The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 256 Ren Feier Was Hidden in the Snow

Chapter 256 Ren Feier Was Hidden in the Snow
"Mi'er, did you come to see me for something?"

When Zhong Mi heard this, his expression was in a trance for a moment.

It used to be... now it's gone!
When she came back from filming, she saw Gu Qianzhou's car... just parked next to her.

So he hurried over, intending to share gossip with Yu Qingfeng.

She guessed that the reason why Gu Qianzhou came to Ziyu Villa so often was because he was hiding in the golden house here!
Unexpectedly, she actually got her guess right.

Looking at "A-Jiao" opposite, Zhong Mi forced a smile and said, "It's nothing serious, I just missed you all of a sudden."

"Oh, right.

I heard from the gossip that Xingyue's first sister was suddenly hidden by inexplicable snow. "

Miss Xingyue?
It refers to Ren Feier!
"What's wrong with her?" Yu Qingfeng asked curiously, with a look of reluctance.

"I don't know about this... I guess I offended someone!" Zhong Mi knocked on the melon seeds, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Did you have a holiday with her?"

Yu Qingfeng asked suspiciously, only to see Zhong Mi on the opposite side nodded without hesitation.

Then he picked out a few things about the right and wrong between the two of them and told her.

If he wanted to tell the whole story, Zhong Mi might not be able to finish it in three days and three nights.

Ren Fei'er is gentle and considerate on the surface, and has always been a pure goddess image to the outside world.

In fact, they are gentle knives designed to stab you where you hurt.

Taking advantage of the situation to grab resources, buying trolls to blackmail her... let's not talk about all kinds of slander.

What disgusted Zhong Mi the most was at a party with the crew.

Ren Fei'er actually drugged her and sent her to an investor's bed.

If she hadn't run in time, Zhong Mi's life would have been completely ruined!

"She is such a person!!!" Yu Qingfeng said in surprise.

I only heard a chuckle suddenly from the other side, "... I didn't think of it at first.

However, you can learn from my lesson.

Don't be stupid, so won't know when you will be sold.

The more beautiful a person is, the more filthy his body may be! "


Seeing her nodding obediently, Zhong Mi liked her even more in his heart.

But when he thought of Gu Qianzhou, a chill came down his back.

But... With him protecting the little beauty, she can rest assured.

Afterwards, Zhong Mi didn't sit for long, then bid farewell and left.

Yu Qingfeng had to write a paper for nothing now, but... she just typed a word.

The doorbell rang again.

"Why did you come back so soon!"

She opened the door and saw Gu Qianzhou.

I don't know how anxious he was when he came back, there was a faint layer of sweat on his forehead, and he was panting lightly.

The small cloth bag was filled with various ingredients... and her favorite strawberry juice.

"I'm afraid you're hungry..."

Be good just now, he must be starving to let him go out to buy vegetables so eagerly.

Of course he will come back as fast as possible!
The short words hit her heart... Inexplicably softened.

Fool!She is not hungry!
Yu Qingfeng complained in his heart, and was about to help him carry the cloth bag and let him go into the room to rest.

But I saw him smiling, "Go and write your paper quickly, just wait and eat the big meal I made."

After saying that, Yu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing when he saw him go directly to the kitchen and get busy.'s time for her to write her thesis, too.

After two hours,

Just as Yu Qingfeng finished typing the last word, it happened that Gu Qianzhou's last dish was also out of the pot.


Thanks, stupid feed!

(End of this chapter)

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