Chapter 92
At the critical moment, Lynch made a teleportation move and sent Blackbeard away.

The two disappeared into the hall in an instant, and the bystanders were speechless for a while, wondering what the hell was going on?

"Go outside, don't let them escape!"

Zefa and others reacted, and Brother Ming made a domineering shot, blasting through the roof and fleeing.

Outside, on the sea not far away.

Tiqi controlled a cloud of black air and floated above the sea, as if he had survived a catastrophe.

"Haha, that Lynch is really weak, and he almost drove me to a dead end!"

With the awakening of his ability, he has reached a more terrifying situation. With the excavation of his own ability, he can actually walk freely on the sea.

Even sea water can hardly affect him easily.

"However, you still haven't escaped!"

Lynch then appeared. He emerged from the sea, looked at Blackbeard playfully, and pointed to the distance.

"Look, who are those over there?"

On the sea not far away, dozens of ships unexpectedly appeared, including warships and pirate ships, and the leaders were the Human Demon King and others from the Revolutionary Army, as well as the Vice Admirals Smoker.

Akainu glared at Blackbeard from the bow and said, "Tichi, you are unforgivable, where do you want to escape?"

"Ha, no way to escape?"

Tiqi was also drunk this time, the Navy and the Revolutionary Army have joined forces, how unpopular he is!

"Then kill a bloody road!"

With a move with his left hand, he immediately formed a black spherical space and launched a big move towards Lynch.

"The dark water in the area can't affect me!"

Lynch is also proficient in magic, so how can he be afraid of him?

With a random move, a bolt of lightning struck down from the sky, hitting the space created by Tiqi, and it exploded completely.

"What the hell is this?"

Tiqi's dark water is a unique skill that can absorb the opponent's ability, how could he be knocked away by a bolt of lightning!
"Because I'm so domineering!"

How could Lynch tell him the reason, swung the trident with both hands, and gave the opponent a hard blow.

A cold light flashed, and a bloody gash melted directly from Tiqi's chest.

Feeling the deep pain, Tiqi's eyes became more and more terrifying.

"Interesting! But, is this more exciting?"

He suddenly opened his hands, and more black shadows diffused from his body, gradually condensing into a terrifying shape.

Like a huge battle fortress, it aimed at everything around it and was about to swallow it.

Is this the change after the awakening of Blackbeard's ability?
Seeing this scene, the onlookers almost held their breath, unable to react.


How much potential does Tiki have?

"Stand-in messenger? You really know how to play!"

Lynch sneered disdainfully, he wasn't afraid at all!

"It's useless to be stubborn. Wait until I swallow your body and become stronger. At that time, the navy will not be able to stop me. I will go to the new world to dominate!"

Blackbeard roared, and the dark fortress behind him transformed into countless weapons, all of which rushed towards Lynch.

However, Lynch's figure mysteriously disappeared at that moment!
It seems to be disappearing in the dark, undetectable.

Blackbeard seemed to be hitting mosquitoes with a cannon, completely lost.

It wasn't until his attacks failed one by one that he felt a little awkward.

"Lynch, don't hide, come out and fight with me! This is admitting defeat? It's not like you at all! Don't be called Sea King in the future!"

"No, he's just too lazy to talk to you." Aokiji appeared on the surface of the sea, looked at the situation at the moment and came to a conclusion, "Tichi, you've already lost!"

"What the hell?"

Zefa stroked his beard aside, not knowing why.

At the same time, Haijun and others on the warship also showed incomprehensible expressions. What did Lynch do?
Why did it suddenly disappear?

"Marshal, what should we do?"

Everyone sent inquiries to Zhan Guo, but he blinked, as if he understood something.

"Don't think about it! This guy Lynch is a genius, and he will definitely not lose. You guys, watch carefully?"

Karp suddenly laughed, thinking the same way.

"What are you laughing at? He has been swallowed by me, and it will be yours soon!"

Blackbeard couldn't bear to be laughed at, turned around and said angrily.

"Idiot, you can't swallow anything!"

Lynch's voice suddenly appeared in his ears, as if following him like a shadow, presenting countless echoes, which circulated endlessly.

"Where the hell are you? Get out!"

Blackbeard was already unbearable torment, his eyes were widened, and he didn't know why.

"I, right in front of you!"

Suddenly, among the black shadows cast by Tiqi, countless shadows of Lynch appeared, as if there were thousands of him in it, laughing at Blackbeard.

"This is impossible!"

When Tiqi reacted and tried to fight back, the black shadow he sacrificed was out of control, and instead devoured himself, ruthlessly depriving his body.

"The power of magic can control everything. I want to thank you for letting me learn new moves."

A sharp trident emerged from Tiqi's chest, directly piercing his chest, staining his clothes red.

It was a completely different artifact from Neptune's Trident. It was the Poseidon Trident that Lynch had just exchanged for 1000 million hero points.

Possessing the power of the sea god, a more powerful magic weapon, endowing Lynch with even more terrifying strength.

He merged Ant-Man's skills in one place, and even used Pym particles to transform into thousands of clones, which penetrated into Tiki's fruit ability and completely disintegrated it.

Now, the Anan fruit belongs to Lao Tzu!

"Ticky, do you have anything else to say?"

"I, don't accept..."

When Tiqi stubbornly yelled those three words, Lynch beat him crazily in exchange.

"What's wrong with dissatisfaction? I specialize in all kinds of dissatisfaction!"

Fist to the flesh, blood spilled on the spot, the sea was almost dyed red.

After just a few seconds, Blackbeard had been beaten so badly that he couldn't even recognize him.

Under Lynch's tyranny, you still have good fruit to eat!
"Don't you want to be the king? Don't you want to dominate the new world? You don't have any tickets!"

The last punch hit Tiqi's face, and completely smashed his remaining half of the tooth, before blasting Tiqi away.

This time it completely turned into a star and made a shining exit.

From now on, there will be no such person as Blackbeard in the world.

Lynch clapped his hands in fear, turned around to look around at the bewildered people, and asked who else was there?

At this moment, even people as strong as the Warring States Period and as arrogant as Brother Ming have to be cautious.

Lynch is already invincible!

However, the battle is not completely over.

Luffy is still struggling with Brother Ming, he has not fully mastered his domineering, and there is still a gap between him and Brother Ming after awakening.

But at this moment, the other party was already anxious to run away.

How can there be such a good thing?

Lynch smiled secretly and went to watch the play.

(End of this chapter)

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