Chapter 413
In the room, it was extremely quiet at the moment.

The bright light poured down, covering the slender and slender hand with a faint gleam.

It's like picking off the little stars in the night and giving them to her.

Twinkle twinkle, dazzling beauty.

Gu Qianzhou gripped the small black box in his hand tightly.

In addition to the crazy excitement, there is more nervousness.

He knelt down on one knee in front of Lu Qingfeng, the moment he opened the box.

I just feel myself, from soul to body, trembling uncontrollably.

"Miss Lu Qingfeng, are you willing to marry me as a wife?"

Gentle voice, firm and powerful.

Lu Qingfeng also heard a hint of undeniable rejection, and the beautiful curve on his face deepened unconsciously.

"I am willing."

The short three words passed by Gu Qianzhou's ear with the wind without rushing or slowing down.

But he ignited the fireworks in his heart, and the colorful lights illuminated that dark place brightly.

The sound of cheers was deafening.


Gu Qianzhou took out the ring from the brocade box, and carefully put it on her left ring finger.

That, the place that leads directly to Lu Qingfeng's heart.

Looking at the little silver circle on his hand, Lu Qingfeng's beautiful peach eyes instantly turned into little crescents.

"Hi Mr. Gu!"

"Hello Mrs. Gu!"

The hazy moonlight, the gentle evening breeze, and the faint fragrance of roses.

Everything, just perfect.


The next day, early in the morning.

Lu Qingfeng got a small red notebook, which was comparable to her piles of certificates.

The important thing is a lot × million!

However, before she warmed up the small notebook, someone on the side took it away.

It's a good name, saying that it is to keep it for her.

In fact, hehe... just want to show off his affection blatantly!

Mu Qingfeng v: Eternal husband in the palace!

The accompanying picture is the newly released wedding certificate photo of the two of them!
However, someone's fans are so pitiful that no one pays attention to his Weibo at all.

Lu Qingfeng almost laughed out loud after reading the few comments.

[The breeze with the bright moon: Blogger, can you post the photo of the marriage certificate for me?
Please! 】

[Qingfeng's little fan: Wow Kaka,
The blogger's P-picture technology is excellent, and the P-picture is actually the same as the real one!
Ask where to place an order!

Qingfeng and I's wedding photos, please take a dozen first! 】

[Qingfeng's little lover: Draw your sword, rivals!
Little Breeze is mine!mine!mine! 】


After a lap, no one believed it.

Lu Qingfeng looked in front of him, frantically replying messages with a black face, a poor little man who justified himself.

Silently took out the phone from his pocket, and quickly forwarded his weibo that day.

Yu Qingfeng v: Approved!

As soon as the Weibo was posted, the following immediately exploded. Fans have blessings, and some don't believe it...

The only thing they have in common is the feeling that their house has completely collapsed!

Cry Ha ha!
Especially, Zhong Mi!

Under her Weibo, she posted a series of! , It seems that the whole person is not good.

Just as Lu Qingfeng saw it, he was about to reply when Zhong Mi called him directly.

"Little Breeze!

you!you!Are you really married to Mr. Gu? "

As soon as the phone was connected, a sharp female voice came over, and the voice was still trembling.

Surprised, but still surprised.


When the sound fell, Lu Qingfeng only heard a "beep beep" hang up.


Then Zhong Mi sent her a WeChat message, transfer: 9999
Nine red envelopes in a row

Followed by an expression: "Don't pay attention to me, I want to squat in the corner and cry for a while!"
Lu Qingfeng: Be good, don't cry and pat your head JPG!


As soon as Zhong Mi was coaxed, another complaint call followed immediately.

"Little Breeze!

In your eyes, do you still have me as a manager, and you didn't even tell me about the marriage! "

With a cropped hair, Su Yan was just sent home by the doctor to recuperate.

I was planning to grab Lu Qingfeng to have a hot pot to celebrate, but...

She just turned on the phone and glanced at it, and she was completely dumbfounded!

The official announcement of Yu Qingfeng's marriage is explosive!
Ah~ The cp of variety show that I kowtow has come true!
How divine is Mr. Gu!


Her family, Little Breeze, almost occupied the front row of Weibo's most popular searches!
Hey, she doesn't want it!

What about a single aristocratic little fairy who has agreed to be a couple together and travels around the world!
Su Yan: After all, I paid by mistake!


"We also made a sudden decision, little fairy, don't be angry!"

If you are coaxing, it is delicate and soft, as sweet as a cotton candy.

Su Yan listened, and the resentment in her heart was reduced by half, and then she let go: "...Happy candy, I want twice as much!
No, the more the merrier! "

"Okay, okay, I'll give you as much as you want!"

Lu Qingfeng answered with a smile, asked her about her physical condition with concern, and hung up the phone.

The notification tone for the information has been ringing non-stop.

Looking at the bright red numbers, Lu Qingfeng wanted to reply one by one.

In the end, I decided to post a thank you message in Moments.


The bright sunshine sprinkled the whole room with gold, and even the wind blowing in from the window was warm.

But Bai Ningle only felt the bone-chilling cold.

She clutched the quilt tightly, only showing a pair of eyes, staring at the ceiling tightly.

Eyes, dull and lifeless.

Like a 'Barbie doll' lying beside her.

Since returning, Bai Ningle has hardly had a rest that night.

Even his eyes didn't dare to close again.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she would see Lu Qingfeng's face and a vague figure of a man.

They didn't speak, just looked at her... Those eyes were full of disappointment.

Sometimes, she also saw a little girl beside them.

The little girl glared at her, her eyes were big and round.

It seems to be asking Bai Ningle: Why did you lose her!



The originally quiet room was suddenly broken by a muffled chuckle.

Bai Ningle's body stopped trembling, got out of bed and walked to a painting opposite.

Under the glass, that is what they used to be.

Since the past cannot be saved, she wants to try to save herself now.

"Bang", there was a loud noise.

The transparent and clean glass was stained with a little bright red, and there was also a faint fishy smell.

Every fragment reflected Bai Ningle's expressionless face.


She stretched out her hand to push away the shards of glass, and carefully pulled out the painting.

Hidden behind is a rusty key.

After not seeing the light of day for so many years, it's time to let it out for some air.


back to the villa,
Gu Qianzhou just put two still warm little red books into his safe.

When I went downstairs, I was planning to take Lu Qingfeng to have a romantic candlelight dinner to celebrate receiving the certificate.

But I saw that she was talking on the phone with someone, and her face was extremely serious.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng hurriedly gestured to silence him.

The crease between the eyebrows is getting deeper and deeper.

During the long conversation, Lu Qingfeng didn't say a word, but just said goodbye when he hung up the phone.

No useful information at all.

Gu Qianzhou couldn't figure it out, and was about to ask her something.

A cold voice rushed ahead of him: "The evidence that can convict Bai Wenbin has been found!"


Gu Qianzhou said in surprise, but the crease between her eyebrows showed no signs of stretching.

Shouldn't you be happy to find evidence?
"I heard from Police Officer Fang that the evidence was delivered by anonymous courier."

As Lu Qingfeng whispered, he always felt something was wrong in his heart.

After searching for so long, they were unable to find the deadly weapon.

After disappearing for more than ten years, it suddenly appeared. Where in the world is there such a good thing!

Thinking about it, Lu Qingfeng's eyes shrouded in mist suddenly regained clarity.

"Ah Zhou, let's celebrate another day, I have to go out beforehand."


Before Gu Qianzhou could speak, he saw the back of a person who was leaving in a hurry.

He hurriedly took the car keys and chased them out.


After a while,
The speeding car stopped in front of an abandoned villa.

The yellow police strip on it, which has not been completely removed, is swaying wantonly in the wind.

"Hey, don't you really need me to wait for you?"

"No, I'll go by myself."

Lu Qingfeng looked back and smiled, looked at the person with a look of reluctance, and quickly said in relief:

"Don't worry, nothing will happen.

You go back to work first, and I will compensate you when the matter is over! "

"How to compensate!!!"

Hearing this, Gu Qianzhou held her hand tightly.

For some reason, there was a little excitement that couldn't be restrained in his expression.

Seeing that, Lu Qingfeng's face was suddenly stained with a suspicious blush.

It was red, as if it could drip blood.

"Just...just as you think!"

As soon as the soft voice fell, Gu Qianzhou saw her and ran into the house as if fleeing.

The thin lips suddenly curled up, and the images of last night were all in my mind.

(Everyone, please make up your own brain)
At first her delicate and soft voice turned out to be extremely hoarse in the end, begging for mercy one after another.

"A Zhou"

"A Zhou"

"A Zhou"


Keep calling his name, Gu Qianzhou likes it very much, like it to the bone marrow!


After hearing the sound of the car leaving at the door, Lu Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

His expression returned to normal, and he walked upstairs.


She pushed open the door, and as soon as she took a step in, she saw a small corner next to the bed.

One popped out, the tip of a small head.

The originally chaotic heart returned to its previous calm and unruffled appearance.

Lu Qingfeng walked over lightly, for fear of scaring the people in the corner.

is a girl.

She squatted on the ground with her head buried between her knees, unable to see her face clearly.

Only faint, intermittent sobbing could be heard.

Deep and hoarse, Lu Qingfeng's heart ached!

At this time, a cold voice passed by her ears with a gust of wind.

"How did you come?"

"I'm here to find you!"

She responded, moved a little closer to the girl, and squatted down.

From the bag on the side, he took out a tissue and wiped off some of the blood on the girl's hands.

Then the Band-Aid was torn off and carefully covered the wound.

"Thank you."

"Heh...thank me for what?"

The girl suddenly raised her head and looked straight at Lu Qingfeng.

The tone was cold, as if there was no warmth at all.

Lu Qingfeng stretched out his hand, brushing away the hair that was hanging down in front of her face.

Looking at that familiar face, Tao Hua's eyes were covered with a thin layer of mist.

Extremely serious, replied: "Everything."

hear the sound,

Bai Ningle pushed her hand away, her pale lips were tightly pressed into a straight line:

"Now you are happy, ruin everything for me, go and fulfill you!

Ha ha……"

She sneered, frowning into a knot.

Looking at the unfamiliar yet familiar person across the way, I just felt a wave of resentment stuck in my heart.

Taking a deep breath, he said expressionlessly, "Go, I don't want to see you again!"

"... Ning Le!"

Lu Qingfeng called her name, leaned forward and hugged her tightly in his arms.

Just like when Bai Ningle was sad when he was a child, he would hug her and silently accompany her by her side!


Bai Ningle struggled to no avail, and leaned against Lu Qingfeng's shoulder in despair.

Tears fell silently: "I told you to go, don't you understand?"

The sobbing sound was muffled, which made Lu Qingfeng feel sad.

She hugged the person in her arms even tighter, and whispered in her ear: "I didn't leave when I was young, and I won't leave now!"


"You bad guy, let me destroy everything about myself with my own hands!"

"Mom and Dad, they will definitely hate me to death!"

"If the home is gone, the company will also be implicated, and the trees will fall and the monkeys will scatter!"

"Lu Qingfeng, I will have nothing, do you know that!"


Xu Xu's words came uninterrupted, and Lu Qingfeng patted her on the back lightly.

"You still have me!"

She still has herself, and she still has her!
In this world, even if there is no home, they will not be alone.

As soon as Lu Qingfeng's firm voice fell,
I felt the trembling body in my arms, and then gradually calmed down.


Bai Ningle greedily enjoyed the warmth of Lu Qingfeng's embrace, and suddenly felt dazed for a moment.

The silent night was broken by the sound of something breaking.

She half-opened her eyes in a daze, and unconsciously got out of bed and walked in search of the sound.

Before I knew it, I came to the middle of the stairs.

The door was open, and the outside was empty, and the cold wind that hit her made goose bumps all over her body.

In the downstairs room, there was still a strong burning smell, and some small sparks sprang out faintly.

But it should be fine, because there is a mother fighting the fire inside!

On the ground, there was a stream of red liquid, winding like a small snake.

It should be red wine. Today is my mother's birthday, and my father will definitely drink to celebrate.

Alcohol can start a fire, my sister taught me that!

Stupid father, stupid mother, don't even know this, shame on you!

Later, she saw her mother walking out with some things.

It's like losing your soul, you don't even know it's dropped on the ground.

Hmph, I'm obviously forgetful, so how can I have the nerve to talk about her!

Stupid mother, add another point!
She ran downstairs and picked up the things wrapped in rags.

Thin and long, like a small crescent moon, but not so curved.

What's in it?

Before she had time to think about it, she heard movement at the door, and ran back into the house in a hurry.

It would be terrible if my mother found out that I hadn't slept so late!

Definitely will be punished again!

(End of this chapter)

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