Chapter 394 Break Up
The sky is just waking up, the morning light is slightly dewy, gentle and warm...

A "click" sound suddenly broke the silence in the villa.

Gu Qianzhou opened the door and looked at the sleeping person on the bed, his eyes slightly bent with a smile.

Just as he was reaching out, wanting to touch the person he had missed for a long time.

That pair of peach blossom eyes suddenly opened, looking distant and full of vigilance.

Such Yu Qingfeng was very strange to him.


"Hey, get up and have breakfast."

As soon as he opened his eyes, he could see his bright smile. This was the happiest thing Yu Qingfeng felt.

But now, it has become her nightmare.

She remained silent, and after getting out of bed mechanically to wash, she followed Gu Qianzhou downstairs.

Looking at the dazzling array of breakfasts on the table, Yu Qingfeng has no appetite at all.

But after a night of deep thinking, she figured out something.

After all, she still has a protracted battle to fight!
The body is the capital of revolution, so I force myself to eat.

dining room

Yu Qingfeng raised his eyes, glanced at the person who was staring at him, and finally landed on his dinner plate.

Food, largely untouched.

"You don't eat?"

Yu Qingfeng asked casually, but after a pause, the corners of his mouth almost grinned behind his ears.

Full of joy: "Eat!"

Xiaoguai finally cared about him again, yay!
(Yu Qingfeng: ...You really think too much!)

After eating half a piece of bread, Yu Qingfeng couldn't eat any more.

His cold eyes fell on the opposite side, and he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

If she hadn't been eager to recall everything, she would have climbed out of the window and ran away last night!

"Hey, why don't you eat?"

Looking at her untouched dinner plate, Gu Qianzhou frowned and persuaded:

"Eat a little more, if you don't eat for so long... your body won't be able to handle it."

"I am full."

Yu Qingfeng looked at him motionlessly, not wanting to miss any subtle expression on his face.

"Tell me, is it really not possible?"

Hearing the sound, Gu Qianzhou's hands paused, his eyes drooped, and a pair of beautiful silhouettes fell down.

Seeing the sudden silence in the atmosphere, Yu Qingfeng lost his patience and said coldly:
"Gu Qianzhou, tell me the matter!"


Gu Qianzhou remained silent, subconsciously avoided her scrutinizing gaze, and continued to eat breakfast stiffly.

he can't say...

Said, obediently will leave him!



Yu Qingfeng sneered without emotion, stood up and walked out the door:

"Gu Qianzhou, let's break up."


Gu Qianzhou hurriedly chased after her, stood in front of her, and held her hands tightly.

"I forbid!

I forbid, you say that!Did you hear those two words? "

The cold voice passed by Yu Qingfeng's ears with the wind, looking at those eyes that were suddenly stained with blood.

She twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, with an indifferent expression, "Breakup is something that can be decided by one person."

"I said no!"

While speaking, Gu Qianzhou's whole body could not stop trembling.

He didn't want to believe that what he feared the most had finally happened.


No, absolutely impossible!


Yu Qingfeng's smile gradually became stronger, and his tone was slightly cool, "Gu Qianzhou, why do you order me!"

"And why do you think that after you hid such an important thing from me, I can still love you as before!"

"Gu Qianzhou, I gave you more than one chance to say it!"


(End of this chapter)

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