Chapter 340
Rao Xinghan took the document, and there was a gentle smile in his deep eyes.

"That's all you want me to do?"


She thought, very special thought!
Su Yan said without hesitation, and when she recalled his words carefully, she blushed and quickly added another sentence:
"It's not just me...Qingfeng, Director Bai, they also hope that you can join."

"Oh..." Rao Xinghan sighed softly, looked at Xiao Huang who was acting coquettishly at Su Yan, and smiled slightly:
"For the sake of taking care of them—them, I agree."

"Really! That would be great!"

From now on, she can see him every day again!
The more Su Yan thought about it, the more excited she became, her voice inadvertently raised a little.

If Rao Xinghan didn't know that look, he would have thought she was his hidden fan girl!

After the mission was accomplished, Su Yan couldn't stay any longer, so he reluctantly bid farewell to him and left.

close the door,
Rao Xinghan glanced at Xiao Huang who just grabbed his trousers and refused to let him go...

Look a little melancholy: 嘤嘤~
When I left, why didn't I see you retaining me like this!

Xiao Huang, you are too much!

Your one-month dried fish will be confiscated!

At this time, Xiao Huang didn't even look at him, and walked away fearlessly on catwalks.

Rao Xinghan: Death


When Su Yan came out from the building door, she was about to go home on her small motorcycle.

Under the dim light, a vague figure gradually approached.

"Miss Su?" The doubtful voice paused, and then became a little colder, "Why are you here?!"

Yes - Ji Ning!
Su Yan smiled slightly, and replied politely: "Mr. Ji, I'm here to see the senior because I have something to do."

"..." Ji Ning was silent, and looked straight at her with scrutiny, "How did you find this place!"

Su Yan's complexion remained unchanged at the question without warmth, and she calmly explained: "It was the senior who told me."

What did Rao Xinghan say?
When did they get to this point!

Thinking about it, Ji Ning's face darkened a bit, "Oh...and please strictly guard the address of Xinghan's house."

"Don't worry Mr. Ji,

I still have some professional ethics as an agent. "

Su Yan paused, "If you have nothing to do, I'll leave first."

The words were polite and distant, extremely cold.

After finishing speaking, seeing Ji Ning nodding, she left on a small motorcycle.


【ding dong】

As soon as Ji Ning entered the door, he saw the fat orange cat and its subordinates approaching him step by step.

The eyes are fierce, as if wanting to eat people.

He subconsciously touched the freshly scabbed wound under his clothes, and then backed out of the door.

He cast a help-seeking look at the young master who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea leisurely.

"Little Huang, come here."

As soon as the cold voice fell, Xiao Huang, who was about to pounce, turned around indistinctly and unwillingly.

Ji Ning breathed a sigh of relief, walked into the room, and coldly swept the fat cat that was rubbing against Rao Xinghan's arm.

I couldn't help cursing secretly in my heart: Bah, what an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!

He was blinded for nothing, the dried fish he bought all these years is gone!
"I ran into Su Yan downstairs." Ji Ning looked directly at the person who was petting the cat, and asked again: "Is she here to see you?"

"It's nothing... just talked about a movie contract."

"Contract?" Ji Ning frowned, and asked again: "You agreed?!"

Rao Xinghan: "Yes."

When the sound fell, Ji Ning couldn't sit still immediately, and asked in a cold voice: "Xinghan, how can you just ignore my manager and negotiate a contract!"

(End of this chapter)

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