The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 215 Chapter 215 Lu Jin

Chapter 215 Chapter 210 Five Lu Jin (3)

After Yu Qingfeng got up and washed, he walked out of the room with a sullen face.

Looking at the deserted room, he couldn't help sighing.

Miss sister hasn't drank the strawberry juice she gave, why did she leave...

At this moment, her phone vibrated suddenly.

Mu Feng: [Sorry, the company has something to do, so I left first.

By the way, I don't sleep well.

Did I do anything to you last night? 】

Looking at the message, the cloud on Yu Qingfeng's face dissipated, and a faint smile appeared on his face.


in the office.

Gu Qianzhou was staring at the phone, waiting for her reply, motionless.

My heart was extremely flustered, and I was in a panic.

If Lu Jin dared to do something to Guaiguai, he would never let her go easily!
At this moment, the screen suddenly lit up.

A ray of breeze: [Probably not, I slept very well last night. 】

After seeing the word [no], Gu Qianzhou's heart fell steadily.

But... Lu Jin, don't even think about getting out of his blacklist!
Mu Feng: [It's fine if you don't have one, have you had breakfast yet? 】

The company is too busy recently, so he doesn't have time to go back and make delicious food for him!
It's time to find a way to get out of the mess of the Gu family as soon as possible!

Gu Qianzhou's eyes were complicated, and the phone suddenly turned on again.

It was Lu Jin who sent him a message.

Jiang Rui in "The Wind and Cloud"?
Are you going to make a new movie?
Great, he has footage to edit again!

Thinking about it, stars suddenly appeared in Gu Qianzhou's eyes.

A breeze: [I'm planning to eat toast with strawberry juice! 】

Below, there is also a selfie of Yu Qingfeng drinking strawberry juice.

Looking at it, Gu Qianzhou immediately became sore.

Hey, he really wants to be that bottle of strawberry juice in Obedient's hand, and be held in her palm!


Lu Jin left Ziyu Villa and returned home.

Xu Yan has already moved all his belongings away...not even a hair left.

Looking at this empty, familiar and strange room.

She was supposed to be happy, right?

But for some reason, she suddenly felt a little empty in her heart.

There seems to be a missing piece.

The first time she met Xu Yan was at a lecture in a foreign school.

He is the speaker and she is the audience.

On the dim stage, only a beam of white light shone above his head.

Shimmers scattered around him like little stars, shining brightly.

It was so dazzling that she couldn't take her eyes away.

What exactly did he say in that speech, she didn't know...

The only thing she can be sure of is that she fell in love with him at first sight.

Later... She used all her connections and finally got his contact information.

Afterwards, things will be much easier... a romantic date, an affectionate confession.

The two of them came together, and the love was vigorous...

I can't wait to tell the world that she, Lu Jin, likes Xu Yan.


But as time went by, after the enthusiasm... she was still tired of it after all.

After she broke up, Xu Yan returned to China, and she has been traveling around the world.

If not, she would never come back because of something this time.

She knew...he had been waiting for her.

She originally planned to leave directly after finishing her work in secret.

But I never thought that there was a bug called Gu Qianzhou!

After splitting and reuniting for so long, it's better to break it completely like this.

She can no longer delay him selfishly.

(End of this chapter)

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