The Rise of Spirit Hall: Tang San must die

Chapter 49, Invitation from the Spirit Empire, Quintasha the Senior "Human" Talent

Chapter 49, Invitation from the Spirit Empire, Quintasha the Senior "Human" Talent

Tian Ming stepped on the flying sword and flew straight to Cybertron.

He must end the battle quickly and close the transmission channel, otherwise even if the big guy Cybertron does not crash into the earth, it will disturb the gravity of the earth and cause a huge disaster.

The perception was fully distributed, and Tian Ming found a heat source on the surface of Cybertron, which was a Transformer emitting extremely powerful energy radiation!
Compared with that kind of huge energy level and its kind of fire, those Decepticons and Autobots are like fireflies to Haoyue!
That is Quintasha, creator of Tinder and Transformers!

Tian Ming followed his perception and flew into the palace whose aesthetics were completely contrary to that of the earthlings. In the empty hall, a huge Transformer statue stood with a sword, majestic and majestic, like two guardian knights.

In the deepest part of the hall, on a throne with strong mechanical style, Kuntasha floated up, a pair of blue electronic eyes constantly shrinking and expanding, as if analyzing Tian Ming's data.

"Human? No, your life energy is a hundred times stronger than that of a human, and you have mastered the use of energy." Kuntasha looked at Tian Ming and muttered to herself.

"I didn't expect there to be such a powerful humanoid life in the vast star sea. I 'smell' the breath of the fire seed source from you. Have you come into contact with the fire seed source and my scepter?" Kuntasha looked Tian Ming asked condescendingly.

"Oh, what is this nasty smell? It's the goddamn Unicron!" Quintasha suddenly screamed, "You come from the earth? Are you a creature created by Unicron?"

With Kuntasha's scream, several identical horned Transformers stepped out from the depths of the hall. The heavy clanging sound showed the power and awe-inspiring power of these Transformers. They were the guardians made by Kuntasha. them.

Tian Ming stepped on the flying sword and stood more than ten meters in front of Kuntasha, expressing that he did not want to talk to this chattering old machine.

There is nothing to talk about, the earth is the body of the emperor of the universe, and Quintasha is a deadly enemy, the two sides must be divided into life and death, so what's the point?Just do it!

Tian Ming suddenly opened a vertical eye between his brows, and a golden light full of domineering aura surged out.

Kuntasha couldn't dodge in time, and was hit directly on the forehead, flying upside down and smashing through the floor on the spot.


Seeing this, several bull-headed Transformers were all angry, scarlet light flashed in Electronic's eyes, and they rushed to one place, and then several Transformers reorganized their bodies, and after a burst of metal movement, they turned into a larger bull-headed Transformer.

The giant cannons on both arms aimed at Tian Ming suddenly, the light flashed instantly, and the continuous energy cannons bombarded out.

Tian Ming stood upright with a shield in front of him, stopping all the artillery fire. Feeling the negligible consumption of soul power, he couldn't help but sneer.

The Creator Quintasha and her subordinates seem to be nothing more than that.

However, Tian Ming did not underestimate the enemy. After all, the opponent is an existence that can create life. It is by no means as simple as he imagined, and must have some abilities that he cannot understand.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that it is not a good idea to directly kill the other party. Should Kuntasha be used for his own use?
Moreover, the fire source was created by Quintessa, and she should be the only one who can use it as she likes. It is definitely more beneficial to keep it than to kill it.

Tian Ming thought like this, and the Piaoling Shujian moved with his heart, turning into a sword light and piercing through the body of the Bull-headed Transformer at high speed, opening hundreds of holes in an instant, and the next moment, the Bull-headed Transformer fell apart and turned into a Shards of metal.

"Kuntasha, come out, I know you're not dead." Tian Ming shouted, his brows and eyes pierced the ground, and looked at Quintasha at the bottom of the pit coldly.

Kuntasha's body floated up, her tentacle-like skirts fluttered like a jellyfish, and the metal armor on her forehead rolled over, repairing the trauma she just received.

"You are very strong, help me kill Unicron, how about we rule the universe together?" Quintasha looked at this thing that came from the earth and didn't know if it was human, and said with a very sincere tone.

She actually didn't want to do this either, but the blow just now made her feel an unprecedented sense of threat.Although it may not be possible to beat this guy, but if he wins, he will suffer heavy losses, and the gains outweigh the losses. It is better to form an alliance with him, find a way to destroy the emperor of the universe, and then find a chance to get back the source of fire and the scepter. This is the most in line with the interests of.

As for what happens next, whether to kill or stay depends on her mood.

Thinking of this, the smile on Kuntasha's mechanical face became even brighter.

"I am the acting monarch of the Spirit Empire. The Spirit Empire is currently in a stage of rapid development and needs top talents. Would you like to join the Spirit Empire?" Tian Ming answered with a question.

Kuntasha's complexion suddenly turned ugly.

"Don't you think about it carefully? You may not have heard my name, I am Kuntasha, the God of Life, the creation of Cybertron..."

"Just because I know you, I asked you whether to join or not." Tian Ming interrupted Kuntasha with a smile on his face.

There was incomparable sincerity in his smile, and he sincerely invited Quintasha to join.Before, he thought that with the Mingde Academy, he would be able to put the soul guidance technology on the right track and see the results soon, but it turned out that his thinking was too simple.He also needs a bunch of top talents to join Mingde Academy to help Mingde Academy absorb new technologies faster.

Kuntasha, the famous creator, is of course the best choice.

That is to say, Kuntasha is a "female". If it was replaced by Quintessa and the like, he would brainwash and hypnotize her with the book sound and soul bone skill without saying a word, turning her into one of his own.

Kuntasha knew that there was nothing she could do, so she could only fight one game.

Quintasha missed her guardian knights a little bit, if they were still here, why would she need to do it herself?

It's a pity that those guys betrayed her after all, and took her scepter away. Otherwise, with the scepter in her hand now, her strength will be greatly enhanced, and her attack ability, which she was not good at originally, will also jump to the extreme, even against the emperor of the universe. She is not afraid!
Kuntasha restrained her thoughts and started.

With a flick of the arm, a ball of energy that looked like electricity but not electricity rushed towards Tian Ming. At the same time, countless mechanical tentacles drilled out from the ground, coming first and then at an extremely fast speed, binding Tian Ming completely.

The energy ball exploded, and a shock wave of energy visible to the naked eye exploded, but the energy dissipated, and Tian Ming's unscathed figure appeared.

"The negotiation failed, unfortunately." Tian Ming ignored the metal tentacles wrapped around his body, looked at Kuntasha, shrugged, "I can only get you to join in other ways."

After Tian Ming finished speaking, the head spirit bone skill was activated, and a large amount of soul power was injected into it. For the first time, the brainwashing and hypnotic effect of the book-sounding soul bone was fully activated.

The sound waves visible to the naked eye covered Quintasha completely, Tian Ming's deep voice repeated the hypnotic content, and the tyrannical effect began to show on Quintasha, her electronic eyes flickered frantically.

(End of this chapter)

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