Chapter 213 Lu Jin Comes
"Cough!" Jiang Ruo raised her hand and coughed lightly, glanced at her lightly, and judged:

"The performance was alright, but there is still room for improvement.

You go back first, I will notify you of news. "

"Okay, thank you Director Jiang for giving me the opportunity."

Yu Qingfeng smiled, said goodbye to them politely, and left there.

He didn't notice at all, Jiang Ruo clenched his small fists because of joy after the sound.


"Xiao Qingfeng, how is your interview going!

That director didn't kill you, did he? "

Seeing Yu Qingfeng coming out, Su Yan rushed to meet him.

He looked her up and down carefully, for fear that she would be wronged inside and refused to speak.

Seeing her worried look, Yu Qingfeng smiled, "Don't worry, that director is quite easy-going."

At this time, a stern question reached their ears again.

Su Yan: this considered easy-going?


After the audition, that night.

Yu Qingfeng received the good news that Jiang Ruo officially welcomed her to join the crew of "A Troubled World".

As soon as she was happy, she bought a whole box of strawberry juice and returned home, planning to drink it all at once!
The night was thick, starless and moonless.

Yu Qingfeng nestled on the sofa, drinking a bottle of strawberry juice.

At this time, a doorbell suddenly rang softly.

She hesitated for a moment, then raised her eyes to glance at the clock opposite.

It's already at this point, who is here!
She doesn't seem to order takeaway, does she?
Thinking about it, Yu Qingfeng walked over and opened the door to have a look, his eyes suddenly shone with joy.

Twinkle, like little stars!
"Mu Feng, it's you who's back, come in!"

Probably because she was too happy, her voice trembled a little.

Afterwards, Yu Qingfeng took Mu Feng's hand and hurried into the room.

Like offering a treasure, he took a bottle of strawberry juice from the box and handed it to her.

"Mu Feng, hurry up and drink.

This brand of strawberry juice is super delicious! "

"Mu Feng" Lu Jin looked at the pink liquid in his palm, and the corners of his eyes twitched undetectably.

Why strawberries again?
() Hey, hey, she is allergic to strawberries!
Last time, she only ate a little bit of strawberry cake, and she had pimples all over her body the next day after she went back.

It was so itchy and ugly that she didn't dare to go out for several days.

"I am not thirsty yet."

Lu Jin said, and put the strawberry juice in his hand farther away.

Hearing this, Yu Qingfeng did not force her, but shared her good news with Lu Jin.

The two girls talked and laughed for a long time in the living room.

Until two o'clock in the morning, the two of them became tired and planned to rest.

Lying down.

Lu Jin turned on the light, looked at the clear black inside, and the smile on his face froze immediately.

This color... is too gloomy!
She couldn't help but think of Gu Qianzhou's gloomy face.

She was so frightened that her back felt cold, and after shivering, she closed the door tightly and backed out.

"Knock Knock"——

"Qingfeng, can I sleep with you tonight?"

Yu Qingfeng got out of bed and opened the door, and saw Lu Jin standing outside the door, staring at her with big watery eyes.

Looked like she didn't agree, and Lu Jin just stayed here and didn't leave.

Naturally, Yu Qingfeng would not refuse Miss Sister's entreaty.

Two people are lying on the bed.

Although eyes were closed, no one fell asleep.

Yu Qingfeng is now inexplicably a little excited.

Hehe, does she really "sleep" as a young lady?

(End of this chapter)

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