Chapter 221 He Guessed
On the cold face, in those deep eyes... there are emotions that he can't see through.

It made him flustered inexplicably.

"Breakfast is ready, come and have some."

Gu Qianzhou smiled slightly, and the hand hanging behind her where she couldn't see trembled slightly.

Yu Qingfeng, who was not far away, was not moved by the words.

"It's dawn, Mr. Gu, it's time for you to leave."

The tone and tone are flat and watery, and there is no emotion at all.

Listening to her straightforward words, the smile on Gu Qianzhou's face faded a bit.

After hesitating for half a second, he still walked towards her.

"Eat breakfast while it's hot or it's bad for your stomach. What happened just now... I'm sorry."

After finishing the words, there was a busy rustling sound, and the crisp sound of closing the door came from behind her.

But it made her heart tremble slightly, and she couldn't help taking a deep breath.

She walked to the kitchen, reached out to pick up the toast and put it in her mouth.

The strong cheese aroma, the crunchy side of the toast, is delicious...much better than she remembered.

Thinking of the scene of food residues and vegetable leaves all over the floor, the light in Yu Qingfeng's eyes suddenly dimmed a bit.


After coming out of Ziyu Villa, Gu Qianzhou's cell phone rang suddenly.

Looking at the word "Qin Chuan" displayed on the screen, the look in his eyes suddenly became complicated and deep.

"Yu Qingfeng, who the hell is that!"

Qin Chuan stayed up all night without sleep, not only did he not feel tired.

Looking at the personal file of Yu Qingfeng just passed in his hand, he became more energetic.

Yu Qingfeng was adopted...

Although the age is slightly different from his little girl.

But those eyes are so much like hers.

Qin Chuan couldn't stop thinking, could Yu Qingfeng be the person he thought of.


At this time, listening to the trembling voice on the phone, Gu Qianzhou's hand holding the phone suddenly tightened and trembled slightly.

After all, Qin Chuan... still noticed it.

"She is herself, Yu Qingfeng!"

Gu Qianzhou spoke firmly and forcefully, and then hung up the phone quickly.

His gaze fell on the girl on the screen, softening and softening, a little flustered.

He is afraid...

Fearing that one day, his darling will leave him.

In the mall, he is not afraid of competing with Qin Chuan, winning or losing is like a cloud in his eyes.

But if the bet is to be obedient, he is terribly afraid of losing the word.


He'll be sick, he'll be crazy!


The soft beep sounded a bit abrupt in the silent room.

Looking at the black screen of the mobile phone, Qin Chuan's originally calm face suddenly had a beautiful curvature.

The light of the morning sun scattered in... a bright halo all over the place, warm.

It seemed that the black mist that had shrouded his heart for many years was also dispelled.

"Yu Qingfeng..."

He called her name softly, his voice was so gentle that it was ridiculous...

But his gaze fell involuntarily on the painting that had just been mounted not long ago.

Under the clean and transparent glass is a portrait of a little girl.

It was he who continued to paint the little girl according to the appearance of the little girl in his memory... It took more than a month.

But even so, he still felt that there was something missing in the painting.

Without a little aura, there was no artistic conception at that time.

But that's okay,

He thought, he should be able to see... his little girl again soon!
Right?Gu Qianzhou!

Thinking about it, Qin Chuan's eyes, which were like a pool of stagnant water, suddenly became a little more angry and sparkled.

 After reading the recent news, I feel very uncomfortable.

  Regardless of gender, regardless of age.

  Remember one sentence: Love yourself before loving others, respect yourself!

  ps: (Love yourself does not mean blindly asking for selfishness.)
(End of this chapter)

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