Chapter 242 Be Happy (Su Yanxian)

"Senior, you were really good at shooting just now! Have you learned it before?"

In order to make up for her hurt heart, Su Yan bought a marshmallow on the way.

Soft and melts in the mouth...sweet from the heart.

However... She was too busy eating, but didn't notice the fleeting stern look on his face.

Rao Xinghan was afraid that she would bump into the electric pole again, so he was walking holding her hand.


Although the cold voice is is extraordinarily cold in the night wind.

The expression on his face was very calm, but the heart under his chest was beating anxiously.

Shooting... He has learned it before, and it was taught by Qin Chenghong.

However, since his mother passed away, Rao Xinghan has never touched such things as wooden warehouses.

Today, if it wasn't for seeing her liking that toy.

He estimated that he would never touch that thing again in his life.

As soon as he saw Mu Cang, he would recall all the past.

Those warm and warm pictures, now it seems... It will only make him feel sick.

"That's it." Su Yan sighed softly.

Seeing his skillful and agile movements just now, she thought...he had learned it before!

The two were walking on the road, chatting casually... Su Yan arrived home as soon as he didn't pay attention.

Looking at the gate of the community, Su Yan was reluctant to take a step away.


Why do you feel that the road is so long and far when you go home before, but this time it feels very close?
I really want to take another walk with Xinghan!

It's a pity...she could only think, "Well... I'm going home first.

Be careful on the road and wear a mask. "

If it is recognized by fans, it will be troublesome.

She asked worriedly, only to see the eyes of the young man in front of him slightly bent.

"it is good."


Seeing that her back disappeared, Rao Xinghan turned around and planned to leave.

However, before he could take a few steps, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps behind him.

Turning around, he saw that little red face again.

She smiled slightly, her eyes were very clear.

"Senior, you will be as happy every day as you are today!"

The joyful and pleasant voice makes people feel inexplicably happy.

And before he could reply in the future, he heard her hurriedly say:
"I'll go first, good night senior!"

Before the voice finished, Rao Xinghan saw that beautiful figure disappearing from his eyes quickly like a wisp of smoke.

But Su Yan's voice still lingered in his ears, like a magic voice that could confuse people's hearts.

"Good night."

He stared at him with a slight smile, whispered softly, and then left there.


After Su Yan ran home without stopping, she leaned against the closed door.

Panting heavily, her cheeks were hot as if she had a fever.

She didn't know what she was thinking, but she walked halfway...with a pair of legs, she ran back disobediently.

After she finished speaking those words, she came back to her senses from a half-dream and half-awake state.

I don't know what expression he had after hearing those words.

Could it be that she was taken aback by her.

I just hope that he can be happy be himself.

Instead, the Rao Xinghan those fans were talking about!


After recovering, Su Yan dragged her limp body towards the living room.

Sitting on the sofa and drinking water "gurgling", but feeling inexplicably empty in my heart.

It was as if something important had been forgotten by her.

OMG! ! !

Why did she forget about the thesis that she was going to hand over to Professor Yan tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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