Be a superhero from a pirate

Chapter 98 The First Show as Batman

Chapter 98 The First Show as Batman
After riding the roller coaster several times, Lynch was already familiar with the environment in the cave and worked out a plan.

At the same time, because it was too frequent, he was a little nauseous, so he took a short break to avoid suspicion.

He has enough confidence to understand the environment in the dark, and he has become proficient in using the bat dart. He believes that he can cut the rope in the dark without being noticed by outsiders.

Now it's just a matter of creating the right conditions.

Waiting around the roller coaster, around evening, the target character appeared on the stage.

Xinyi and Xiaolan, a pair of vindictive enemies, came here, and they were still bickering. Seeing Xinyi boasting and showing off, the desire to survive is really not strong at all!

Lynch sighed, gradually entered the state, walked in front of the two, and shouted in surprise: "Aren't you the famous high school detective, Kudo Shinichi? I didn't expect to meet you here, what a coincidence! I am Your fans..."

Regardless of the surprise of the two of them, they grabbed Shinichi's hand and warmly greeted each other, expressing their joy.

Although the acting skills are a bit exaggerated, he still performed the frenzy of a fan meeting his idol, which made Shinichi scratch his head and laugh.

"Haha, isn't it? I'm actually so famous! Xiaolan, don't you think so?"

"Hmph, why are people saying hello to you? Why are you so proud? Be polite!"

Xiaolan was also confused by Lynch's enthusiasm. It was the first time she had met this kind of idiot fan treatment, which made the two of them who were going to ride the roller coaster unable to continue.

"Hey, don't get in the way if you don't go up!"

The comrades behind were dissatisfied.

Lynch glanced at it, and suddenly saw the future villain, gin and fat vodka.

Brother Qin is a person who doesn't talk too much, but his face is cold and he thinks he is in the way, and the fat man is impatient.

The two of them came here to ride the roller coaster not for fun, but for a special purpose, so don't delay!

However, Lynch's purpose is to prevent Shinichi from going up, and it is best to ride the roller coaster separately from Gin.

According to the original plot, there are only four rows of eight seats on the speeding car, the protagonist and his wife occupy one row, the murderer, the victim and their companions occupy two rows, and the remaining row, which is the last seat, is for Gin and Wine .

It was impossible for Lynch to sit in the front three rows. The only chance was to squeeze the seats of Gin and Jiu, so letting them sit first was the best choice.

Sure enough, Xinyi also felt sorry for such a disturbance, Lynch kept saying sorry, and was willing to buy them drinks as compensation.

The two of Gin and Jiu, who were not fond of drinks, stubbornly went up first, but a man behind him who was with the female ticket Xiuen said that he would not take advantage of any advantages, and dragged a few friends to wait for the next shift.

Lynch looked at the people who stayed behind. In addition to Xinyi and Xiaolan, there was also a girl wearing a pearl necklace, who was undoubtedly the real culprit of this incident, Hitomi, a girl from the gymnastics club.

He pretended to nod to say sorry to everyone, and even pretended to buy a drink to make amends, but was stopped by Shinichi.

"No need! It will be our turn soon, and it will be too late for you to leave."

He pressed Lynch's shoulder and joked, "Your accent doesn't sound like a Japanese person. Besides, you shook my hand very strongly just now, and you are so enthusiastic about inviting everyone to have a drink. You are not angry at all. Will you , is there any special secret?"

As expected of Shinichi, he discovered Lynch's weirdness after only a short contact, but he was prepared for this, and laughed.

"It was discovered by you, as expected of Shinichi. In fact, I am a reasoning fan from Huaguo. When I come to Japan to study this time, I also want to meet a few reasoning geniuses. Besides you, I plan to go to Kansai to get to know each other, Hattori Pingji!"

Speaking of the name of Hattori Heiji, the high school detective who claims to be as famous as Kudo Shinichi aroused his interest.

I couldn't help chatting with Lynch: "Really? Speaking of Hattori Heiji, I have also admired his name for a long time, and I have long wanted to see him..."

Seeing that the two were talking more and more speculatively, Xiaolan couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded them: "Don't patronize the chat, it's our turn!"

Under the urging of several people, Lin Qi ended his conversation with Xinyi and got on the roller coaster together.

He paid attention to the staff, and Xinyi and Xiaolan sat in the second row without accident, and Hitomi, a girl from the gymnastics club, and her companions sat in the first row.

The unlucky victim's elder brother and his female ticket naturally sat in the third row, and the remaining fourth row was occupied by him and a passer-by without hesitation.

Lynch sat on the left side and kept the same direction as Hitomi, which was also for the convenience of subsequent actions, and the next step was the good show.

Everyone put on their protective gear and started on the road, feeling the bumps and turbulence of the roller coaster. Soon Xiaolan and the girls screamed, and Lynch saw her tightly hugging Shinichi's arm.

Sure enough, she was a childhood sweetheart, and at the critical moment, Lin Qi sighed, but he was numb.

After sitting back and forth several times, there was no disturbance in my heart!

Into the hole!

Ahead, there is a cave decorated as a monster's head, waiting for them to enter with its mouth wide open.

Once inside, in the dark environment, it depends on everyone's performance.

Lynch silently held the bat dart in his pocket, ready for battle.

In front of the eyes, the light is lost, and only the whistling wind is heard.

Lynch's attention was all on the seat in front. Because of the advance drill, he could vaguely see a little movement in the dark.

With keen insight, he discovered that someone crawled along the armrest of the seat and put something around the neck of the unlucky guy in front of him.

Time to get started!

He waited for the opponent to go back, and hung up the iron claws, but showed the bat dart, and cut the connected steel wires with a wave.

There was a snap, subtle and imperceptible, followed by a scream.

The man in front covered his neck and yelled, obviously still injured.

After all, the steel wire is very sharp, even though it was cut by Lynch, bloodstains were drawn on his neck when he pulled it.

The tourists in the car turned their heads one after another, so frightened that they didn't know why, and they didn't know about a murder case, which was disappeared by Lynch.

He silently collected the bat dart, sent it into the system, and was dumbfounded with everyone.

After getting off the roller coaster, the accident that happened to the man quickly alerted the staff, who came to inquire.

He couldn't understand why there was an extra circle of steel wire around his neck while sitting in the speeding car?
When extremely depressed, Kudo Shinichi started a reasoning show with great interest.

He checked the tools left behind, looked at the seats of the roller coaster, and made an astonishing deduction.

"This is an attempted murder case! Please inform the police to come over, and everyone here should not leave, because you may all be suspected!"


When he did this, everyone became nervous and talked a lot.

Especially the two of Gin and Jiu who got off the speeding car early and were about to leave frowned.

What a waste of time!
(End of this chapter)

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