The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 285 Willing to Give Her Everything

Chapter 285 Willing to Give Her Everything
【A Zhou, help me take care of her. 】

The tender and soft voice, a little weak... lingered in his ears over and over again.

Gu Qianzhou's heart skipped a beat in an instant, and after a long silence, he finally nodded.

He must keep the promise he made to her...but this is the last time.

If Bai Ning is happy to make trouble again, Gu Qianzhou will never soften his heart again!

Looking at the man with a frosty face, Rao Xinghan's lips curled up slightly, suddenly showing some pity.

This time, the old man of the Gu family did not succeed in killing him like this.

It is estimated that after he is discharged from the hospital, the Gu family may be in trouble.


Gu Qianzhou has been working as a tool for the Gu family for so many years, so it's time to get back some of the capital and interest!


a moonless night,
Darkness engulfed everything except for a few flickering lights by the side of the road.

It was dim and dull, but it still attracted many bugs to fly away.

Yu Qingfeng was walking on the road alone, and the cool wind blew by, making dense goose bumps rise.

For some reason, she felt inexplicably uneasy, which made her miss Gu Qianzhou involuntarily.

I really want, I really want to...

At this time... She raised her eyes, and saw a tall figure suddenly appearing in the darkness in the distance.

Blurred outline, face not clear.

But Yu Qingfeng's legs went straight forward without stopping.

The pace was light and hurried, and after a few seconds, only a muffled "bang" was heard.

"Gu Qianzhou, why are you here!"

She raised her little head, her joy was written in the corners of her eyes and brows, and in that gentle voice.

"I miss you." Gu Qianzhou stared at her.

The thin lips were slightly raised, and she reached out to caress her eyebrows, the bridge of the nose...and finally landed on the cherry red lips.

Warm and soft, he couldn't help but want to kiss her, and take all her beauty fiercely.

And Gu Qianzhou did indeed do that.

Looking at the suddenly enlarged face, Yu Qingfeng's pupils constricted.

Nervous, she stretched her body into a straight line and dared not move.

My heart was flustered, and it was beating wildly with a "plop plop".

With every beating, he silently shouted his name.

"Gu Qianzhou! Gu Qianzhou!"

The gentle voice, lingering like silk, wrapped her heart layer by layer.


Every time, it can bring her a sense of physical and mental tension, which is very strong.

Her heart was beating wildly, and it was the same now.

Like a violent storm sweeping in, my heart trembled unknowingly.

Unlike the fear in the past, she likes it now.


That cautious and extremely gentle response made Gu Qianzhou very fond of it.

he misses her...

It was only after yesterday's incident that he realized how much he had missed her all these years.

It is the longing and admiration that have already been integrated into the blood and bones that support him step by step to today.

Gu Qianzhou regretted...

The moment he found Yu Qingfeng, he should have brought her home immediately.

Do everything possible to trap her, be it tied up or built a cage.

He didn't want to worry so much, he just wanted his obedient... to stay by his side forever and ever.

It's good to just accompany him Gu Qianzhou alone!
Any friends, family... He can do it.

He can also be obedient, the most intimate lover.

Pain her, love her... fill her whole life.


Gu Qianzhou is willing to dedicate everything he owns to Guaiguai.

Just be good and never leave him.

 Harm, it was deleted, drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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