The Rise of Spirit Hall: Tang San must die

Chapter 53 Chapter 53, Cognitive Positioning of the God Realm

Chapter 53 Chapter 53, Cognitive Positioning of the God Realm, A Big Finale in One Shot
Ten years have passed since Yu Yuanzhen's clan's Wuhun evolved into the three-headed Golden Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

For ten years, Tian Ming used the gate of the new world to travel continuously, collecting various technologies, props, and talents in various worlds.

With the efforts of Mingde, Kuntasha and other technicians, the soul guide technology tree of Wuhun Empire is constantly rising, constantly absorbing various high-tech and transforming them into the most suitable soul guide technology for soul masters, and at the same time Soul masters are also becoming more and more specialized and professional. Food-type soul masters never think about fighting, but focus on producing and processing food. The same is true for other types of soul masters. There are various soul guidance technologies, and there is absolutely no need for a soul master to make balance and trade-offs on the already rare soul rings, choose a direction to purify and improve all the way, and it's over.

With the awakening and inheritance of various scientific research spirits, there are more and more talents in the Wuhun Empire, and all kinds of living soul tools and combat soul tools are developing in an all-round way, and all aspects are advancing by leaps and bounds.

In just ten years, all the spirit empires in various worlds have stepped into the sea of ​​stars and entered the age of science and technology.

The army of the empire has also evolved and evolved from thermal weapons, to electromagnetic rifles and laser guns, to armored chariots, fighter planes, mechas, to spacecraft, interplanetary vehicles, and space battleships.

Douluo Star has long been abandoned, or returned to the soul beast, the headquarters of the Wuhun Empire has long been turned into a super-giant soul-guided star-level battleship-Douluo Star!
At this moment, this Douluo star is traveling through the universe at super high speed like a wandering earth.

In the center of the mothership, in the power room, a heavenly book is suspended in a transparent cylindrical container, exuding a dim light. Around the cylindrical container, there are nine similar containers, which contain luminous rotating spirals. There are still hundreds of the same transparent containers forming a neat cylindrical array, and what are suspended inside are blue fireballs the size of basketballs.

These fireballs are all blue giant stars!
And the spiral composed of nine slowly rotating light spots is a piece of galaxy!

This is the power of soul guidance technology in today's Douluo world!
Dyson spherical Dyson membrane, a technology that utilizes star energy, has long been eliminated. The star capture technology has been successfully researched half a year ago, but it has been put into practical use within a month. Now these blue giant stars are as huge as this planet. The mothership provides power, and it is only a third-level conventional power.

In combat, the secondary power of the nine galaxies will run at full power.And the body of the Heavenly Book Martial Soul is the first-level power, the energy supply device for the battleship's main gun.

The bridge, the main control room, a group of people are busy in the cabin, orderly.

At the very center, Tian Ming's figure stood like a sea needle, looking at the projection on the giant screen in front of him, and asked.

"Has the fleet assembled yet?"

"General, the Transformers fleet has encountered level 3 space turbulence and is expected to be in place in 10 minutes; the engine of the Godzilla fleet is warming up, and the space jump will take place in 1 minute; the Pacific Rim fleet has arrived in this world, and it is still far away from our ship It is 13 light-years away and is expected to arrive in 3 minutes; fleets from other worlds are gathering towards our ship, and the slowest one will arrive in 40 minutes and [-] seconds." Hu Liena, who was wearing a slim uniform, stood at attention and saluted Tian Ming.

Tian Ming nodded, Hu Liena sat back in her original position and continued monitoring.

Looking at Hu Liena's back, Tian Ming felt relieved.

The girl has grown so old before she knew it, but it's a pity that Bibi Dong is still not with him, and is still living alone in the luxurious villa in the world of Tianshu.

Taking a sneak peek, Tian Ming found that Bibi Dong was doing yoga in her yoga clothes. She had a perfect figure, perfect movements, perfect face, and extremely sexy, but she was a little absent-minded at the moment.

Tian Ming couldn't help smiling.

Knowing that today is going to be a war with the God Realm, Bibi Dong actually can't calm down, she can only pretend to be calm.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Tian Ming looked at the endless void on the screen, staring at the dots of stars, his heart was surging.

ten years!After ten years of traveling almost without sleep, establishing the Wuhun Empire, fighting, gathering technology and talents, he finally waited for this day.

God Realm, this kind of thing that can control the fate of human beings at will, will finally disappear today!
Ten minutes later, the fleets of each world were assembled, and all kinds of giant motherships and warships clustered densely, as numerous as stars. Led by the leader Douluo Star, they continued to travel for several light years and came to a universe The desert has reached the center.

There are dead planets everywhere here, and there is no trace of life within hundreds of light years. It is a forbidden place for life. No matter what level of battle occurs here, it will not affect the outside world.

Similarly, if the dimensional search radar is turned on here, the terrifying energy fluctuations will only destroy huge stones or metals, and will not harm life.

"Turn on the dimensional search radar!" Tian Ming stood in the center of the main control room and issued an order.

"Turn on the dimensional search radar!" Commander Hu Liena repeated, and the soul master in charge of the radar immediately released the martial soul. It was an extremely delicate instrument with various interfaces and sockets, and it was completely invisible.

Purple, purple, black, black, black, black, nine soul rings flashed one after another, nine soul skills were activated one by one, and the instrument suddenly lit up with light.A groove popped up on the radar table, the soul master put it into the groove, the instrument immediately fit into the groove, and countless sockets were connected instantly, the soul master pressed the button on the table, the radar started immediately, and the green three-dimensional grid immediately As it was transmitted, the spherical light swept across wave after wave, making a beeping sound.

After a while, nothing was scanned.

"What's going on!" Hu Liena frowned.

"I have searched at full power and scanned three times, but I can't find the location of the God Realm." The soul master who controlled the radar said solemnly.

"It's okay, if the God Realm can be found so easily, it's not the God Realm anymore." Tian Ming said with a smile, "It was just a trial, so let's activate the cognitive positioning system."

"General!" Hu Liena and the other soul masters all exclaimed.

"That burden is too great for you. If you fall, we will lose our leader even if we wipe out the God Realm! I firmly disagree!" Hu Liena said urgently.

"It doesn't matter if I fall, Her Majesty is the orthodox of the empire, and she will continue to steer the empire." Tian Ming smiled and ordered again.

Everyone had no choice but to sit back in their original positions.Hu Liena bit her lower lip and stared at Tian Ming, but finally gave in.

"Activate the Cognitive Positioning System."

The machinery extended above the main control room, and a huge machine stretched out, like an upside-down pyramid. A helmet on the top of the tower came down and landed in front of Tian Ming.

Tian Ming grabbed the helmet, put it on, and closed his eyes.

The so-called cognitive positioning system is a powerful search tool based on quantum theory. The universe is uncertain, but as long as it is observed and recognized, it becomes certain and can be located by the positioning system!
And the only person in the Spirit Empire who has a relatively clear understanding of the God Realm is Tian Ming, and only his spiritual power can control this super powerful positioning system, just like Professor Cha's brainwave amplifier.

After the system started, Tian Ming recalled his understanding of the God Realm, searched continuously, and finally found the clearest point.

Eyes wide open.

"Successful positioning!!!" The soul master manipulating the radar shouted in surprise.

Hu Liena glanced at Tian Ming, and found that Tian Ming's face was as usual, so she was slightly relieved. "Throw the dimensional anchor for final positioning!"

On the Douluo Star giant ship, two anchor-shaped rays of light shot out at close to the speed of light, and the anchor head plunged into the black void and disappeared, but the two rays of light remained.

"Strengthen the anchor point and expand the channel!"

Then at the position where the dimensional anchor disappeared, two vortexes that were deeper than pitch black spun up, like two huge black holes. The next moment, a vortex in the void emitted a faint light and continued to expand. In less than a breath, it was as huge as a planet. , Shining like a galaxy.

"The channel expansion is complete!"

"An unknown energy enchantment has been detected, and the energy level strength cannot be detected! In the calculation of the intelligent brain... the calculation result shows that the probability of the barrier of the God Realm is 99.2%!"

You are the one!Tian Ming looked at the passage through the screen, and gave an order suddenly.

"Recharge the main gun!"

The order was quickly transmitted, and in front of the Douluo Star Mothership, a large amount of soul power gathered and expanded, and then materialized into a giant cannon with a diameter of [-] meters. breath.

Directly below the power room, in the charging room of the main gun, Ning Fengzhi lay down and released the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower of Wuhun. The nine spirit rings released purple, black and red light. There was a huge and unparalleled coercion.Following the appearance of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, an instrument protruded from the bulkhead and landed on top of Ning Fengzhi, then the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda flew into the groove of the instrument by itself, and the key seemed to fit perfectly.

Immediately, the nine soul rings flew into the groove one by one from purple to black and then to red, and the whole room exuded a magnificent nine-colored brilliance.

Huge soul power suddenly poured into the room along the energy conduit, and injected into dozens of specially-made beds through the conduit.

Yu Yuanzhen, Baihe, Tai Tan, Tang Xiao, Golden Crocodile Douluo, Yueguan Ghost... All the peerless Douluo of the Wuhun Empire are lying quietly on the special beds at this moment, accepting the energy released by Ning Fengzhi combined with the soul guidance technology. All-round growth!

One after another, the martial spirits were released suddenly, but they were all absorbed by the bed.Yu Yuanzhen's three-headed Golden Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, Baihe's Flame Raton, Titan's King Kong, Tang Xiao's Clear Sky Hammer, Golden Crocodile Douluo's Ghidorah, and even Qian Renxue are also on the list. The holy coercion is being released.

The top martial spirits appeared one after another, and then absorbed almost all the soul power of the crowd, then broke away from the bodies of the crowd, and rushed towards the beam of light in the center of the room - there was a copy of the heavenly book floating there.

The disappearance of each martial spirit makes the light on the copy body's heavenly book brighter and its energy more powerful.After the last person's martial spirit entered, the duplicate body Tianshu suddenly rushed to the upper power room along the beam of light, and merged with the main body.

Dozens of Peerless Douluo's 100% boosted power gathered in one place, and all of them were compressed in the book of heaven. The secondary power and tertiary power in the power room also began to extract energy, which was poured into the book of heaven one after another.

In the main control room, Tian Mingrao has an indescribably huge mental strength, and he couldn't help pressing his temple at this moment, which made Hu Liena feel distressed.

But she knew that only Tian Ming's martial soul could gather and carry such a huge amount of energy, and only such a huge amount of energy could drive that god-killing cannon to deliver a devastating blow!
After the energy was injected, Tian Ming controlled the book of heaven to fly into the barrel of the God Killing Cannon, linking with the internal energy circuit.

"The main gun is charging, 10%... 40%... 70%... 100%! The charging is over, and it can be fired at any time!" A soul master stood up and shouted at Tian Ming.

"The general will win!!!" Everyone stood up and shouted in unison.

Tian Ming smiled, and suddenly straightened his expression, "Fire!"

The next moment, ring after ring of patterns lit up on the body of the God-killing Pao, and the buzzing sound of surging energy spread throughout every corner of the giant ship. As the sound became more and more urgent, the giant ship suddenly shook.

A beam of light with a diameter of [-] meters burst out instantly, and all of them entered the huge transmission channel.

The beam of light was surrounded by lightning, and the terrifying ultra-high temperature could even melt the planet. The light lasted for ten seconds before disappearing suddenly.

The next moment, in the transmission channel, a destructive aura erupted!

"The barrier is gone! Repeat, the barrier is gone!"

"The God Killing Cannon successfully defeated the barriers of the God Realm!!!" The news spread throughout the fleet in an instant, and all the soul masters cheered.

Tian Ming calmed down his breathing and soul power amidst the cheers, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Of course, the God Realm cannot be solved with one shot. The one shot just now was a declaration of war, which also disintegrated the protective power of the God Realm, and it was the second time to stabilize the dimensional channel. Now is the time for the real battle!
"Spirit Empire, the entire army—attack!"

 End of the book
(End of this chapter)

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