Chapter 218 Hot Pot (3)

", walk slowly, or I won't be able to keep up."

Yu Qingfeng lowered his eyes and subconsciously avoided his eyes, but his voice was unbearably soft.

"Okay, let's go home."

The gentle voice came with the breeze... It passed by her ears at a leisurely pace.

Her heart was suddenly hit.

It didn't hurt...but a strange feeling spread in her heart.

"I'm the one who came're an idiot, idiot!" She lowered her voice to a minimum, complaining a little dissatisfied.

But he didn't notice that someone's thin lips were slightly raised, with a faint smile...

【Guaiai is a little idiot, wherever you my home. 】

The night was long, and the two were walking on the road at a leisurely pace.

Gu Qianzhou was holding something in one hand and holding her in the other...

Obediently's hands are softer than he imagined... as soft as boneless.

He was really afraid that if he exerted a little strength, her little hands would hurt.


Unconsciously, the two of them had already returned to the door of the house, and when it was time to open the door to enter the house, Yu Qingfeng was shocked...

She came back holding hands with someone along the way, and her head froze for a moment.

It's all because Gu Qianzhou was born too monstrous, causing him to only care about his face.

After entering the house.

Yu Qingfeng washed his hands first, and then began to prepare the ingredients for the hot pot.

Gu Qianzhou, on the other hand, was in charge of washing all kinds of vegetables.

Among them, the most troublesome thing is the sauce needed for hot pot.

It took her a long time to search the Internet before she picked out a flavor that both of them liked.

Under warm white light.

Yu Qingfeng adjusted the sauce, and glanced at him who was chopping vegetables without leaving any trace.

Gu Qianzhou's knife skills are very good, and the cuts are fast and beautiful... Even she, who often cooks, feels that she can't compare.

It seems that someone usually cooks a lot, but I don't know who they are cooking for...

It is absolutely impossible to give him himself!
After all, he can starve himself out of stomach problems, and he can't spare time to eat.

Hmm... No matter who it is, that person must be very important to him.


"Gududu..." The pot opened.

The strong tomato aroma diffused throughout the dining room.

Yu Qingfeng obviously had dinner, but looking at the bright red soup base...

The glutton in my stomach woke up immediately. seems like I can eat it right away!

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon."

Gu Qianzhou looked at the opposite person who was holding up chopsticks and couldn't wait to make a move.

His eyes were gentle and deep, and the smile in his eyes became more and more intense.

His obedience is really cute like a little cat... I really want to hold her in my arms and pamper her all the time.


The night is vast.

In the suburban mansion, Qin Chuan sat alone in the study.

With a dim light, staring at the old photo on the table.

In the peach blossom eyes of the little girl, there is the sun...

Brilliant, dazzling... people can't bear to look away.

His little girl is like an angel who accidentally fell into the world.

Kind and cute.

That sweet smile...was the best dream he ever had.

But in the end... the dream was shattered, leaving only endless darkness and emptiness.

But he has no one to tell, he can only press in the deepest part of his heart.

Bury it, lock it up, seal it up, and not even him can touch it.

But... when he met that person named Yu Qingfeng again.

All this seems to be a little different.

(End of this chapter)

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