

"Two clowns, who are you running to scare?"

Looking at each other with contempt, Lynch showed no fear.

"Arrogance! What nonsense are you talking about here?"

Baby-5's upper body turned into a cannon, and it was about to fire at Lynch, blowing him up hard.

The cannonball, however, stagnated for no reason at the moment it was fired.

The powerful impact made her feel oppressed.

Half kneeling on the ground.

This is domineering! ?
(End of this chapter)

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