Chapter 239 Playing (Su Yanxian, if you don't like it, you can jump)
Under the dim street lights.

Su Yan was hiding in the dark, watching every move of the two of them in the distance.

When the bell rang for the end of self-study tonight, Xiao Qingfeng ran out without even saying hello.

Fortunately, she was smart enough to trot all the way to follow in time.

Unexpectedly, as she expected, Xiao Qingfeng actually has a dog outside!
Hmph, it's too much, forgetting friends after seeing sex!
As Su Yan thought about it, she secretly poked her small fist and punched the phantom of that wild man.

Let you and me grab the little breeze!


She hid in the backlight, and the light was very bad.

So much so that only a vague outline of the man can be seen.

Although she looks tall and strong, but she is afraid of being punched... she will scream!
Just when Su Yan was gearing up and preparing to go up to "catch the gun".

A hoarse voice suddenly reached her ears.

"What are you doing hiding here?"

As soon as Su Yan turned her head in panic, she met a pair of beautiful red phoenix eyes, shining like obsidian.

It's Rao Xinghan!

How could he appear here at night?


Looking at the little girl who was stunned and silent in front of him, a flash of panic flashed in Rao Xinghan's eyes.

Did he scare her because of his sudden appearance?

Thinking about it, he hurriedly took off his mask, "It's me, don't be afraid."

Hearing this, the corners of Su Yan's lips curled slightly, and she nodded.

Well...she knew it was him, so she wasn't afraid.

"Senior, you should hurry up and put on your mask." Su Yan said with concern, her expression was very worried.

"Okay, so... why are you hiding here?" Rao Xinghan asked.

After saying that, Su Yan's ears suddenly turned red, and she lowered her head, not daring to look into his eyes.

She couldn't tell him that she was following someone!
In case... Rao Xinghan thought she was a pervert, it would be a big misunderstanding!
"I... I'm just wandering around bored."

"Really, I just want to go shopping too, why don't we go together?"

Hearing his gentle voice, Su Yan blurted out the word "good" subconsciously.

In the clear eyes, there is only his reflection, shining brightly.


Soon, the two of them came to the night market, which was very crowded and lively.

My ears are filled with the cries of small vendors, one after another.

【Red Bean Cake, Squid Skewers...】

Just listening to that voice, Su Yan couldn't help swallowing.

She turned her head to glance at the person beside her, and finally suppressed the greed in her stomach silently.

It's all my own fault, I didn't even think about it when I suggested it.

How dare Rao Xinghan show his face to eat in public!
Smelling the alluring fragrance, Su Yan pulled his arm and fled the booth quickly, and didn't stop until he reached the game area.


With a loud bang, another balloon exploded.

The owner of the stall looked at the calm young man holding a toy gun in front of him.

I couldn't help sweating in my heart, silently remembering the number: the ninth one...

At this time, a small black dot that was almost invisible flashed quickly before his eyes.


As the fragments of the balloon fell slowly, he immediately felt his flesh hurt to death.

Ten shots, blowing up twenty balloons... This guy must have practiced before!

"Boss, you can give her that toy now."

After the cold voice brought him back to his senses, the boss reluctantly took down the treasure from the top of the shelf.

(End of this chapter)

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