Chapter 260 Eat On Time
The girl in his arms is his, his little boy!

Thinking about it, Gu Qianzhou hugged her tighter, followed by a gentle voice.

"Be good..."

He called out softly, his eyes fascinated a little more...even though she was clearly in his arms.

Gu Qianzhou still felt that she was very far away from him...

He was afraid that she would leave him one day.


Hearing the sound, Yu Qingfeng paused, and his body trembled subconsciously.

be nice...

She didn't understand why Gu Qianzhou liked to call her obedient so much.

However, she doesn't hate it now.

"Be good...can I ask you to be good in the future?" Gu Qianzhou asked, his expression full of expectation.

Yu Qingfeng: ""

She responded, feeling that the pillow was uncomfortable, so she burrowed into his arms again.

Leaning on his shoulder, she closed her eyes and coaxed, "It's getting late, just rest well."

"it is good!"


A good night's dream.

Early the next morning, Yu Qingfeng was awakened by the smell of food.

Looking at the messy bed, recalling the scene from last night... I just felt my cheeks suddenly become hot.

Ah... what did she do under the temptation of that little boy!

After washing and calming down, Yu Qingfeng went out looking for the smell.

Xiaolongbao, sandwiches, waffles, and all kinds of bread, porridge... Of course, her favorite strawberry juice is indispensable.

Well, a combination of Chinese and Western breakfasts, but... this is too much!
Can two people eat it all?

Half an hour later, Yu Qingfeng touched her swollen belly and couldn't help hiccupping.

Facts have proved that she really underestimated her combat power!
Except for Gu Qianzhou's share, and some porridge...all the others were wiped out by her alone.

CD action, start from you and me!


Gu Qianzhou, who was immersed in washing dishes in the kitchen, almost overflowed with joy from the corners of his eyes and brows.

Finally, one step closer to the success of the plan, he really looks forward to being obedient in vain and fat!

At this time, a scream came suddenly.

"Ah~ I actually gained three catties in one meal!
No, no, no, I can't eat like this anymore. "

It doesn't look good on camera if you are fat!
With the rise and fall of the voice, Gu Qianzhou's heart also walked from heaven to abyss.

Is this the rhythm of dreams breaking?


After breakfast, because Gu Qianzhou had to go back to the company to deal with matters, he sent Yu Qingfeng safely to the crew and left.

Seeing his car submerged in the street, she was slightly relieved.

On the way here, Gu Qianzhou didn't know what was wrong.

Unexpectedly, a small health class was opened for her.

"eat on time"?She should have said that to him!
That idiot, he won't be too busy to eat when he goes to the company today!


At this moment, Su Yan, who had just come out of the shed, froze when she saw the scene just now.

Gu Qianzhou!
Xiao Qingfeng actually got off Mr. Gu's car!

She, him, the two of them... What kind of situation is this!

"Little Breeze!"

Yu Qingfeng searched for the sound and looked back, seeing Su Yan's astonished face, couldn't help but pause in his heart:

The decision they made together was so sudden that she forgot to tell Su Yan.

Thinking about it, she hurried over and dragged Su Yan to a secluded and deserted place.

After an explanation, Su Yan seemed to be dead, and the expression on his face basically remained unchanged.

Her little Qingfeng is really with Mr. Gu?

Ah~ her CP dream has come true!
(End of this chapter)

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