Chapter 320 hate you

Seeing the instant noodles getting more and more "swollen" in the bowl, Yu Qingfeng wanted to eat them impatiently, and responded casually without paying attention to his words:
"Okay, good night then!"

"Good night, my dear."

After the sound fell, Yu Qingfeng hung up the phone, and just as she brought the instant noodles back to her place, she heard a soft "ding dong".

Little Boyleen: 【There are also instant noodles, I also wrote it down in my notebook! 】

[Those things are not good for your health, obediently eat less... It is best not to eat! 】

【Otherwise, I will go to Pingyang Town to supervise you! 】


Words of concern, words of threat from him... came in waves, and the smile in Yu Qingfeng's eyes became more intense.

[Follow orders, Mr. Gu!
But how did you see those things? 】

She obviously pushed those things a long way!

[Stupid, there is a mirror behind you! 】

Mirror? ? ?

Yu Qingfeng looked back, and sure enough, he saw a small mirror on the cabinet in the distance, the angle was just right enough to only shine on the tabletop.

Uh, she was stupid!


After the conversation, Yu Qingfeng raised his eyes and met Bai Ningle's dull gaze.

"Brother Qianzhou, has he always been like this when he was by your side?"

It turns out that Gu Qianzhou can be fierce, laugh, and act like a baby...not a person who is always expressionless and without warmth.

It's just that those beautiful things don't belong to her.


Yu Qingfeng responded briefly, only to hear her deep "Oh...".

Look down, a little sad.

But it was only for a moment, and then Bai Ningle turned his grief and anger into appetite and started to eat.

Seeing this, Yu Qingfeng's tight strings relaxed.


After the rather pleasant dinner, Bai Ningle was still unsatisfied and grabbed Yu Qingfeng's sleeve, and asked embarrassingly:
"Well... do you still have spicy noodles?"

"..." The corners of Yu Qingfeng's eyes twitched slightly: Didn't you eat up all my food reserves?

"No more, just some snacks left...

However, you really can't eat any more, you'll have a stomachache. "

"Oh..." Bai Ningle sat down with a gloomy expression, but he never took his eyes off her.

"Brother Qianzhou, are you really happy being with you?"

"What do you think?"

Hearing Yu Qingfeng's rhetorical question, Bai Ningle couldn't help being startled.

Gu Qianzhou's gentle and lingering expression used to only appear when he looked at that person.

Now, there is another Yu Qingfeng.

He should... be happy!
At least, he was much happier than when he was with her.

"Oh... I see."

Bai Ningle laughed uncontrollably, a burst of bitterness welled up in his heart.

Pain is the kind of pain that radiates from the bones.


"So, I hate you even more."


"Don't hurt him, keep him happy...otherwise I won't let you go."

She likes the smile of the boy in white in her memory... Faint, but like a pot of strong wine, it makes people intoxicated involuntarily.

Although... whether it was before or now, it has never really belonged to her.

—May he be happy.

Bai Ningle threatened in a cold voice, only to see the person opposite smiled:
"it is good."

Humph, that smile is so annoying!
She frowned, then took out a little white rabbit puppet from the suitcase and handed it to Yu Qingfeng.

"I thought it would be useless, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid as to push out all the money that came to your door."

"Here, here you are!
Just thank you, don't overthink it! "


(End of this chapter)

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