Weird Manor: Quickly Cross the Fifth Personality

Chapter 66 Accompanying you to see the world clearly

Chapter 66 Accompanying you to see the world clearly (21)
Suddenly, an ominous premonition came to my mind.

Sure enough, at the next glance, I saw a white ball flying out of Jack's hand with a wave of his finger.

And the white thing flew directly towards the air force.

At this time, the air force just bent down to pick up the gun, and did not notice the danger behind it.

"Marta, watch your back!"

Baijiu yelled in the direction of the Air Force.

As soon as the air force picked up the gun, he turned his head and saw a white mass that was about to hit her.


After Baijiu only heard a scream from the air force, she couldn't see anything, because her vision became gray again.

But she felt that the breath emanating from Jack was more dangerous.

If he hit the air force, then the breath on his body would definitely not be like this.

So now the aura emanating from him is obviously very unpleasant for not hitting anyone.

Baijiu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, it seems that the air force is still safe for the time being.

Just when Baijiu relaxed his vigilance, Jack shifted his gaze to her.

Baijiu felt something was wrong and ran away.


Jack sneered and threw out a fog blade from his hand.

Seeing that the fog blade was about to hit Baijiu's body, a trace of bloodlust flashed in Jack's eyes.

That kind of look is like looking at an ant that has been dying and struggling.

At this moment, he felt another gaze looking at him.

His eyes looked into the distance.

When I looked over, I happened to meet Hongdie's dark eyes.

There was anger in those eyes.

Seeing Jack looking over, Hongdie flew directly towards Baijiu.

When Jack's skill was about to hit Baijiu, Hongdie hugged Baijiu in her arms and put it aside, and jumped away from the fog blade.

Hongdie didn't notice that a piece of her skirt was scraped off by the fog blade.

Jack looked at the scene in front of him and found it a little funny: "Michiko, don't you stay at your broken red church and come here to meddle in your own business?"

Hongdie's eyes were faintly angry: "It's not your turn to take care of my affairs, but what is it if you attack people for no reason?"

"Why? These two people have nothing to do with you. I will kill them as soon as I want."

Hongdie tightly held the fan in her hand angrily.

She didn't want to be nosy at first, but she rushed over when she heard screams between the entrances of the two mountain passes.

After coming in, I accidentally found these three people.

"You and I have always been in harmony with each other. Is it possible to break the agreement between the two of us today because of these two people?" Jack said.

Hongdie's body trembled slightly, how could she forget the agreement?
The agreement was not that he would not come to the Red Church to interfere with her search for someone.

If a survivor steps into his territory, he will also fulfill his agreement with her not to harm the person with blue eyes.

Seeing Hongdie's hesitant eyes, Jack couldn't help sneering.

I waited so long just to wait for someone.

I stayed in that crappy place for so long just to wait for someone.

After countless games, he crawled to that place with scars just to wait for someone.

Wearing that horrible mask to scare away those who have slandered that person is still waiting for her.

Countless nights, countless mornings, and countless stormy days, there will always be a red figure waiting for that important person.

(End of this chapter)

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