Chapter 265 Lu Jin
"Hey, can I really not go home with you?"

under the moonlight,
With a little childishness, Gu Qianzhou grabbed the corner of her clothes and said reluctantly.


Yu Qingfeng's attitude was very firm, but he didn't dare to raise his eyes to meet his.

Otherwise, she will soften her heart.

It's fine if she's the only one living alone, if the younger sister comes home... wouldn't it be embarrassing!

After the words fell, Gu Qianzhou was speechless, but just looked at her fixedly, her beautiful face was full of grievances.

The pitiful appearance is very distressing.

Yu Qingfeng took a deep breath, stood on tiptoe... reached out and stroked his little head gently.

Movement, gentle and slow.

"Hey, go home and have a good rest today, see you tomorrow, okay?"

"it is good……"

Following her movements, Gu Qianzhou froze in place, not daring to move.

The voice is soft.

"Good night then!"

After Yu Qingfeng finished speaking, he turned around and left there quickly.

But I missed that smiling face shining like a star under the moonlight, "Good night, darling."


"Xiao Qingfeng, open the door quickly..."

As soon as Yu Qingfeng came out of the elevator, he saw Lu Jin leaning against the door, knocking on the door repeatedly.

The voice was a little weak, and there was still a wine bottle in his hand.

He seemed drunk, his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were blurred.

Seeing her coming, the red lips grinned, "Hey...Xiao Qingfeng, why did you come out of it?"

As Lu Jin was speaking, he was about to walk towards her, but just as he took a step, his body tilted and he almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Yu Qingfeng helped her up first, opened the door, and helped her sit on the sofa.

Smelling the strong smell of alcohol, a crease appeared between his brows, "Mu Feng... how much wine have you drunk?"

"Not much, only five bottles!" Lu Jin leaned his head on her shoulder and gestured "Yeah" with his hand!
The smile on his face didn't fade away, and his body subconsciously leaned against Yu Qingfeng again.

Didn't you say, drink to warm up?
Then why... She still feels cold in her heart!
Lu Jin shivered, raised the wine bottle and drank again.

Seeing this, Yu Qingfeng quickly snatched the wine bottle from her hand, and coaxed:
"Mu Feng... let's stop drinking, be good!"

However, as soon as the words fell, Lu Jin's eyes turned red, and tears welled up in their sockets, "Wow...even you don't love me anymore!"

"It hurts you!"

Yu Qingfeng put his arms around her shoulders, put the wine bottle further away, with a worried look on his face, "Did something happen?"

Hearing this, there was a sob in his ears, and his eyes were a little hollow.

After a moment of silence, Lu Jin murmured, "I don't remember..."

As she said that, she lay on the sofa, her tears fell as she closed her eyes.

That idiot Xu Yan!

On weekdays, doesn't he hate business marriages the most!

Then why accept the arrangement at home to meet someone he doesn't like!

It was clearly agreed that if he got married, it must be because of love.

How long has it been, is it going to change?

Although they are not together anymore, Lu Jin still really hopes that he will be well.

Instead of living your life in such a muddled and casual way.


Thinking about it, Lu Jin just felt warm all over his body.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Yu Qingfeng carefully tucking her quilt.

"I made lemon tea, would you like to drink a little, it should be much more comfortable."

Lu Jin glanced at the surrounding environment, his eyes were clear, and he nodded subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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