The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 251 Don't Dream

Chapter 251 Don't Dream

Then, there was a rush of footsteps.

Gu Qianzhou didn't hide, and looked at the oncoming person... the beautiful curve on his face deepened.

With a little flamboyance.

Xia Zheng paused, took a deep look at him, and then walked past him and left.


Gu Qianzhou?He came here probably because of Yu Qingfeng!

However, he was so proud just now!

Could it be that he was chased after Yu Qingfeng!

As soon as the idea came out, Xia Zheng felt... only a burst of regret.

It's a pity that such a good girl like Yu Qingfeng fell into the hands of that kind of devil who eats people and doesn't spit out bones!
Last time, he was a majestic actor, but he was left with nothing to film.

The agent investigated for a long time before he realized that Gu Qianzhou was actually behind the scenes.

From then on, Xia Zheng knew...he liked Yu Qingfeng.

It's only been a few short months... The two of them are actually together! ! !

And he...

Xia Zheng's heart sank, his mind... was full of Zhong Mi's cold eyes, without any emotion.

It's been so long... Could it be that he hasn't even left a shadow in her heart?
Xia Zheng asked himself, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he left.

In the garage, it was quiet now.

Zhong Mi leaned against the front of the car, his complexion was very bad... lost all color, a little pale.

it is good……

This is indeed the best, Xia Zheng.

——she sighed.

At this time, the shadow of a familiar car suddenly flashed in front of Zhong Mi.

It's a Maybach...

Mr. Gu?

The next day,

Yu Qingfeng was awakened by a hasty knock on the door.

Wearing her little bunny slippers, without washing... half-closed her eyes and wobbled to open the door.

However, in the next second... she woke up completely, her eyes were wide and round.


Yu Qingfeng didn't speak, and pushed the door.

Then, at the speed of a [-]-meter sprint, he rushed into the bathroom.

It's not even seven o'clock, Gu Qianzhou... What is he doing here so early! ! !
Yu Qingfeng brushed his teeth while observing himself in the mirror.

Her hair was messed up, and there was... saliva marks at the corner of her mouth.

Ah... really ugly!
He actually showed her messy appearance!



outside the door,

Gu Qianzhou pushed open the half-hidden door, and a deep smile flashed imperceptibly in his eyes.

Very skillfully, he took out a pair of fluffy slippers from the cabinet in the entrance and changed them on.

Slightly disappointed.

Hmm... He also wants to wear the same bunny slippers as Guaiguai's, with two small ears that move when he walks.

Very cute.

But... What's even cuter is his obedience.

What she was wearing just now turned out to be a pink nightdress... There was a huge strawberry printed on it.

Darling, don't you think about drinking strawberry juice even when you're sleeping?

in the bathroom,
Yu Qingfeng, after confirming that all traces on his face have been washed off, hurry up.

So I patted some water cream casually, ready to change clothes and go out.

Hmm... this one was worn yesterday!

This color is not good!
Looking at the pile of clothes on the bed, Yu Qingfeng frowned suddenly.

There are so many, how can I not choose a good-looking outfit!
Falling in love is really troublesome!
I don't know if she refuses now, it's too late!
(Gu Qianzhou: ... Be good, stop dreaming!)

Finally, Yu Qingfeng ordered Doudou to randomly choose a piece of clothing to put on, and hurried out.

(End of this chapter)

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