Be a superhero from a pirate

Chapter 84 Secret Assembly

Chapter 84 Secret Assembly
After analyzing the situation, Lynch became more confident.

After a little preparation, he left with Robin and the others.

The first step of the plan is to find out about the situation in the navy and meet Mr. Garp.

At the same time contact all comrades, let's fight together.

He drove his submarine spaceship and dived into the sea to reach his destination.

"Shall we go directly to the Navy headquarters?"

"Not necessarily! First look for the nearby navy to see the situation?"

Lynch needs to know what's going on with the other party, and he has to collect the news of his colleagues.

After all, Marin Vanduo is an important place for the navy and is heavily guarded, so it is not easy to approach.

Searching the map and finding the nearest naval branch, Lynch parked the boat on the nearby seabed and swam out with Sabo.

"I heard that you claim to be Neptune, a superhero from the sea, why don't you look like a friend of the murlocs at all?"

Seeing Lynch maneuvering in the sea with ease, Sabo was really curious.

"I come from a mysterious race from ancient times, not from the murlocs. So, it's not surprising that you don't know."

Lynch was too cunning to tell the truth, but instead reminded Sabo to get things started.

After sneaking into the base, Lynch sneaked into the command post without anyone noticing, inquiring about the movement.

The officer here is on the phone with someone.

"What? That clown Bucky is coming to us to borrow a way? Isn't he going to the Navy headquarters? What are you doing!"

"He's Qiwuhai, he's here on call this time, don't talk too much."

"It's boring! Let it go?"

"Wait a minute!"

Just as the commanding officer nodded, an uncle next to him shook his head and stood up to interrupt.

"Since it's Mr. Bucky in Qiwuhaili, why don't you let the old man go with him?"

I saw this person was wearing a kimono, with obvious cross scars on his face, his eyes were closed, he looked like a blind uncle.

It was clearly the legendary Fujitora Smile.

Hehe, what a coincidence!

When Lynch saw this person appear, he pulled Sabo out without saying a word.

Use the Ant-Man ability in time to turn the two into particle size and hide in the dark.

Fujitora was escorted out by the navy in charge here, and politely boarded Bucky's pirate ship.

Just before leaving, he glanced elsewhere, as if he had noticed something.

After all, he is a being with blind eyes and a clear mind, but Fujitora is still very keen.

But Lynch shrunk to the size of a particle, and it was troublesome to detect it, so Fujitora didn't stop in the end.

Looking at the two people on the boat, Sabo asked Lynch dissatisfied why he avoided each other?

"That guy might be the new admiral. Don't think he's a blind man. He's very powerful."

Without understanding Fujitora's intentions, Lynch would not act casually.

After he left, he continued to sneak into the headquarters.

The non-commissioned officer inside was still sighing, why did Fujitora, who had just been elected as a general, come here, it was really troublesome.

"I'm afraid the troublesome matter is yet to come. There are two uninvited guests here, and I want to ask you something."

Lynch appeared quietly, not allowing the opponent to resist, and with the momentum of thunder, he suppressed the opponent on the ground with domineering aura.

Feeling the shock of terror, one by one turned pale and said, "Who are you? Sea King Lynch!"

They were all wondering why all these big shots came here.


Lynch ignored their surprise, winked at Sabo who was traveling with him, and searched for useful information.

This kind of nonsense made Sabo feel a little interesting.

The two searched out the orders received by the branch, including the strict investigation of suspicious people in various places, and the order that Qi Wuhai was recruited again.

"They really want to attack the revolutionary army to prevent accidents in this execution! Also, Bucky the Clown and Blackbeard are ordered to participate, and the newly recruited Admiral Fujitora and Green Bull are also going to report on their duties."

After reading these materials, people were shocked into a cold sweat.

The navy was so well prepared that saving people in the past became an impossible task, it was terrible!
"I expected it! Let's look at the reactions of the countries in the world first?"

If Luffy is executed, those who used to have friendship with him, such as Alabasta, the capital of water, the empress of Daughter Island, etc., will probably not sit idly by.

In addition, Haixia Jinping will also be executed, so how can Fishman Island stand by and watch!
Lynch guessed that if he wanted to know more secrets, he would have to follow General Fujitora or meet the intelligence personnel of CP9.

There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, but he said to Sabo: "Let's hide in another place? You go and inform Kerla, and I'll follow Fujitora."

Time to meet Bucky the Clown again!

The two parted ways, and before leaving, they tied up all the soldiers here before leaving.

Lynch dived into the sea, displayed his super speed, and caught up with Bucky the Clown's pirate ship a few minutes later.

This guy is also in the early days, and he actually opened a courier company, and it seems that he has recruited a bunch of younger brothers.

I don't know how it feels to be forced to walk with Fujitora at this time?

From afar, Lynch heard Bucky complaining.

"This stinky blind man, why are you showing off your power? If it wasn't for the sake of the navy, I would have let him come up! It's so boring..."

"Excuse me, did this old man offend you? If so, please allow this old man to make amends to you!"

Fujitora was still polite, and he clearly wanted to apologize to Bucky, but the general's aura scared Bucky back a few steps.

"Forget it, I don't care about the handicapped...well, the physically handicapped."

Pretending to be calm, he returned to the room silently, while the rest of the boys on the boat shouted wildly.

"Wow, Boss Bucky is so personable, he doesn't care about blind people at all!"

"Blind man, enough is enough!"

"What general, you are really bullying!"

Well, you guys are so big-hearted that you even dare to scold Fujitora?
I'm afraid I don't know how powerful the Gravity Fruit is!

Lynch also felt that enough was enough, this brainless fan was invincible.

He quietly took moon steps, shrunk his figure, and sneaked into Bucky's room, wanting to hear his true thoughts.

in the room.

Bucky was gasping for breath as soon as he came in, he was really scared to death.

"It's terrible! I thought there was going to be a fight just now? I really risked my life!"

"Hey, why did you come back? You agreed to take me to see Luffy quickly, don't waste time?"

There was actually an enchanting man in the room, dancing the swan dance coquettishly. Judging by the makeup that he couldn't bear to look at, he was clearly Feng Kelei.

The daring clown Bucky has someone behind everyone's back.

You two have a relationship!
Lynch lay silently by the window, admiring the show of love and killing each other, almost enough to make a pair of CP.

It wasn't until the boat pitched violently that the two of them hugged and shouted in fright. Lin Qi, who couldn't stand it anymore, cursed, "It's so ugly, enough of you!"


"Ah, Lynch!"

PS, The Pirate Chapter is coming to an end, the author is starting to have a headache!Do you want to write it down?no one voted...

(End of this chapter)

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