The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 345 Love Breakfast

Chapter 345 Love Breakfast
The moon sets and the sun rises, and the morning light is faint, and through the window, there are mottled light spots all over the place.

Lu Jin was awakened by the strong smell of food, and without even changing her pajamas, she came to the kitchen smelling the smell.

Looking at the busy figure, he opened his sleepy eyes slightly, and glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Qingfeng, you won't... wake up and make breakfast before six o'clock!"

Lu Jin yawned and collapsed on the chair as soon as his body went limp, not wanting to move, just sitting and waiting for the feeding!


A certain person almost had the word "unhappy" written on his face yesterday.

So she wanted to make a loving breakfast for him and send it to him, just to coax him!
Yu Qingfeng smiled slightly, and put the freshly fried omelette on her plate.

At this time, there was a crisp doorbell, and Lu Jin left his seat with a look of reluctance.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Gu Qianzhou's face that deserved a beating.

Regarding Xu Yan's matter, she hasn't had time to settle accounts with him recently!

Lu Jin gritted her teeth and glanced coldly at him.

But Gu Qianzhou smiled at her with hooked lips, which was very charming.

She was stunned: I haven't seen you for so long, why did this child suddenly become stupid? !

But this is just right, then... Xiao Qingfeng will accept it!


"Be good!"

As the gentle voice sounded, Lu Jin saw that the people in front of her ignored her directly, and walked into the room unhurriedly.


Looking at the overlapping figures of the two not far away under the sunlight.

Lu Jin burped involuntarily, um, this dog food... so fucking delicious!

A single dog suffers a critical blow - completely off the charts!
"How did you come!"

Yu Qingfeng was surprised, and subconsciously hid the lunch box behind his back.

"I want to see you well."

As Gu Qianzhou said, he approached slowly, and his generous big hands wrapped around her waist, which was barely enough to hold.

His head drooped down and landed on her neck, panting deeply.

The sweet strawberry smell immediately swept away most of his physical and mental exhaustion, making him inexplicably at ease.


The warm breath passed over her neck one after another.

Feeling a little itchy, Yu Qingfeng shrank back unconsciously.

But after only a small movement, the strength around his waist increased a lot.

The heartbeats of each other were unusually violent... It was so hot that it was like boiling magma, and it almost melted her.

"Move the boat..."

Yu Qingfeng murmured, reaching out to stroke his smooth hair, "What's wrong with you?"

For some reason, she always felt that Gu Qianzhou was very uneasy now... even a little scared.

"It's okay, I just want to be good." He responded, smiling brightly at her.

But his gaze passed over Yu Qingfeng, and landed on the lunch box behind her.

"Is this for me?"

Yu Qingfeng blushed, and carefully took out the lunch box.

"Well...but I haven't done it yet."

In the lunch box:
On the heart-shaped fried egg, a big smiling face is drawn with ketchup.

Next to it, there are two small people made of cauliflower and small tomatoes, who seem to be holding hands and talking in a whisper.

"It's already very good, I really like it."

As Gu Qianzhou said, he sat down at the dining table with the lunch box in his hand and began to eat with relish.

Lu Jin, who was directly opposite, looked up and saw someone's "smirking" face.

The eyebrows are curved, and good-looking is good-looking...but there is an inexplicable sense of horror, which makes people's backs shudder.

Afterwards, she silently carried the dinner plate, and quickly fled the scene of dog abuse.

(End of this chapter)

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