The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 337 The Stars Are Drowned in the Darkness

Chapter 337 The Stars Are Drowned in the Darkness
"Is that so..."

Lu Jin smiled stiffly, and suddenly there was a touch of pity in Yu Qingfeng's eyes:

Hey... Xiao Qingfeng is so simple, so she won't be brainwashed by that bad woman, right?

But Xiao Qingfeng, whom Lu Jin knew, had always been a very thoughtful person, and the success rate of brainwashing her was almost zero.

Could it be that that bad woman has really changed for the better? !

When Lu Jin was surprised, he only heard Yu Qingfeng ask: "Mu Feng, can you put the snack box in your room?"

After thinking about it, the safest place in this room is only Lu Jin's room!
Facing those misty peach blossom eyes, Lu Jin paused, and said without hesitation, "Of course!"

Hearing this, Yu Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately hid all her "babies".

Absolutely, must not be discovered by Gu Qianzhou!

Otherwise, her little PP might suffer!


"Oh, right.

I put all the packages you sent back in advance in your house. "

Lu Jin paused, then asked curiously, "What's inside?"

Big, heavy, and soft.

When she was carried back from the courier station, she almost fainted from exhaustion!
"Thank you for your hard work, Miss." Yu Qingfeng said, and then dragged her to the room.


After a sound, the big head of a puppet bear was exposed.

Dumb and dumb, just like its original owner!
God knows what Gu Qianzhou was thinking, and actually sent her a two-meter-long puppet bear!

Taking up all her sleeping places, Yu Qingfeng had no choice but to courier it back first.

She spent a little effort to move the bear to the bed, and "rescued" the flattened little white rabbit that was crushed by it.

He smiled at Lu Jinyin, "This little white rabbit was given to me by Bai Ningle!
very cute, right? "

"Hmm..." Lu Jin responded, but his expression was cold.


In the recording studio:

[The stars are drowning in the endless night, the sound of silence is deafening...]

The ethereal singing voice was low and hoarse, like the last cry for help from a person in despair.

The inexplicable depression and heaviness give people a strong sense of suffocation.

Su Yan frowned slightly, her soft eyes fell on the person at the other end of the glass.

Under the dim light, that lonely figure looked quite lonely.

Those heartbreaking lyrics seem to be talking about him...

Her heart couldn't help rising and falling with the sound, and it hurt.

After an unknown amount of time, the singing stopped suddenly, and Su Yan rubbed her sore eyes subconsciously.

As soon as the movement stopped, she saw that beautiful face suddenly appearing in front of her, smiling slightly:

"How is it, does it sound good?"

"...It sounds good!" Su Yan said, and suddenly blushed.

A little flustered, he handed him the documents he had obtained from Bai He in advance.

"Look at this first..."

"Although the role is a little less, it's still quite brilliant..."

"And Director Bai said that as long as you are willing to will never lose your benefits in the future."

"Do you... want to think about it?"


Hearing her very gracious recommendation, Rao Xinghan raised his eyes slightly.

With deep eyes, she was extremely quiet, and threw the script that had not been turned over on the coffee table beside her.

He stared at Su Yan with a half-smile, "Is this character really that good?"

"Yes!" Su Yan said without any hesitation.

"Oh, really?"

Rao Xinghan suddenly approached her, a trace of amusement flashed in his eyes without leaving a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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