The sick guy is following her again

Chapter 391 Sunflower is her love.

Chapter 391 Sunflower is her love.

But it still couldn't make Yu Qingfeng ignore that inexplicably familiar tone.

Gu Qianzhou was not discussing with her, but ordering her—this scene reminded me of a previous life.

【Come home with me obediently! 】

[Don't run away, you are destined to be mine! 】

【Hey, you love me! 】


As soon as his harmless appearance was torn apart, Yu Qingfeng discovered that the inside was actually black.

Selfish, greedy, cunning and paranoid... that is the real Gu Qianzhou.

But all the good things he did to him were true...

Seducing her was stupid again, stepping into his trap on her own initiative.


When Gu Qianzhou went crazy, he wouldn't recognize anyone, so don't drag them down.

Yu Qingfeng pushed Lu Jin's hand away without leaving a trace, and forced a smile on his pale face.

"I'll treat you another day, thank you for today."


Lu Jin called her with a surprised face, before he could say anything to stop her.

Seeing Yu Qingfeng, he left without even giving someone an extra look.

Gu Qianzhou followed.


Recalling that someone's murderous gaze before leaving.

Lu Jin couldn't help palpitations, his eyes drooped, and the whole heat was lifeless like a wilted flower.

Comrade Qingfeng, please take care!

Not long after Yu Qingfeng walked out, someone grabbed her hand tightly.

She didn't struggle and let him pull her forward.

His long steps, as if specially designed to match her rhythm, gradually slowed down.

The temperature from the fingertips made Yu Qingfeng's heart ache...

Along the way, the two of them seemed to be no different than usual except for the lack of any communication.

Gu Qianzhou was still courteous and gentlemanly, helping her open the door, fasten her seat belt, and handed her a bottle of strawberry juice at room temperature.

As soon as autumn came and the weather turned cold, she couldn't drink cold... He remembered it all!


The car was speeding at extreme speed on the road in the suburbs.

Yu Qingfeng stared straight ahead, his eyes dull, like a wooden man, just sitting there obediently.

After catching a glimpse from the corner of the eye, Gu Qianzhou's expression remained unchanged on the surface, but layers of huge waves had already set off in his heart.

The sense of panic almost completely engulfed him.

After a while,
The car stopped in the villa, and Gu Qianzhou got out of the car first to help her open the door.

A bright smile appeared on her pretty face, "Hey, we're home."

Yu Qingfeng was speechless, his eyes ignored him, and fell on the tall building in front of him.


Oh, that's a cage.

It completely covered up the only sunlight above her head.


Yu Qingfeng returned to the room expressionlessly, and his eyes fell on the balcony.

Strings of little stars sway with the wind and make a "ding dong" sound.

It seems to be playing a melodious movement.

However, she didn't care to appreciate it.

His eyes passed through the gap, and he looked straight at the flower that was about to wither.

The golden petals fell to the ground, and the slightly curled edges were glaring black.

It was dying, like that heart of hers...

At this time, Gu Qianzhou opened the door and walked in, holding a cup of warm tea in his hand.

Looking at the lonely figure beside the bed, his thin lips curled up slightly, and he smiled flatteringly.

"Hey, you don't want to drink strawberry juice, why don't you try this.

Ginger tea - very warm body.

I deliberately put a little more sugar, it's not spicy at all. "

Sound falls,

Yu Qingfeng didn't pick it up, didn't speak, just stared blankly at the sunflower.

She wanted to save it, but couldn't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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