Chapter 249 Girlfriend

The white dress was extremely disheveled and was messed up, and her hair was a mess.

Not at all, the way a lady should look!

Yi Shi looked Bai Ningle up and down, and the word "Chuan" instantly formed between his eyebrows.

Displeasure was written in the deep creases.

How could the little princess she had painstakingly created become like this!

A real lady, even in a desperate situation, should keep herself elegant and tidy.

Bai Ningle's lost soul, if others saw it...

I'm afraid that she will say that she is Yi Shi, and she has never handed over the word "li" to her daughter!
Nameless anger surged straight up from Yi Shi's heart...

Just when she was planning to ask Bai Ningle to go back to the room and tidy up her clothes.

A cold voice suddenly reached her ears.

"Mom, you said so.

Whatever I want, I can get it, right? "

Yi Shi heard the prestige and looked over, met those lifeless eyes, but couldn't help being startled.

Bai Ningle... was born very much like her, especially her brows and eyes, which were vivid and clear.

Therefore, since she was a child, she has loved Ning Le very much, holding it in her palm and pampering her.

I just want Ning Le to grow up carefree and be her little princess for the rest of her life.

But...that look just now reminded her of another person.

A disgusting person!

With a chill down her spine, Yi Shi regained her composure and forced a smile, "Yes..."

"I want Gu Qianzhou!"

That name was almost squeezed out between Bai Ningle's teeth.

After the words fell, those dead eyes bent into crescents.

The pale lips opened and closed, "Mom, you will definitely help me get him, right!"

The voice was brisk, but it was like a magic sound bewitching Yi Shi, and she nodded subconsciously.

Seeing this, the smile in Bai Ningle's eyes became more intense.

Gu Qianzhou... Qianzhou...

Oh, you can only be mine!


When Yu Qingfeng and the others returned to Building G, it was already completely dark.

Looking up, the night sky is dotted with stars, shining brightly and beautifully.

"Then I... will go home first."

Yu Qingfeng got out of the car, spoke in a low voice, met his gaze, and blushed inexplicably.

"it is good……"

Gu Qianzhou responded, but refused to let go of her hand, and all his gentle eyes fell on her.

He suddenly opened his mouth and asked again: "Qingfeng, are you willing to be my girlfriend?"

The incident happened suddenly today, and he said that the two of them were "together" without obediently agreeing.

Be good, although he didn't refute, but...he felt that he should ask her formally.

(However... even if he obediently says he disagrees, he still wants to fix her!

This life, not... forever. )
Gu Qianzhou muttered in his heart, inexplicably nervous... his whole body tensed up, quietly waiting for her answer.

I saw that the corners of the girl's mouth turned up slightly, "Okay, but..."

"Whatever conditions you ask, I promise you!"

Before Yu Qingfeng finished speaking, he heard someone eagerly rushing to answer.

It provoked her, and she couldn't hold back a chuckle for a while, " said that!"

Gu Qianzhou (beautiful JPG): "Yeah!"

"Gu Qianzhou, I don't want much.

There is only one, please promise me! "Yu Qingfeng paused, his expression extremely serious:

"No matter what happens in the future, please choose to trust me unconditionally.

Of course I am, too! "

(End of this chapter)

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