Chapter 280 New Script (Skipable)

arrive home,

Yu Qingfeng felt bored for a while, nestled on the bed with her mobile phone in her arms, silently waiting for his call.

However... Gu Qianzhou didn't wait, but Bai He did.

"Qingfeng, congratulations on being nominated for the Golden Plum Award for new actor!"

"Really?" Yu Qingfeng asked in surprise, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

In her previous life, her greatest achievement was just being one of the leading actors in a small web drama.

Nomination or something, she really didn't even dare to think about it.


Bai He put it out in his hand, and with a smirk coming from inside, he saw that Zhuang Mei on the opposite side also rolled his eyes!
She couldn't help but frown slightly: ...I've already filmed his Bai He-led scene, is it difficult to nominate a newcomer award?

"Thank you, Director Bai!"

A joyful voice came, and Bai He coughed softly, "You're welcome, you deserve it all."

Speaking slowly, Zhuang Mei became anxious and directly snatched his mobile phone.

"Qingfeng is like this, we are planning to make a mind-blowing suspense film recently.

Are you interested, come over and try the role of the female lead!

The script, characters... are really good!


Zhuangmei Balabala kept talking, and Baihe heard the wrinkles between his brows deepened.

How many people desperately want to participate in the play directed by Bai He... As for chasing people to sell it!
"How about Qingfeng, are you interested?"

After finishing speaking, Zhuang Mei saw that the other side suddenly fell silent, and her heart tightened.

Hearing the person on the opposite side say "yes", he was relieved.


Less than a second after hanging up the phone, Yu Qingfeng heard the computer on the bedside table ring.

When she opened it, Bai He had already sent her the script.

The Seeker says:
Several protagonists are hunting for treasures on a deserted island and being hunted down to find the truth.

The heroine Liu Qiang, the captain of the expedition team, has a strong ability to survive in the wild.

One person can stand up to three strong men.

The early expedition team almost all relied on her to barely survive.

As for Liu Qiang, her real identity is a surgeon.

She is also the driving force behind this survival game. She is strong and kind in front of others, and she is an excellent person.

And the queen is an extremely bloodthirsty and ruthless little pervert.

Holding a scalpel, she will start her journey of revenge.

And when the expedition members died strangely one after another.

The hero Huang Hao——had to shift the target of suspicion to Liu Qiang, whom he admired.

But - the friction sound of the scalpel as it sliced ​​across the stone wall came from behind his ears.


That is death, the last forgiveness.


After Yu Qingfeng roughly read the script, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

Looking at the black screen of her phone, she felt inexplicably uneasy.

By this time, the banquet should have ended long ago.

Why is there no news from Gu Qianzhou?

Thinking about it, Yu Qingfeng couldn't suppress the worry in his heart, so he made a call.

From the opposite side, there was only a mechanical female voice.

Cold and harsh.

Her heart suddenly became chaotic.

Gu Qianzhou has never turned off the phone, is he in any trouble? !


Late at night, the moon hid behind the clouds, and the whole city was shrouded in darkness.

In the villa, after the noisy crowd left, it gradually returned to tranquility.

At this time, it was located in a small building at the deepest point.

However, there was a constant "bang bang bang" sound of knocking on the door.

The sound was louder and deafening, but no one responded to him...

(End of this chapter)

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