The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 350 Everyone Has Ambition

Chapter 350 Everyone Has Ambition
To be honest...Jiang Yue's little benefactor only met through Xingyue.

As soon as he hugged his thigh, he kicked his boss and wanted to fly solo.

Heh, what a real white-eyed wolf!

However, Bai Ningle hoped that Jiang Yue could be praised... a little higher.

When it falls like that, it will "hang" more thoroughly!

Tsk, just thinking about that scene makes me so happy!


The cold words came one by one.

Yu Qingfeng wanted to argue, but felt powerless.

Jiang Yue has always been a positive "little sun" in her heart.

Very optimistic, very warm.

Indeed, Jiang Yue only wants to be the first in everything she does, and she is eager to succeed.

But people... If they have the strength to get the highest honor, who would want to be second!
But is the achievement obtained by taking shortcuts and selling herself really what Jiang Yue wants? !
Yu Qingfeng was silent, and the crease between her brows became deeper and deeper.

Bai Ningle on the side watched, the corners of his slightly raised mouth suddenly curved down.

Hanging her hand on her shoulder for a few seconds, she finally took it back slowly: Really, what does Yu Qingfeng care about himself if he is unhappy!
She is getting more and more annoying!
"... Everyone has their own aspirations." Bai Ningle sighed softly, as if trying to comfort her.


long silence,

An extremely cold voice suddenly and slowly passed by Yu Qingfeng's ears.

"Hey, I, a person who has been cut from so many scenes, didn't say anything.

Why are you so unhappy? "


Cut... Bai Ningle didn't need that kind of useless thing 800 years ago.

Hypocrisy and greed!
All they want is money. As long as you have money, there will naturally be a lot of people coming to flatter you.

So... what's there to be unhappy about? !

"I'm not unhappy."

It's just a little sad... As a friend, Yu Qingfeng really wants Jiang Yue to be well.

But... Heh, probably like what Bai Ningle said, everyone has his own ambitions.


Seeing her unusually calm expression, Bai Ningle lowered his eyes slightly.

What a stupid woman... Where can you get sincerity in exchange for sincerity!
That "good friend" of yours used to do a lot of things to sow discord behind his back!

It's just that I'm smart and witty, and if I didn't fall into her trap, you...

"Hey, do you want to eat potato chips!"


Anyway, someone is not here, eat a little...he won't find out!

"Xiao Qingfeng, your role has been transferred, and the filming will start after a while!"

As soon as Su Yan opened the door and came in, she was immediately 'shocked' and dumbfounded by the scene in front of her.

The two of them sat facing each other with a bag of chips between them.

They are sharing food very friendly, talking and laughing, extremely comfortable.

This style of painting... is too weird!
When did the two of them get along so well? !

Su Yan was also afraid that Bai Ningle would pick on Yu Qingfeng while she was away, so she rushed here as soon as she got the notice.

In the end...just show her this? !

"Know it,

Do you want to try Xiao Yan, the cucumber very refreshing? "Yu Qingfeng said, holding the potato chips to her eyes.

Su Yan tasted a slice, but it was bland and tasteless, and glanced at the two of them.

Surprised, not sure: "You two... are you reconciled?"

"No!" Bai Ningle retorted immediately, and snatched the potato chips from Yu Qingfeng's hands.

"Who... who would reconcile with such an annoying person!"

(End of this chapter)

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