The Rise of Spirit Hall: Tang San must die

Chapter 51, 51, Raton: Can't beat, can't beat, pretend to be dead

Chapter 51, 51, Raton: Can't beat, can't beat, pretend to be dead

The giant sword flew past in the air.

The terrifying body shape and terrifying speed formed a destructive storm directly behind him. A huge shield floated out of thin air above the city, blocking people's sight and blocking the devastating blow caused by the destructive storm.

The huge sword cut straight through, and Raton screamed, half of his wing was chopped off by the sword, and fell to the ground with a loud bang.

Without the energy circulation provided by the main body of Raton, the lava armor on the half of the wing directly cracked, disintegrated, and shattered to the ground, revealing the original appearance of the wing—a super huge pterosaur flesh wing.

Raton was originally a super-giant pterosaur monster, very beaver with wings like this.

The magma-like blood flowed wildly from the shoulders, and when it hit the ground, it turned into something like lava and solidified quickly. With only a single wing left, Raton retracted his wings and leaned on the ground to support his weight, and his beak let out a mournful cry.

In the sky, a group of fighter planes organized by the Emperor appeared.

The huge mother plane that resembles a B2 bomber is in the center, surrounded by more than a dozen state-of-the-art fighter jets. At this moment, whether it is a fighter pilot or a group of researchers in the plane, they all saw the giant sword and the fact that one of Raton was chopped off. The tragic situation of the wings, all were horrified and inexplicable.

What is that?
The military's most advanced weapon?
But why does it look like a big sword?

No one knows exactly what happened, but the great sword is definitely on the human side, there's no doubt about it.

"All fighters, shoot freely." An order came from the mother plane, and all the fighters no longer escorted, all left the team, and fired air-to-surface missiles towards Raton.

Numerous missiles dragged the white airflow and landed on Raton, triggering a burst of explosions, but after the smoke passed, Raton's lava armor barely dropped a piece of it, and its protection was over the top!

Although a group of pilots were prepared in their hearts, they were still a little desperate when they saw this scene.

Giant beasts are indeed terrifying existences that humans cannot fight against at present!
But what happened to the giant sword just now?

The pilots looked around, but they didn't find the giant sword. It seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.Suddenly, a voice came to mind in everyone's mind, even everyone on the main machine could hear it clearly.

"I am Tian Ming, General of the Wuhun Empire. Please retreat immediately. This big guy is beyond your reach." Tian Ming's voice was clearly heard by everyone through his soul bone skill, and it also made everyone feel at ease. shock.

What's happening here?
" all heard that too?" In the control room of the mother plane, a bearded man looked around the crowd, saw that everyone had the same expression, and couldn't help asking.

Everyone nodded subconsciously, a little shocked. "Tian...Ming? Probably this name? Who is he and what is he going to do?"

An island man wearing glasses spoke English with a strange accent, with a troubled expression on his face.

"Sir!" The soldier in the command room suddenly pointed to the distance and shouted, "You'd better take a look at this."

A black-skinned female commander in camouflage uniform walked over quickly, and saw a scene she would never forget—a group of people flew towards Laden with wings!
Well, it's just that it's not a big deal, what shocked her even more was that these people turned into dragons of different sizes during the flight!

It is the kind of big snake-like dragon in oriental mythology!
What the hell are these guys! ?

Through the portholes, everyone could clearly see the long dragons winding their bodies, without wings but moving rapidly in the air, each with colorful rings on their bodies, rushing towards Raton just like that.

"Walter is thirsty! Who can tell me what this is!?" The female commander roared.

Near the volcano, Yu Yuanzhen led a group of elites to unleash their martial spirit avatars and rushed towards Raton fearlessly.

Yu Yuanzhen was a little excited.

I just got tired of playing Transformers, and suddenly there are new enemies.The size of the big guy this time is simply beyond imagination, it is more than ten times bigger than the biggest soul beast he has ever seen!
It's really... so exciting!
"Clan people, let this big guy see how powerful our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex is!" Yu Yuanzhen roared, and the voice was vibrated through the soul power, so that everyone could hear it clearly and his heart was surging.

"The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is mighty!"

Everyone roared in response, their soul rings shone brightly, their soul power gathered rapidly, and in the next moment countless soul skills radiated with light.

Raton's bird head was blown back immediately, but after the smoke passed, the lava armor on its body remained unscathed.

Its defensive power is terrifying!
Yu Yuanzhen frowned, very dissatisfied with the result. "Haven't you had enough to eat? The general is looking at you, don't embarrass the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, use your strength for me! Use the strongest soul skills!"

Yu Yuanzhen roared loudly, but his heart became vigilant.

The power of everyone's soul skills is not enough. On the other hand, the defense of this monster bird is also extraordinary. Their electric attack is naturally invincible against Transformers, but it seems to have no special effect against this guy.

"Cheer up for me, don't be killed by this bastard!" Yu Yuanzhen roared again, and the dragon body swam for tens of meters away, regardless of the consumption of soul power, and directly threw the strongest soul skill on the ground. Raton's bird head.

As if a thunder came down from the sky, a huge thunderbolt suddenly flashed on Raton's head, exploding a large puff of green smoke, and Raton fell down on the volcanic mountain with a mournful cry.

Yu Yuanzhen breathed a sigh of relief.

Cheers sounded from behind, all kinds of flattery came one after another, Yu Yuanzhen was a little flustered, but he didn't relax his vigilance, and continued to command everyone to release soul skills and whip corpses.

All kinds of cool soul skills exploded, and Raton remained motionless, letting the attack approach him, as if he was dead. However, everyone stopped after spending most of their soul power.

With such a terrifying set of output, they didn't even break their skin?

Are you kidding?
Yu Yuanzhen's expression turned ugly.

This big man's defense is simply terrifying!

Even the strongest defensive soul master can't achieve this effect, right? It is impossible for a 10-year soul beast to resist beating!
Yu Yuanzhen tried his best to think about the solution, when suddenly a strong wind blew over, he turned his head and saw that under a huge cloud in the distance, a large storm was moving towards this side, and golden lightning burst out from time to time in the cloud, The huge figure inside was revealed.

Yu Yuanzhen's mouth twitched.

Good guy, here we go again! ?

On the mountain wall of the volcano, Raton, who was pretending to be dead, felt a strong aura of "families", ferocious, powerful, and barbaric!
But this has nothing to do with him. The thing before was too terrifying, and almost killed him. To avoid being killed, he is now a dead bird.

Just pretend to be dead.

Of course Tian Ming knew that Raton would not belch so easily, and he was very discerning. Ra killed Ghidorah, and cast decisively again.

In terms of survivability, this guy is absolutely one-on-one. At this moment, a chicken wing has been removed. If he didn't pretend to be dead, he wouldn't be Radon.

Tian Ming couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The fighting power of Yu Yuanzhen and these soul masters was really too weak to break through Raton's defense, and he was speechless for a while without hitting his head with a wound.

I wanted to let people in this world see the power of soul masters. Raton's first show was not bad. Yu Yuanzhen and the others had to kneel as long as they went up.

So, he still has to make a move.

At this moment, the distant sea suddenly exploded, and a huge creature stood apart from the water.

The whole body is covered in scales as black as rocks, with clusters of protrusions on the back like a stegosaurus, a pair of small eyes on the small head are shining fiercely, and a pair of short short claws swaying gently in front of the body, it is the giant beast Godzilla!

Tian Ming was taken aback.

Shouldn't this guy be wiped out by the Oxygen Destroyer at this time, and escape back to his old nest to recuperate?How did it appear here?

what's the situation?
Tian Ming frowned.

The appearance of Wuhun Empire must be gorgeous and shock the world, but it cannot be destroyed by this big guy.

"You stay here for now, Ghidorah will be dealt with by me." Tian Mingyao looked at Godzilla's huge body like a mountain, and a celestial book appeared in his hand. A giant shadow flashed and fell into the distant sea.

"Deep Sea Demon Whale King, give that big lizard a water splash and play with him."

(End of this chapter)

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