The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 379 "Mu Feng" is not Mu Feng

Chapter 379 "Mu Feng" is not Mu Feng


For a while, Yu Qingfeng was very nervous, and finally couldn't help but vomited while hugging the toilet.

But still can't stop, stomach twitching soreness.

After a long time,
She washed her face with cold water and looked at herself pale in the mirror.

The corners of the mouth were raised slightly, with a little bit of bitterness.

[Mu Feng is not Mu Feng, so who is she?

Who is the real Mu Feng? 】

In the bottom of her heart, Yu Qingfeng kept asking herself...

The curvature of the face also deepened, revealing a trace of coolness.


At this time, there was a knock on the door: "Qingfeng, can I have fried rice for dinner?"


Opening the door, Yu Qingfeng communicated with her as usual as much as possible.

A smile spread across his face, "Do you need my help?"

"Need not!
You are already busy enough these days, fried rice is just... I will be ready soon! "

Lu Jin refused, and then took her hand to the living room.

"Forcing" Yu Qingfeng to start watching TV.


Yu Qingfeng's attention was all on the busy people in the kitchen.

"Mu Feng" has always been very kind to her, guiding her like a big sister, teaching her... and even cooking fried rice for her!
She couldn't believe it, that person turned out to be a fake!

After a while, the delicious egg fried rice was officially released.

"Qingfeng, eat it quickly, it will be delicious after a while when it gets cold."

Lu Jin looked at the person on the opposite side who had been holding back for a long time, and couldn't help reminding him again.

"it is good……"

Yu Qingfeng responded, seemingly casually asking: "By the way, did you see the message I sent you?
Super funny isn't it! "


Lu Jin was stunned for half a second, and an extremely bright smile appeared on his face in an instant: "Yeah, I'm almost dying of laughter.


"It's really funny!"

Yu Qingfeng smiled, ate a little bit of the fried rice in his hand, said goodbye and went back to the house to rest.


It was a dark night, without stars and moon, and darkness surrounded the entire room.

Yu Qingfeng sat on the bed, clasped her knees with her hands tightly and tightly.

His expression was cold, and his eyes were complex and abnormal.

The smiling face of "Mu Feng" just now is all in my mind.

It is very dazzling!


Ever since Mu Feng often appeared here, Yu Qingfeng has never sent her WeChat messages!
Except for the time when I went to Pingyang Town and couldn't see each other often...

She occasionally sent one or two messages to say hello, almost always replying in seconds.

She never doubted "Mu Feng", if it wasn't for that manuscript...

Even if she doubted it, no matter what explanation "Mu Feng" gave, she would believe it!
Because, that is the young lady who has always been very good, very good, very good to her!


In fact, there were signs of this matter very early.

From the first meeting, "Mu Feng" didn't like eating strawberry cake.

And that Xu Yan said that "Mu Feng" is allergic to strawberries!


It's not that Yu Qingfeng didn't remember all of this.

It's just because I trust too much, so I don't care too much.

This "Mu Feng" must have been sent by the real Mu Feng!

Apart from this, Yu Qingfeng couldn't imagine the second possibility!
"Mu Feng" understands everything between the two of them, even her preferences.

Everything that happened, "Mu Feng" can answer fluently when discussed.

This made her doubtless at all.

He is a very good actor, an actor that makes Yu Qingfeng feel ashamed!
(End of this chapter)

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