The Rise of Spirit Hall: Tang San must die

Chapter 17 Chapter 17, House arrest of Bibi Dong, rectification of Wuhun Temple, and one more thing

Chapter 17, 17, House arrest of Bibi Dong, rectification of Wuhun Temple, and one more thing
Bibi Dong's entire soul power was sealed by Tian Ming's ninth soul ability, and then sent into the world of the eighth soul ability's Heavenly Book.

Tian Ming specially built a luxurious palace for her, and gave her permission so that she could communicate with him at any time and share his vision.

Of course, this cannot change the fact that Tian Ming put her under house arrest.

But who made Bibi Dong too dangerous? Now that the showdown was over, Tian Ming didn't dare to keep her outside, so he could only lock her up to be on the safe side.

I hope he reveals all his sincerity and does not shy away from her, so that one day he can impress her.

After sealing Bibi Dong, Tian Ming went non-stop to the worship hall, found Qian Daoliu, deprived him of his angel power, turned him into a milky white crystal, and then executed him.

The charge, of course, is to connive at his son Chihiro Ji's molestation of women.

In the Heavenly Book World, Bibi Dong watched this scene as silently as before, no one knew what she was thinking—since she entered the Heavenly Book World, she never spoke a word with Tian Ming, just stayed inside quietly.

Tian Ming didn't care either.The real change has not yet begun, the potential of Douluo Continent is far from unleashed, and the future is still long.

Bibi Dong will be shocked and moved by his actions sooner or later, even if she doesn't recognize him in the end, and doesn't want to be with him, that's okay.By that time, he may have truly possessed the strength to forcibly kill the gods, so why not let her out?
After coming out of the Pope's Hall, Tian Ming summoned a group of elders, including those in the Shrine Hall who were originally under the orders of Qian Renxue. Tian Ming was able to hang and beat them as early as level 97, and now at level 99. These priests have long been convinced of his contribution to the unification of the mainland, and they dare not refuse, and Qian Renxue didn't get in the way, that's how he controlled the most powerful group of top masters in the Spirit Empire.

"Her Majesty the Empress is currently closing the door to the hundredth level. Now I will take over the power of the emperor temporarily. Do you have any opinions?" In the main hall, Tian Ming put his hands behind his back and looked around.

Wherever they passed, all the elders bowed their heads and lowered their eyebrows, and no one had any objections.

"Very good!" Tian Ming nodded in satisfaction, "This seat announces that from now on, all Spirit Halls in the empire will conduct a thorough investigation. Anyone who has members of the Spirit Hall oppressing civilians and committing crimes as a soul master will be killed. Kill them on the spot, and imprison all others, and try them after I conquer the Sun Moon Continent."

Everyone was heartbroken.

"I remember a bishop named Miles. This guy robbed the women of the people. He behaved extremely badly. He was killed directly! I don't need such scum in Wuhun Temple!"

Tian Ming glanced at everyone, "Remember, my Spirit Hall should be the benchmark of the empire, the benchmark of soul masters, and the benchmark of the human race! What kind of skill is bullying ordinary people? If you have the ability to bully soul beasts, exterminate them! If someone can do it, I will kneel down for him and call him daddy!"

"Firebird Douluo!"

"The subordinate is here!" Vanessa, a beautiful woman in golden armor with parted hair and the only female Titled Douluo present, stepped forward.

"You are in charge of this operation. You take this heavenly book. This is the martial soul clone of this seat. It carries the soul skill 'Too Much to Book' on it. You can use the soul power to point it at the target to detect the crimes in its life, and list them on it. , then your attack on the target will be doubled in power. You can identify it by this, don't let a villain go!"

"Yes!" Vanessa solemnly took over the heavenly book that Tian Ming assigned, feeling very excited.

As a female soul master, her life can be said to be full of hardships. She has seen too many things about women being bullied!
In fact, most of the thorough investigation this time will be aimed at such vicious incidents. Thinking that she is about to lead this operation, she feels trusted.Quietly raised her head and glanced at Tian Ming, she had the belief that a man should die for his confidant.

Vanessa swears that she will not disappoint Tian Ming's expectations for this task, and promises to complete it cleanly and beautifully!

Everyone looked at the book in Vanessa's hand, but they were all terrified.

They finally found out that Tian Ming's sixth soul skill turned out to be such a terrifying skill!
With just this one soul skill, Tian Ming can bring them all together, right?

Although they have never done things like robbing civilian girls, they have done murder and robbing for the sake of cultivating resources. Once they are photographed, the consequences will be unimaginable!
As expected of the great general of the empire, as worthy of being the chief elder of the Wuhun Hall, Tian Ming really couldn't afford to offend him!
Everyone felt sorry for Tian Ming, and became more and more in awe of Tian Ming.

"there's one more thing."

"Grand Priest Qian Daoliu failed to reach level [-] yesterday, and unfortunately passed away. Priest of the Golden Crocodile, from now on, you will take over the position of Grand Priest."

Everyone was astonished, after a while, Golden Crocodile Douluo took a step forward, "Your subordinate obeys."

"The Great Priest of the Imperial Spirit Hall, level 98 strength is still a bit short, I will give you a level 1 soul power and let you be promoted to level 99." After Tian Ming said, under the shocked eyes of everyone, he threw a little golden light towards him. Golden Crocodile Douluo.

The golden light melted into Golden Crocodile Douluo's chest in an instant, and the next moment, his face was shocked, and his soul power boiled and exploded!
An indescribably violent coercion erupted. The group of people in the hall were obviously all peak soul masters, all titled Douluo, but they were all blown away by this coercion, completely unable to resist!
Only a few Level 96 Super Douluo managed to block it, but they all looked at Golden Crocodile Douluo in horror.

They knew that after level 95, the difficulty of improving their soul power would increase exponentially with each level up!

They also know that Golden Crocodile Douluo is far stronger than them, but after all, they have never formally fought against each other, so they don't know how strong Golden Crocodile Douluo is.But now, they felt the gap, and also felt the despair.

What's even more frightening is that this guy has now improved to a higher level, reaching level 99!

This is already a gap like a natural moat. I'm afraid I won't be able to surpass it in this life, right?
Do not!
Everyone looked at Tian Ming with a calm face.

It was him who promoted a level 98 Super Douluo to a level 99 Peerless Douluo!
Such unbelievable power is simply divine power!
Does anyone know if this one still has that golden thing?

If yes, then...

The faces of several Super Douluo became frenzied.

Tian Ming watched this scene quietly, and smiled slightly in his heart.

Although he had already convinced these priests and elders before, he was still a little bit short, and now, this little bit has been completed.

In the future, these people will only follow his lead!
Golden Crocodile Douluo is still adapting to the soaring soul power and the sudden evolution of the martial soul. The energy in the hall is flying like a nine-level gust of wind. Tian Ming waved his hand, and the soul power surged, turning into a cover to wrap Golden Crocodile Douluo , Only then did the gust of wind be stopped, shielding the coercion that made people tremble.

"Everyone, you are the cornerstone of the empire, the pillars of the empire. This seat promises that your contributions will not always be accumulated in the credit book. As soon as a critical point is reached, this seat will take action to help you break through the bottleneck of soul power. Nowadays!"

"Thank you, General! We will do our best for the Spirit Empire and die!" All Title Douluo suppressed their joy and shouted in unison.

Everyone looked at Tian Ming respectfully, their eyes drifted to Golden Crocodile Douluo in the hood from time to time, waiting for him to complete the upgrade.

The promotion of Peerless Douluo at level 99, they were able to watch it with their own eyes, it is really a great blessing in life!
(End of this chapter)

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