The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 288 Trial of "The Seeker"

Chapter 288 Trial of "The Seeker"

The wind in the early summer in the north is still very cool... It makes people feel comfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

Gu Qianzhou is very busy recently, and Yu Qingfeng seldom sees him, and the occasional messages he sends will only return after a long time.

But the good night at ten o'clock every night has never been missed.

Even if this Gu Qianzhou is busy with work, he has to urge himself to sleep.

Hmph, obviously he is the night owl!


Today, Yu Qingfeng came to Baihe Company to audition according to the appointment in advance.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Zhuang Mei's exclamation: "Qingfeng, it's been a long time since you've seen each other, why have you lost weight again?"

Is it because you lose weight that you don't eat well?

She wasn't fat before!
"For the role, I just made some preparations in advance." Yu Qingfeng smiled.

Liu Qiang wandered on a deserted island for so long, and couldn't get enough to eat or wear warm clothes.

It is natural for her to be thin, but she has been hungry for several meals in order to get closer to Liu Qiang's image!

Because of this, Gu Qianzhou got angry with her and coaxed her for a long time.

Hearing this, Zhuang Mei heaved a sigh of relief and brought her into the practice room.

Bai He had already been waiting there, and seeing Yu Qingfeng coming in, he directly gave her the script of the part he was going to play.

"I'll give you 10 minutes to brew."

"it is good!"

Yu Qingfeng said it simply, didn't dare to waste time, and directly immersed himself in the script research.


That was the first time Liu Qiang killed someone, and she didn't use her usual scalpel.

Instead, he used the strap on the bag to strangle the man's neck... Wrapping it round and round, and then pulled it hard with both hands.

Looking at that person with his own eyes, his head—— seemed to be about to explode.

Green protruded from his forehead, and his face was pale from panic at the beginning, and gradually turned scarlet...until it finally turned into a sauce purple.

He struggled, wanting to beg for mercy, but couldn't cry out.

After accepting the fact that he was doomed to die, he fell silent.

Like mud, let it be crushed until you die.


10 minute passed quickly.

With the sound of the white crane, Yu Qingfeng also quickly entered the scene.

Holding a rope in his hand, he pulled it expressionlessly.

The peach blossom eyes are cold and dull, and the lifeless look makes people startled.

Seeing that person walking towards death little by little, she unconsciously took a deep breath.

His heart flustered suddenly, but he calmed down in an instant, his red lips were slightly hooked, looking inexplicably strange in the night.

He was breathless, his pupils instantly slackened, and the darkness seemed like a deep whirlpool.

It seems that they will devour her and bring her into the underworld together.

The corners of his slightly raised mouth were bent down, the rope in his hand was casually dropped on the ground, and he subconsciously took a small half step back.

The first time she did it, she didn't feel any pleasure... only fear.

The body couldn't help trembling.

Hesitantly leaning forward again, sniffing his breath.

The tense body relaxed, and the man was no different from the corpse on her operating table now.

She smiled, like a flower blooming in the dark night, with thorns, she would surely die if touched.


The cold smile shocked the people in the audience, and fear shrouded their hearts.

It took a long time for Bai He to come back to his senses, and without the slightest hesitation, he swallowed and said:
"Okay, Ka!

Liu Qiang, this time it's you! "

As the tone fell, Zhuang Mei at the side smiled even brighter than the person involved, and took a deep look at Bai He.

Heh... I don't know who said that Qingfeng was not suitable!
How does it feel to slap yourself? !
(End of this chapter)

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